Results for: sign up to vote

Trump's National Emergency Declaration Is an Act of Weakness…ational-emergency-declaration-is-an-act-of-weakness-n2541859
– The bipartisan deal to provide even less funding for border security than what was offered to the White House before the shutdown was … Instead, Trump signed the legislation, then announced that he was unilaterally going to do what he wanted to do anyway. … You could almost hear the cheers ringing out from all the lawyers gearing up to challenge this in court.…
Watch Sarsour Explain How She Influenced Dem Leadership to Change Anti-Semitism Resolution…ed-dem-leadership-to-change-antisemitism-resolution-n2542901
– “Being able to mobilize progressive leaders across the country to sign onto a letter to organize a press conference in support of Ilhan … Omar to call on the Democratic leadership to actually expand the language of the resolution to include condemning all forms of bigotry … Proud to be part of an inclusive movement that calls on us to stand up against all forms of bigotry and rejects pinning us up against…
Congressman Deployed with National Guard to Southern Border: Hell Yes, There's a Crisis…l-guard-to-southern-border-hell-yes-theres-a-crisis-n2542698
– Fast forward to this week, with the Senate preparing to vote on President Trump's emergency declaration.   … "I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress. … But the only way to be an honest officeholder is to stand up for the same principles no matter who is in power."  …
Bipartisan Group of Senators Have Ideas on How to Fund the Wall Without a National Emergency…n-how-to-fund-the-wall-without-a-national-emergency-n2542818
– With a handful of Republican Senators vowing to vote in line with Democrats, Trump would be forced to issue the first veto of his presidency … They are struggling to come up with an alternative to simply voting up or down on the House measure as required under a never-used … relying on the authority under the emergency declaration, which is likely to become tied up in litigation.…
Still Disgusted About the Born-Alive Bill Failing in the Senate? Contact Congress!…rnalive-bill-failing-in-the-senate-contact-congress-n2542556
– , Majority Leader Mitch McConnell did not move to reconsider the vote after it failed, meaning he does not intend to bring up the Born … In their op-ed for Fox News, Senator James Inhofe and Minority Whip Steve Scalise lay out a plan to force a vote: There is one way … will be forced to bring it to the floor for a vote.…
27 Democrats Who Voted Against Better Protecting Supreme Court Justices Dragged Through the Mud…ting-supreme-court-justices-dragged-through-the-mud-n2608794
– While the bill, the Supreme Court Police Parity Act, did pass and heads to President Joe Biden for him to sign, it was not unanimous … Gottheimer also appeared on Fox News' "America's Newsroom" Wednesday morning to answer to his 'no' vote, during which he tried to claim … President Biden would be wise to sign the bill immediately, and tell members of his own party to call off the intimidation campaign…
EXCLUSIVE: RSC Comes Out in Support of Rep. Kelly’s Heartbeat Bill…c-comes-out-in-support-of-rep-kellys-heartbeat-bill-n2608758
up to the moment a baby is born," the statement began, drawing a distinction between Republican positions and priorities on abortion … Furthermore, the RSC urges our Leadership to bring this bill to the floor for a vote by the whole House next year when Republicans … Bob Good (R-VA) filed a discharge petition last Friday to force a vote of Mooney's bill on the House floor. …
What the Hell Is Mitch McConnell Doing?
– Mitch McConnell (R-KY) signaled that he is a ‘yes’ vote on the bipartisan gun control package that’s being hashed out up on the Hill … John Cornyn (R-TX) was a key player in these negotiations which offered a ton of cover for other Republicans to possibly sign onto … With Mitch giving his blessing, the way is clear for other Republicans to possibly join this chorus and surpass that 60-vote threshold…
GOP Continues to Showcase Commitment to Pro-Life Cause with Discharge Petition for Life at Conception Act…with-discharge-petition-for-life-at-conception-act-n2608665
– I am proud to lead 60 of my fellow conservatives in demanding a vote on the Life at Conception Act. … When it comes to discharge petitions, 218 members must sign on in order to force a vote to take place on the House floor. … "Our ask to Congress is not to wait for the majority, but to try to push these bills now, and then if conservatives are lucky to take…
Incentives for Red Flag Law Expansion Included in Bipartisan Anti-Gun Talks…red-flag-laws-included-in-bipartisan-anti-gun-talks-n2608597
– There is no new ban on modern sporting rifles, nor is there going to be an increase in the age limit to purchase long guns to 21. … One source with knowledge of the discussions said negotiators are hoping to get 10 Republican senators to sign on to the agreement … before it is announced, in order to show they can overcome the 60-vote filibuster threshold.…
What to Make of the Just-Unveiled Bipartisan Agreement on Guns…artisan-senate-group-unveils-package-of-compromises-n2608606
– However, the radios would have connected him to the campus and police networks, according to the outlet. … Instead, the documents show, they waited for protective equipment to lower the risk to law enforcement officers. … bring the deal up for a floor vote once the bill is actually written.  …
New Poll Asks Americans If They Would Vote for Trump or DeSantis…americans-if-they-would-vote-for-trump-or-desantis-n2609163
– Thirty-seven percent of likely Republican primary voters said they would vote for Trump. … Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley garned 6 percent. … “DeSantis runs better against Biden than does Trump, a further sign of Trump’s weakening support among NH Republicans,” the poll write-up
The Case Against Donald Trump 2024
– There is a ceiling to Trump's support, and even some nominal Republicans will never vote for him just because he is Trump. … I know what the problems were – I was there helping try to clean them up. … If he does run, let's hope there's a tough primary to sharpen him up for the general.…
Kevin McCarthy Endorses Matthew Foldi in Key Midterm Race…y-makes-an-endorsement-in-key-maryland-primary-race-n2609128
– I am SO excited to be adding the @MoCoGOPClub to the onslaught of #TeamFoldi endorsements we’re rolling out! … Our economy is collapsing, our communities are less safe, yet Democrats still refuse to show up for work.I exposed them as an investigative … I was just named to the @dccc Frontline. This is a sign of the challenge we face this year to keep CD-6 blue.…
Progressive San Fran DA Ousted —Which Other Soft-On-Crime Prosecutors Could Be Next?
