Results for: donald trump comments on john mccain

Why Bowe Bergdahl Wants to Appeal His Desertion Conviction Now…rgdahl-wants-to-appeal-his-desertion-conviction-now-n2585622
– Bowe Bergdahl wants to appeal his desertion conviction because—you guessed it—Donald Trump is no longer president. … Trump repeatedly made disparaging comments about him and called for his execution. … John McCain and his military judge violated his Fifth Amendment right to a fair trial.…
This Trump Appointee Running for Governor Says He Has What It Takes to Win Northern Virginia…or-governor-says-he-has-what-it-takes-to-win-northe-n2586130
– De la Peña, who has served in the Army, was an early supporter of Donald Trump, back when he was merely a candidate. … “I supported President Trump when other Republicans were sitting on the sidelines and not supporting him. … He also offered “I had a good deal to do with it” when it came to the increased Hispanic support for Trump compared to nominees John
Meghan McCain Didn't Have to Apologize for Calling the Wuhan Coronavirus What It Is...
– She’s a co-host on The View; this was required homework. But Meghan McCain didn’t have to apologize for anything. … McCain was forced to cave when HBO’s John Oliver on Last Week Tonight called her out on his show (via Daily Beast): John Oliver opened … McCain has apologized for dismissing former President Donald Trump’s racist nicknames for COVID-19.…
Trump Voters Will Never Forgive Shameful GOP Establishment…oters-will-never-forgive-shameful-gop-establishment-n2584730
– Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and the current U.S. Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT). … In an interview on Fox News, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) criticized McConnell’s comments. … It is either the “America First” agenda of Donald Trump or the MAGA supporters will form a new party.…
Donald Trump Has No Path To General Election Victory
– As former President Donald Trump and his diehard supporters continue to jump the shark with baseless and unhinged attacks on the most … However, it’s hard to imagine the state that elected the likes of John McCain and Jeff Flake and rejected Kari Lake and Blake Masters … So, dear Trump die-hards (I say this in a tone of friendly banter, recognizing that we are allies on the vast majority of issues),…
The Russian Propaganda Lie Continues
– Accusations against former President Donald Trump sustained from 2015 until the modern era, while no severe allegations or actions … Rand Paul was taken under criticism by John McCain after his vote blocking a treaty for Montenegro’s membership in NATO. … McCain accused Paul of “working for Vladimir Putin” in one of the most unhinged and insane proclamations ever made on the Senate floor…
Can Trump Build Lasting Political Support and Avoid Gaffes?…mp-build-lasting-political-support-and-avoid-gaffes-n2039649
Donald Trump’s performance in his first presidential debate and his comments afterward showed that his unique skills for amassing … John McCain, of Arizona, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina. … If Trump focuses on real problems and offers genuine solutions, the voting public may find him a viable candidate not only now but…
Open Thread: When TRUMPets Fade
Trump: “There are other polls.” Stone: “Those are bulls**t polls, Donald. They’re not scientific polls. … Trump: “We’re winning.” […] “He is losing his grip on reality,” Stone told them. “He has these yes-men around him. … -Donald Trump to the Washington Examiner's Byron York last month. I'm sure you all have thoughts on this subject.  Comment away!…
Who Are Trump's Supporters? Not Who You Think
– Understanding the Trump voter is tricky, mostly because Trump is a relatively new phenomenon in presidential politics, and without … While to the rest of the country people like John McCain and Mitt Romney are sufficiently conservative if not "severely" conservative … A popular Reddit thread that's generated nearly 13,000 comments so far asked Trump supporters to explain why they liked him.…
Why The Donald Got Fired
– This past week Donald Trump passed his first big test of a debate with fellow GOP candidates. … The same could be applied to John McCain. Trump wasn’t really saying that he disliked POW’s. … Trumps past comments about women, his flip flop on issues from abortion to single-payer health care, all of it is fair game.…
Trump Making Biased Experts Look Foolish
– When Donald Trump first burst on the political scene two months ago as a presidential candidate, many of the analysts, commentators … Then, they said his controversial comments about Mexican illegal immigration, Senator John McCain and Fox News Host Megyn Kelly would … As Trump noted, Bush is a “low energy” candidate while The Donald has plenty of energy, enthusiasm and passion for this country.…
Mike Huckabee To Visit California Section of U.S.-Mexico Border Saturday
– "America has an immigration crisis on its hands, and it’s time for the federal government to do its job. … In July, the NBPC pulled out of tour events planned for presidential candidate Donald Trump after he made derogatory comments about … the military service of Arizona Senator John McCain.…
What Facebook “Likes” Reveal About Your GOP Candidate’s Chances…book-likes-reveal-about-your-gop-candidates-chances-n2061838
– In 2008 President Obama used the power of social media to help organize and solidify his ground game against John McCain. … as of Oct. 5, 2015: 1)Ben Carson - 4,146,562 2)Donald Trump - 3, 934, 219 3) Rand Paul - 2,066,993 4) Mike Huckabee … real numbers on the ground.…
Trump's Truths
– I think I have figured out the phenomenon known as Donald Trump. … John McCain as a prisoner of war because he liked people who had notbecome prisoners of war, I said the nation would surely turn on … A couple of weeks ago I said something else about Trump on the air with great confidence.…
Is Trump's Campaign Effectively Over?
