Results for: fbi news

Gun Industry Created Over 20,000 Jobs Last Year
– Last year, there were a record number of gun sales with over 20 million background checks conducted by the FBI. … That’s great news; though I’m sure anti-gunners are lamenting this statistic.…
NBC/WSJ Poll: Hillary's Popularity Craters 11 Points in One Month
– As the FBI investigation into her email scandal takes several noteworthy turns, Clinton's unique role in shaping the Obamacare mess … The Washington Post/ABC News and Associated Press polling series have also produced similarly disastrous results, with roughly two-thirds…
Obama Damns Hillary With Faint Praise
– President Barack Obama's recent remarks to my Fox News colleague Chris Wallace about Hillary Clinton's email issues were either Machiavellian … The evidence is well-grounded, as some of the secrets were too grave for the FBI to review and all came from her own server. … The FBI knows this and is taking it far more seriously than the president or Clinton.…
Obama Puts His Thumb on the Scale for Hillary
– But the other day in an exclusive interview on Fox News -- with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders spilling blood in the New York Democratic … And with Clinton's email scandal being investigated by the FBI and his own U.S. … there have been investigations, there are hearings, Congress is looking at this," the president said, stressing that the ongoing FBI
Scarborough Slams Obama For 'Rigging' FBI Investigation of Hillary's Email…ama-for-rigging-fbi-investigation-of-hillarys-email-n2147283
– s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s improper use of a private email server by commenting on the case in an interview with Fox News … Scarborough said Obama made “a fool” of FBI Director James Comey, who he noted is “killing himself to run a fair investigation.”…
Why is Obama Commenting on a Clinton Investigation He Claims to Know Nothing About?…n-an-investigation-he-claims-he-knows-nothing-about-n2146790
– Many in the FBI were outraged over his response. … Over the weekend, Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace asked the question again. … scale in the public forum while the FBI continues it's criminal investigation.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Let’s Hear it For New York
– Meanwhile, she received a bit of a lift from President Obama, who on Fox News Sunday insisted the FBI investigation into her emails … Vermont senator admitted he inflated the number of people Israel killed during the 2014 conflict in Gaza during his New York Daily News
Uh Oh: US Extradites Romanian Hacker Tied to Hillary Email Scandal…dites-romanian-hacker-tied-to-hillary-email-scandal-n2146093
– Another potentially-meaningful revelation came via Fox News' Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne, who reported that the timing and … that the request to extradite Lazar came from the FBI, but when Fox News asked when the process began, a government spokesperson said … A review of recent federal cases by Fox News found that Guccifer’s extradition appears to be an outlier.…
Obama on Fox: Hillary Has Owned Up to Her Email 'Carelessness'…no-political-influence-on-hillary-fbi-investigation-n2146056
– After 360 requests from Chris Wallace, President Obama finally agreed to appear on "Fox News Sunday." … In regards to the latter, Obama insisted the FBI probe into his former secretary of state's private server would not be politically … this case, but in any case,” Obama told “Fox News Sunday.”…
– The FBI has announced its investigation could continue through the DNC convention in July. … In essence, Folkertsma reports, the “most devastating finding for conservatives and Republicans is that overall news media bias benefits … , which has yet to indict Hillary Clinton, and which “has abetted the IRS cover-up of its criminal activity,” has referred to the FBI
DWS Admits Clinton's Use of Email Server Was Unprecedented…mits-clintons-use-of-email-server-was-unprecedented-n2153054
– In an interview with Fox News Sunday, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz actually admitted that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private … Last week, FBI Director James Comey said the agency has no timetable for its investigation of Clinton's improper use of a private email…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Trump Racks up Endorsements as Hillary's Scandals Resurface…racks-up-endorsements-as-hillary-scandals-resurface-n2159242
– In what may also be bad news for Clinton, current and former members of her staff have been called before the FBI as it begins formal…
Fears Of Terrorism And More Gun Control Fuel Another Record Month For Gun Sales…gun-control-fuel-another-record-month-for-gun-sales-n2158412
– Now, we have news that April was the 12th month in a row for record-breaking gun sales. … The FBI ran 2,145,865 checks through the National Instant Background Check System last month, according to the agency’s records. … The pace of 2016’s gun sales thus far is on track to break 2015’s all-time record for guns sales, where over 23 million FBI background…
Trump vs. Clinton: What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make?
