Results for: abortion pregnancy

Media Praise Michelle Williams’ ‘Empowering’ Abortion Speech
– Publicly supporting abortion appears to be one way to win the adoring praise of film critics – and the media. … CNN’s headline asked readers to recognize the “powerful speech about choice” while Slate called Williams’ “speech about abortion” the … At Marie Claire, associate editor Rachel Epstein agreed that Williams’ pregnancy “makes the speech all the more powerful.”…
America Is Far More Christian Than We Realize
– In fact, focusing on America, a strongly pro-abortion article on the Mother Jones website reports that “crisis pregnancy centers now … outnumber abortion clinics. … There are an estimated 2,300 to 3,500 CPCs currently operating in the US while there are only 1,800 abortion clinics.”…
Media Parrot Study Finding Women Don’t Regret Abortion; Ignore Flaws…udy-finding-women-dont-regret-abortion-ignore-flaws-n2559463
– Rocca made no effort to hide her support for abortion.  … to the “social, economic, and medical good of abortion access.”  … When she had an abortion, she felt like she was “just getting rid of a pregnancy.”…
NJ Gov Signs Legislation That Forks Over Millions in Taxpayer Dollars to Planned Parenthood
– Health professionals are free to provide non-directive pregnancy counseling, including counseling on abortion, and are not prohibited … – but neither does it retain the mandate that all grantees MUST counsel on, and refer for, abortion. … where abortion is a method of family planning.…
WATCH: Buttigieg Has a Disgusting Response to a Pro-Life Democratic Woman…disgusting-response-to-a-pro-life-democratic-woman-n2560145
– of the Democratic platform contains language that basically says we don't belong, we have no part in the party because it says abortion … reminded Buttigieg that back in 1999 the Democratic Party platform had language that recognized that people have various views on abortion … Wade framework that holds that early in pregnancy there are few restrictions and late in pregnancy there are very few exceptions,"…
Fake News: Liberal Rag Says Trump Lied About VA Governor's Support For After Birth Abortion. Uh, There's Tape.…rump-lied-about-va-governors-after-birth-abortion-s-n2560072
– And not just abortions at eight months into a pregnancy, like after birth—to the point where the child would be made comfortable before … We all know the people pushing for late-term abortion aren’t doing this for those with pregnancy issues regarding the life and health … The Democratic Party is an abortion extremist party. Period. …
What Would a Post-Roe America Look Like?
– Yet, abortion continues to exist because Roe continues to exist. … In fact, in some states the end of Roe may increase abortion activity. … California failed in its efforts to compel pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortion on the walls of their offices and in their…
Declining Abortion Numbers Are an Unheralded Public Policy Success Story. So Where's the Media?…mbers-are-an-unheralded-public-policy-success-story-n2559953
abortion. … That said, aside from a small group of journalists and analysts with a strong interest in abortion trends, the falling abortion rate … However, declining abortion numbers receive much less coverage.  …
Pro-life Democrats: There’s Room For You Under the Republican Tent…crats-theres-room-for-you-under-the-republican-tent-n2560444
– should not support abortion.” … Contrast his pro-life accomplishments to the pro-abortion attitudes taking root in the Democratic party. … for any reason throughout all nine months of a woman’s pregnancy in the Empire State.…
Doug Jones Skirts Question on Late-Term Abortion Vote
– Jones was asked about the issue of late-term abortion ahead of the Senate’s vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Act next week. … Jones’ was asked about the very premise of the legislation, late term abortion, and Sen. … Constituent: “Do you think abortion should be banned after 5 months?”…
Phyllis Schlafly Was Right About The Equal Rights Amendment…schlafly-was-right-about-the-equal-rights-amendment-n2561549
– against pregnancy by not funding abortion when it is medically necessary and when all other medical expenses are paid by the state … to – at most – the first three months of pregnancy. … of pregnancy.…
Billboard Companies Promote Abortion But Censor Pro-life Messaging in Black Community…ion-but-censor-prolife-messaging-in-black-community-n2561275
– When it comes to abortion, outdoor advertising companies are increasingly promoting pro-abortion lies while banning pro-life truths … is Lost Fatherhood”, “Abortion is Regret”, “Abortion is Fake Health”, “Abortion is Systemic Racism” and “Abortion is Fake Feminism … The abortion-peddling signs falsely claimed: “Abortion is a family value”, “Abortion is sacred”, “Abortion is a blessing”, “Abortion
Post-Abortive Women Challenge Media Narrative: ‘I Regret My Abortion’…omen-challenge-media-narrative-i-regret-my-abortion-n2561255