– There's now a deadline early next month for the plan to be put up for a vote.  … Gascón's policies actually play out on a day-to-day basis," union president Michele Hanisee said when announcing the vote. … Shooting incidents were up 4.4 percent while robberies with guns rose to 24.7 percent.…
A Republican Elected Governor in NY? A Few Signs Say It Could Happen
– Next Tuesday, New Yorkers head to vote in their state primary, and will pick their nominees for governor, among other races. … There indeed looks to be a red wave coming this November, with Republicans predicted to win back control of the U.S. … According to a Civiqs poll last updated on Sunday, 48 percent of New Yorkers disapprove of his job performance, compared to the 40…
NBC News: The Voters Democrats Need Most to Save Them Are Getting Killed By the Biden Economy…need-most-to-save-them-are-getting-killed-by-the-b-n2608976
– Maybe that’s why Biden’s communications team went to the Hill last week to hold a seminar on how to message on the economy. … They need to eat some humble pie and figure out how to win back their people because the voters they need most right now to stave off … For Democrats, those demographic groups are the ones they need the most to turn out in November to hang on to power in Washington,…
There’s Something Seriously Wrong With These People
– Since the left is desperate to keep mail-in voting and all the tricks of the trade they cooked up last time as part of their plans … But the left has to keep the fear and anger boiling, so they cook up things.  … Millions of voters will be counting on vote-by-mail options to cast their ballots – but the GOP is ATTACKING mail-in voting, and DeJoy…
NY Gun Ruling a Civil Rights Victory, But a Cautionary Tale of Discrimination's Changing Face…a-cautionary-tale-of-discriminations-changing-face-n2609557
– The 1956 denial of a gun permit to the venerable Dr. … Like George Wallace, Hochul harkened back to the days when Dixiecrats invoked “states’ rights” to resist SCOTUS’ rulings on school … We must remain vigilant and continue to resist hate in all its forms if we are to protect the civil liberties we hold dear. …
For Biden, Polls Are Probably Worse Than They Seem
– Nowadays, Democrats want their historically unpopular president to sign "transformative" legislation using reconciliation and unilaterally … The real presidential election is largely a binary choice for those who vote, and many of those dissatisfied with Biden may never vote … (Siena, incidentally, had Hillary Clinton up 17 points in its final 2016 poll.) There is no popular vote. Biden must win states.…
Did Manchin and Schumer Successfully Trick McConnell and Senate Republicans?…pull-a-fast-one-on-mcconnell-and-senate-republicans-n2610925
– He indicated was more interested in another bill passing (which Mitch was threatening to hold up), plus with acute inflation and economic … Whatever he's cooked up with Chuck, it's much less ambitious than the monstrosity House Democrats passed, and Biden wanted to sign. … Aside from fighting for abortion-on-demand up to the moment of birth, that trifecta essentially represents the top reasons why the…
January 6th Was So Horrible Democrats Can’t Stop Milking It For Cash…so-horrible-democrats-cant-stop-milking-it-for-cash-n2610723
– That is where Democrats live when it comes to January 6th, 2021 – it was “the worst day of their lives” that they won’t shut up about … The closest thing to an election slogan Democrat could use would be something like, “Vote for us, at least we didn’t get 14 US soldiers … Instead, Democrats have gone back to one well, over and over, to rile up the dimmer aspects of their base: January 6th.…
Is November's Potential Red Wave Growing or Shrinking?…f-novembers-potential-red-wave-growing-or-shrinking-n2610664
to a big Republican cycle. … How are they likely to break? … Rick Scott, the NRSC chairman, told me bluntly this week that campaigns need to step up their fundraising game.…
Biden Hits New Low in Multiple Polls, As RCP Average Is Worst Yet
– Polls consistently showing that Biden is not faring well with younger voters, who tend to vote Democratic. … he wants to be, though Democrats seem to faring better on the congressional ballot: Biden's cratered approval numbers are a bad sign … increased Democratic enthusiasm to vote after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v.…
ABC News Poll: Biden Ratings Still Awful, GOP Maintains Enthusiasm Advantage, Leads on Top Issues
– issues from the border crisis, to the botching of monkeypox, to the baby formula shortage.   … Enough to change trajectory? … But big wave years often break fairly late, despite lots of inklings and breadcrumbs leading up to what eventually looks, in retrospect…
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