– Frankly, I’m not really sure what Trump was getting at with his aforementioned comments. … Speaking of which, Rick Perry wants him gone: “Donald Trump should apologize immediately for attacking Senator McCain and all … McCain because he volunteered to serve his country. I cannot say the same of Mr. Trump.…
Oh My: Fox News Poll Shows Trump in First Place at 18 Percent
– To wit, as the always combative and entertaining Donald Trump inches his way up in the polls, he finds himself a target of both criticism … Scott Walker gets a post-announcement bump and businessman Donald Trump claims more of the spotlight. … Whatever the blowback, his views resonate with many: 44 percent of voters think Trump is “basically right” on the issue.…
Open Thread: Trump As The Frontrunner…quit-mocking-trump-and-cover-him-as-the-frontrunner-n2031881
– So, just as our colleagues do every now and then on our sister site–Hot Air–let’s have an open thread about Mr. Trump. … None of them will necessarily be deterred from declaring their support for him because of his comments about McCain. … McCain, and yet the early polls conducted after the allegations did not show much evidence that they had any effect on his standing…
Manners Before Truth: The Usual RINOs Pile on Ted Cruz
John McCain (R-AZ) was among the first to attack Sen. Cruz's comments. … John McCain, who has clashed with Cruz in the past. … So Cruz was simply grandstanding, perhaps trying to catch up to Donald Trump in the presidential polls.…
Can Trump Save America Alone?
– In spite of the provocative nature of his seemingly unchecked comments, it’s clear that Donald Trump and his polarizing comments are … How can Trump work across party lines when he can’t even get along with his own party. … He’s put down people he would need to unite the party—from John McCain and Mitt Romney to the Bushes and Karl Rove.…
GOP Elites: A Confederacy of Dunces
– Senator John McCain (R-AZ). … This was retaliation for Graham calling Trump a “jackass,” even though several years ago the senator begged Trump to help him get on … Perry believes Trump is a “cancer” on conservatism, while Trump basically called Perry an imbecile who tries to look smarter by wearing…
How About That Rick Perry Speech Bashing Donald Trump?
– Among other things, Perry argues that his old friend Donald Trump “espouses nativism, not conservatism” — and therefore has built his … “And he couldn’t have endured for five minutes what John McCain endured for five and a half years.” Ouch. … Trump’s bombast, his refusal to show any remorse for his comments about Senator McCain, but his admission that there is not a single…
Why People Like Trump
– Last week, 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump dropped his second headline-making comment of the race. … Responding to statements from Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., in which McCain labeled Trump's supporters on immigration "crazies," Trump … arrived on the weekend when he assailed John McCain's war record.…
Iowa Newspaper: Trump Should Drop Out
– It's time for Donald Trump to drop out of the race for president of the United States. … Support for Trump fell sharply on the one night that voters were surveyed following those comments. … McCain is, in fact, a hero: UPDATE: Trump responds to the editorial. We all new this was coming, right?…
Don't Be Fooled by the Media; This Isn't About Trump
– Is anyone concerned that the media have succeeded in using a flap between Donald Trump and John McCain to divert our attention from … Trump has been very outspoken in recent weeks on certain issues, especially immigration. … Concerning the McCain-Trump altercation, McCain drew first blood, calling Trump's supporters "crazies."…
Don’t Vote for Donald Trump…If
– Never has that saying applied more than with Donald Trump's comments about John McCain this past weekend. … Of course John McCain is a war hero. That is not up for debate. Trump was angry. He was responding to attacks by McCain. … If you find Donald Trump’s comments about Senator John McCain inappropriate and offensive, here are a few important questions for you…
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