– You'll see the Republican establishment play the blame game, as Democrats hope Hillary is given a pass from that all-important FBI … Yet what really hurt him was TV, particularly Fox News, latching on to Trump early on, feeding his cult of personality, quickly killing…
Miscellaneous Musings About the Trump Victory
– (Does anyone remember the Huffington Post's decision to run any and all news about Trump in the "entertainment" section?) … Clinton is dogged by the drip-drip-drip of Goldman Sachs speaking fees, classified emails, FBI investigations and accusations about … And yet, the news has been filled for months with opinion pieces and polls purporting to show that Trump has no chance against Clinton…
Hillary's Secret Weapon
– They all hired the same lawyer, and with that lawyer, they are in the process of answering FBI questions. … Clinton's email scandal was filed recently by Jason Leopold, a reporter for Vice News. … Clinton has ceased referring publicly to the FBI probe as an evaluation of the State Department's security procedures.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Inconsistent Polling and Big Stakes Produce a Fascinating Indiana Contest…d-big-stakes-make-for-a-fascinating-indiana-contest-n2156940
– The businessman is leading by 15 points in the Hoosier State over Cruz, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. … There is some good news for Hillary on the financial front, however. … Sanders’ wife, Jane, has been making media rounds defending her husband and even telling the FBI to hurry up already with its investigation…
America's Going to Hell in a Hand Basket and Obama Says We've Never Had It So Good…and-basket-and-obama-says-weve-never-had-it-so-good-n2164602
– may be comfortable sugar-coating life in the U.S. and living in his own little dream world about falling crime rates, but not his FBI … "Something people say to me, well, the increases are off of historic lows," he told reporters at a news briefing in the FBI's headquarters…
Video: Key Hillary Ally Accuses WSJ of Bias For Printing Critical Story
– What Brown fails to mention, of course, is that numerous other news outlets have reported critically on the Clintons' "charitable" … Parting Thought: Why was top Clinton aide Cheryl Mills shielded by DOJ lawyers from answering FBI questions about the process of turning … Why would any FBI questions be off-limits in connection with a thorough and independent investigation?…
DNC Chief: Hillary Clinton 'Isn't Even The Target' of The FBI Over Her Server…claim-hillary-clinton-isnt-under-fbi-investigation-n2162512
– Earlier this week, FBI Director James Comey told reporters he is unfamiliar with the term "security review" and confirmed the FBI is … We do investigations here at the FBI," Comey told Fox News' Catherine Herridge. … According to reports, FBI investigators will interview Clinton in the coming weeks. H/T RightSightings…
Hobson's Choice
– Eric recently claimed on "The Kelly File" on Fox News that he and his siblings were his father's most trusted advisers. … The FBI does a thorough search through the nominee's background, going back to childhood; even the nominee's family undergoes scrutiny … Former Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros pleaded guilty to lying to FBI officials about payments…
The Conservative Crackup Makes Way for Hillary's Crackup
– Washington -- Last week, the pressing news story was the conservative crackup, which pleased me, considering I wrote the book titled … Although, there were a lot more facts in my book than you will find in all the news reports that appeared last week. … Yet, the FBI has questioned Guccifer, and last week he reported to NBC News that Clinton's server "was like an open orchid on the internet…
Clinton Lucky Social Media Wasn't Around Early in Her Career
– And later in the White House, magically get access to the FBI files of hundreds of Clinton political enemies. … And voters wouldn't have to put their minds around the most truly bizarre Hillary news of the week: The Obama State Department has … Pagliano is the fellow who has been given immunity from prosecution as the FBI continues to investigate Clinton's use of a private…
FBI Director: This 'Security Inquiry' Hillary Keeps Talking About Isn't a Thing, This Is a Criminal Investigation…ty-inquiry-hillary-keeps-talking-about-isnt-a-thing-n2161616
– After months of staying silent surrounding the investigation, FBI Director James Comey told Fox News Wednesday that he doesn't understand … We do investigations here at the FBI," Comey told Fox News' Catherine Herridge, reiterating Clinton will not be receiving any kind … The FBI is expected to interview Clinton about her personal server in the coming weeks.…
Twitter's Traitors
– Twitter is putting progressive politics and profits above patriotism much like Apple, which infamously refused to help the FBI unlock … Moreover, Twitter and Dataminr are happy to sell their news alerts to other paying clients -- including financial institutions, NGOs…
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