– women after abortion. … “I hadn’t really ever heard a whole lot about abortion, the truth about abortion.” … When she found out about her pregnancy, she was in shock and relied on her boyfriend to pay for the abortion. …
Top 2020 Democrats: Pro-Lifers Need Not Apply
– His position that we should not draw a line on abortion goes against the polling. … Anything even hinting that abortion is less than good now violates party orthodoxy. … Among voters overall, 60 percent say abortion should be legal rarely or not at all.  …
The Equal Rights Amendment Is a Fraud Using Women as the Prop…rights-amendment-is-a-fraud-using-women-as-the-prop-n2561064
abortion by clarifying that the sexes have equal rights, which would require judges to strike down anti-abortion laws because they … Pro-life groups have offered compromise language that is abortion neutral. … lobby is growing increasingly desperate to enshrine abortion in the Constitution.…
GA Senate: Loeffler Clinches Crucial Pro-Life Endorsement
– SBA List is an advocacy organization that works to end abortion and elects pro-life lawmakers. … “Kelly is committed to advancing legislation that stops painful late-term abortions after five months of pregnancy and confirming President … bills that would stop late-term abortions, protect babies who survive abortions, and end the funneling of taxpayer dollars to the abortion
Elizabeth Warren's Dizzying Arguments on Abortion Illustrate Problem for Democrats…uments-on-abortion-illustrate-problem-for-democrats-n2562020
abortion after 5 months of pregnancy. … Pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion as abortion does not elevate women, but rather often illustrates the lack of support for … about abortion this week clearly illustrate the pr oblem for a party that is putting the interests of the abortion industry ahead…
What’s the Difference Between ‘Kill It’ and ‘It’s My Right to Kill It’?
– But that’s exactly what happened when pro-abortion senator Elizabeth Warren challenged Mike Bloomberg on the issue of abortion. … What on earth does terminating a pregnancy have to do with reproduction?) … , and even if “it” survives abortion.…
Sanders' 'Medicare for All' Expressly Prohibits Discrimination Based on 'Gender Identity' – But Not Religion…mination-based-on-gender-identity--but-not-religion-n2561908
– "Abortion is health care," Sanders said. … and related medical conditions (including termination of pregnancy), be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, … " and No. 11: "termination of pregnancy."…
Warren Spouts Unfounded 'Kill It' Claim About Bloomberg and Female Employee…d-kill-it-claim-about-bloomberg-and-female-employee-n2561911
– Warren repeated the debunked fabrication that she was fired on account of her pregnancy. … Senator Elizabeth Warren accuses Mayor Michael Bloomberg of alleged pregnancy discrimination in the work place during the #DemDebates … Warren condemning abortion is a tad ironic: Why does Elizabeth Warren care if Bloomberg said "kill it" to a pregnant lady... since…
Liberal Ninth Circuit Upholds Trump Admin's Rules on Abortion Funding…cuit-upholds-trump-admins-rules-on-abortion-funding-n2561829
– counseling or abortion referrals. … nondirective pregnancy counseling 'may discuss abortion' so long as 'the counselor neither refers for, nor encourages, abortion.'" … of Democrats – oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.…
In Search of Feminist Role Models
– s Day on March 8th, I flipped on the news and was greeted by a very angry blonde shouting, “I will never stop talking about my abortion … Indeed, actress Busy Phillips, who has probably gained more fame in the last week for her abortion rant than any of her film roles, … Many cite financial stress and domestic abuse as motivating factors for getting an abortion; they’re often more concerned about keeping…
Sanders Vows to 'Substantially Increase' Funding for Planned Parenthood
– Bernie Sanders spoke about part of his abortion agenda, which he released over the weekend. … and his allies who want to cut funding to Planned Parenthood because "we are going to substantially increase funding" for the abortion … In it, he calls for defunding pregnancy help centers, free abortions, and repealing the Hyde Amendment.…
MN Celebrates Abortionists as Women Mourn
– The current fad of #Shout Your Abortion represents a real shift in the abortion mindset as “safe, legal and rare,” which has given … Social media influencer, bloggers, and former abortion vendors are exposing the dangers of the abortion industry every day. … raped at thirteen and taken for an abortion.…
Saving Babies, One Google Ad at a Time
– After all, the abortion giant is running ads round the clock in every Google search made on abortion across the country. … pregnancy,” he said. … Specifically for them not to get an abortion.…
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