Results for: Republican National Committee

Kelly Ayotte to Back Donald Trump
– In March and again as recently as last week, Ayotte spokeswoman Liz Johnson told that Ayotte “intends to support the Republican … Now that the process has virtually played out, and the Republican National Committee has recognized Trump as the presumptive nominee…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: And Then There Was Trump
Republican Primary Donald Trump: Donald Trump is now being referred to as the “presumptive nominee” for the Republican Party … After the businessman won the Indiana primary, Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus tweeted that it’s time to unite behind … Now that Trump has defeated his Republican opponents, all eyes and ears are on his vice presidential pick.…
Reince: Time to Unite Behind Trump
– As such, pundits have already started referring to Donald Trump as the "presumptive" Republican nominee - including Republican NationalCommittee Chairman Reince Priebus. . … First, at an early debate, he refused to sign a pledge to support the Republican nominee if it wasn't him, then he signed the pledge…
WSJ: Hillary Has Some 'Explaining to Do' in Coal Country
– The Republican National Committee released the following statement from spokesman Michael Short, who says that Clinton cannot have…
The Five Stages of Trump
– John Kasich who maintains that his single victory (in his home state of Ohio) proves that the Republican party is desperate for him … And, when Paul Manafort told the member of the Republican National Committee that Trump had been "playing a part" I was happy to believe … Depression: When the 2016 Presidential campaign began there were 17 Republican candidates.…
Donald Trump Crosses a Border
– It's "a tougher road for a Republican than it is for a Democrat." … The Republican who beats Clinton is Kasich. … Three are superdelegates to the Republican National Committee.…
Climate and Environmental Propaganda
– The Washington Free Beacon, National Review and Energy in Depth offer detailed and far less charitable analyses. … These and other sugar daddies are covered in a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and many other anti-coal, anti-drilling … investigate [more climate crisis skeptics] and sway public opinion, using op-eds, social media and rope-line questioning of [Republican
Whispers: 50-50 Chance That Sen. Ben Sasse, Romney, Or Tom Coburn Launch A Third Party Bid; Update: Romney, Sasse A No-Go…sasse-romney-or-tom-coburn-launch-a-third-party-bid-n2165098
– anti-Trump wing of the GOP seems to still be in a state of shock (and panic) over the fact that Donald Trump will be the 2016 Republican … either of these men mount an independent bid for the candidacy: Members of the conservative intelligentsia aching for a Republican … Again, the lack of a candidate, money, organization, and ballot access is probably why Republican National Committee Chairman Reince…
Van Jones Slams DWS: 'I Wish Reince Priebus Was My Party Chair'…some-even-wish-reince-priebus-was-their-party-chair-n2165248
– He’s so frustrated, in fact, that he’d prefer to have Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus running the show.…
Who Answers for Government Lies?
– Yet the Obama administration cut a deal with the Republican congressional leadership, unknown to the Constitution and unheard of in … Then last week, the president's deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, Ben Rhodes, who managed the negotiations … One wonders how serious this congressional committee is, because it merely requested Rhodes' appearance; it did not subpoena him.…
Zuckerberg's Conservative Battle: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire…conservative-battle-where-theres-smoke-theres-fire-n2164723
– The next-closest recipient of political money was former Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio. He only got $16,604. … Meanwhile, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus has tweeted, "Facebook must answer for conservative censorship." … John Thune (R-S.D.), who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, warned Facebook of the need for consumer protection and an…
Dems in Disarray: Interest Groups Clash, Officials Warn of Violence at Convention…off-as-dems-warn-of-violence-from-bernie-supporters-n2164360
– With all the air time filled and ink spilled over divisions within the Republican Party and conservative movement -- which are real … And it's led the state party's lawyer to send a rather remarkable letter to the Democratic National Committee, warning of the risk … of violent outbursts at the national convention in Philadelphia.…
Male and Female Still Matter in Combat
– The House committee acted first, voting 32-30 to include young women in the registration for a military draft. … The draft-our-daughters provision was also supported by Republican feminists on Armed Services such as Sen. … Our national security is not served by this misguided attempt to force young women to register for a military draft.…
WH: The GOP Lied About the Iran Deal, So Our Embattled Spinmeister Won't Testify
– White House Spokesman Josh Earnest repeatedly ducked questions about whether presidential national security adviser Ben Rhodes should … testify before a Congressional committee hearing exploring the controversial Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday, instead asserting that … Writing in National Review, actual Iran nuclear expert Fred Fleitz (as opposed to a number of potemkin pop-up "experts" deployed by…
RNC Chair Acknowledges Republicans Need 'Diverse' Ballot
– In a conversation with radio host Hugh Hewitt Monday morning, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus acknowledged that…
Whose Party Is It, Anyway?
