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That Day

January 6th Was So Horrible Democrats Can’t Stop Milking It For Cash

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Townhall Media

Think about the worst day of your life. Got it? First off, sorry to ask you to do that, but second: how would you like to relive it over and over again? Probably not so much, right? If you know someone who won’t stop talking about something they’ve declared horrible that happened to them, there’s a good possibility that they either like the attention it gets them or they’re lying about it bothering them. That is where Democrats live when it comes to January 6th, 2021 – it was “the worst day of their lives” that they won’t shut up about or stop fundraising off of.

Of course, the alternative would be to run on what they’ve done; on their record. Most people would rather run barefoot on broken glass a la John McClane than run on the record Democrats have posted since finishing the job of going completely mental. And they’d be right. 

Just for fun, try to pick one issue on which you would run, were you a Democrat, just as an exercise. Can you think of one? Is there something, anything better than it was before Democrats took power? You, I guess, say that there aren’t any mean tweets, but you’d have to be specific in that there aren’t any mean tweets coming from the President. The left is nothing but jackasses tweeting vicious things in an effort to get Americans who dare disagree with them hurt or worse. 

But other than the tweets, what do they have? I guess they could say they’ve brought more “equity” to the economy, in that everyone (with the exception of them and their fellow rich progressive elites) are suffering equally. Can’t run on food or gas prices; wages are a non-starter thanks to their inflation. The closest thing to an election slogan Democrat could use would be something like, “Vote for us, at least we didn’t get 14 US soldiers killed thanks to our incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan!” 

It’s not much, but it’s really all they have. And even that opens up memories of the billions upon billions of dollars of military weaponry Democrats left behind for the terrorist Taliban to use to suppress the Afghan people, so they couldn’t even use that.

Instead, Democrats have gone back to one well, over and over, to rile up the dimmer aspects of their base: January 6th.

“The latest Jan. 6 committee hearings have revealed shocking details about Trump's role in the insurrection,” a recent fundraising email starts. “Here are the top three takeaways so far: Trump repeatedly pressured GOP state officials to overturn the results of the election – even though he knew there was absolutely no evidence of fraud. He knew that there were armed rioters on Jan. 6, he pressured the Secret Service to remove metal detectors at his rally, and he urged these armed insurrectionists to march to the Capitol. Trump grew violent when his team refused to let him go to the Capitol with the rioters – and he even tried to grab the steering wheel away from his driver.”

It’s like reading Liz Cheney’s dream journal. 

“But with Fox News and the GOP pushing dangerous lies, we must confirm public opinion data – and we need another 11 responses from (your zip code,)” it reads. “So please, before our 11:59 p.m. deadline, respond to our live poll to demand that Trump is held accountable.”

Then the question “Should Trump and his cronies face justice?” is there with a yes or no option. It doesn’t matter which you click, the result is the same: gives Democrats money. 

This is from the Democratic Governors Association, an official appendage of the party.

When you answer “No,” they ignore it. When you answer “No” to all their insane question, they simply don’t care. These things are never, ever about seeing where the voters are, they’re about seeing where the voter’s wallets are. 

“Even without Trump in the White House, support for Trumpism and GOP extremism is at a new high,” the DGA proclaims after one of their team plotted to murder a Supreme Court Justice and another tried to kill a GOP candidate for Governor in New York, “and Republican candidates are planning to sweep crucial elections this year. All of those races will be a tough fight, and we have to get ready now. Will you invest $100 to help Democratic governors defend their governorships and flip key states from red to blue?”

Asking for $100 is pretty bold, which in fundraising terms is a sign of either confidence or desperation. I’ll you decide which it is. 

The answer choices are “Yes” and “I can’t give that much.” They then ask for just a dollar, to get the credit card info on file, or “$21.68,” which they say “is what most Democrats are giving.” Sheep need to be reassured they’re following the herd. 

Democrats have been attempting to raise money off of January 6th since almost January 5th. It’s all they’ve got. Their record is that bad.


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