– He’s the ultimate authority in the Republican Party, one of the delegates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this July … That’s why Haugland got involved in the GOP to begin with, and why he now serves on the Republican National Committee, and even more … Republican delegates may be listening.…
New Ad Warns Senate Dems That Hillary Is Their 'Burden to Bear'
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee released an ad on Friday with a warning for Senate Democrats: Hillary Clinton is "Toxic…
Trump Still Needs the GOP
– But after what's happened in the last year, the Republican National Committee ought to license her 1963 hit for its theme song. … As I've said, like it or not, the Republican Party is no longer the Party of Lincoln or Reagan. It's the Party of Donald J. … He's the new leader of the Republican Party, whether he or Mitt Romney likes it or not.…
The Conservative Crackup Makes Way for Hillary's Crackup
– Washington, D.C. in a matter of days to burn down the Republican National Committee headquarters and take Republican leaders prisoner … Then, as we approach the Republican National Convention, ever more Republicans will come aboard the national ticket, and they will … Last week, Donald Trump, the Republican candidate whose candidacy experts doubted for months, became the unchallenged Republican nominee…
Behold Senator John McCain’s Terrible Military Amendment
– McCain, McCarthy Team Up to Ban Russian Rocket Engines: “Two Republican powerhouses (Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John … In fact, it’s actually worse than that: “SpaceX has yet to undertake any form of national security launch. … So Senator McCain is pushing an amendment that is terrible for the military and our national security.…
Study: Clinton’s Agenda Won’t Add That Much To The National Debt…Really?…genda-wont-add-that-much-to-the-national-debtreally-n2161283
– There’s a study from the Committee for A Responsible Federal Budget that analyzed Hillary Clinton’s agenda if she were elected president … They found that it wouldn’t significantly increase the national debt over a ten-year period. … The ship is about to hit a sandbar called the House and Senate Republican leadership, and they’re certainly not going to accept this…
'America First' Is a Battle Cry for the Oppressed Middle Class…irst-is-a-battle-cry-for-the-oppressed-middle-class-n2160970
– PARIS -- It's a sign that something is amiss when an American presidential candidate ruffles feathers by announcing, as Republican … into his slogan: that it places the interests of the middle class above those of the special interests that have hijacked the national … The middle class could form the most powerful political action committee in the U.S., except that the average middle-class voter is…
Sanders, Radio Hosts Get Into Testy Exchange Over Whether A Left Wing Agenda Can Work When Government Is So Bad…left-wing-agenda-can-work-when-government-is-so-bad-n2169942
– Trump has already clinched the Republican nomination, but Sanders and Clinton are still duking it out, despite the fact that Clinton … I was chairman of the Veterans committee. Millions of veterans every day are getting high-quality, uh, health care. … The total cost of Sanders’ agenda is a staggering $33 trillion over the next ten years, which would add $21 trillion to the national
Cruz Intends to Prevent Trump From ‘Watering Down’ Pro-life Language in RNC Platform…nc-from-watering-down-abortion-language-in-platform-n2169810
– Ted Cruz (R-TX) is concerned how Donald Trump’s meandering record on abortion will affect the Republican Party platform. … In a conversation with radio host Pat Campbell on Friday, Cruz vowed to prevent the eventual GOP nominee from pressuring the RepublicanNational Committee from watering down its pro-life agenda.…
Watch: Democrats' Ads Link GOP House Candidates To Trump
– House Democrats have released expensive ads connecting their Republican opponents to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) made a five-figure investment in a video campaign ad titled "Building Blocks … "Further, Trump’s mantle as the leader of the Republican Party shines a national spotlight on the anti-immigrant, anti-women’s healthcare…
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