Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Front-Runners Lag Behind in Ratings
– Several presidential polls this week showed that, by large margins, the voters are unhappy with the front-runner choices they have … Clinton among Democratic voters has fallen eight percentage points to 40 percent, while it has grown for Mr. … Even so, more than seven in 10 Democratic voters say they expect Clinton to clinch their party's nomination.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Frustrated Cruz Knows Kasich Could Jeopardize His Delegate Tally…strated-cruz-thinks-kasich-could-be-spoiler-tonight-n2137949
– questions from Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer Monday night on CNN before Tuesday’s Utah and Arizona primaries and the Idaho Democratic … Justin highlighted the most significant moments from the event, including the candidates’ take on the conflict between Israelis and … Before the votes are tallied tonight, the presidential candidates each took a moment Tuesday morning to react to the terror attack…
U.S. Presidential Candidates React To Brussels Attack
– Here's how the presidential candidates reacted: Hillary Clinton: My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those killed … -H — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 22, 2016 These terrorists seek to undermine the democratic values that are the foundation…
Butch Cassidy and the Sundown Political Party
– influential Republican segment wants to fight it out and spurn Donald Trump, the presumed GOP nominee, and Clinton, the certain Democratic … Trump may be the worst presidential prospect we have seen in decades -- except for Hillary Clinton. … The philosophies (so to speak) of the two candidates may differ in some degree.…
Gold, The Federal Reserve and the Candidates
– Here is where the leading 2016 Republican and Democratic candidates stand on the gold standard and the Federal Reserve: The Republicans … During a Republican Primary Presidential debate in October of 2015 Mr. … Clinton by far over other presidential candidates with their donations. Through January 2016, Ms.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: ‘Western Tuesday’ Not Looking Great For Trump…roundup-western-tuesday-not-looking-great-for-trump-n2137346
– It’s “Western Tuesday” Eve and Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich are battling for a win in … All five presidential candidates will take place in “The Final Five” event on CNN Monday night, where they will be individually interviewed … Delegate Count Primary/Debate schedule: Monday, March 21 – All five remaining presidential candidates will participate…
Strange Bedfellows Defending Obamacare
– The primary component of GOP presidential candidates’ health policy proposals is to repeal Obamacare. … Presumably, these fiscal effects would also apply to the other Republican candidates who also support repealing Obamacare. … For the past few years it has been housed with the neo-Democratic think tank, New America.…
The Sharing Economy Is Not Ready For Hillary
– The 2016 presidential election will determine the fate of the sharing economy. … Donald Trump has yet to voice his opinion, but other candidates have made their positions clear. … Hillary received an endorsement from the IAM, while the AFL-CIO and IBEW are waiting to endorse the Democratic candidate.…
America’s Choice: A Third Obama Term or Ted Cruz
– On one hand, we have had plenty of Republican presidential debates, and they have yielded little insight into what kinds of policies … In contrast, the remaining candidates, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, have provided principled and detailed policies.   … Voters are emotionally invested in these candidates and have attached their identities to the candidates.…
Putting the Democratic Party on the Couch
– There are three things you need to understand about Democratic politics: 1.     … When Democratic candidates campaign, they tend to be the party of division, despite what they may say about “unity.” … These days, Democratic candidates have added more victim groups -- pitting blacks against whites, Hispanics against non-Hispanics,…
The Moving Fronts of Presidential Politics
– Both the Republican front-runner, Donald Trump, and Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, lost this week's Wisconsin primary … Obama focused his presidential address on the economy and, in particular, on corporate inversions. What are they? … While both parties are in the process of picking their nominees, it will not be long until the general election, and candidates and…
Across the Board, Presidential Candidates Are Lightweights…the-board-presidential-candidates-are-lightweights-n2144068
– WASHINGTON -- It's hard to recall a presidential race in the modern era where the front-runners were as unpopular or frightening as … Donald Trump, who's drawing a 65 percent unfavorable rating from voters, the highest among all the candidates, says he'd cut NATO's … Hillary Clinton, the front-runner for her party's presidential nomination, has seen her unfavorable image climb to 53 percent.…
Can't We Do Better?
– Looking at today's remaining field of presidential candidates reminds me of a quote from John F. … On one side in this presidential contest we have a tired old warhorse, Hillary Clinton, whose chief qualifications for office appear … The other Democratic candidate is an even older dinosaur who metaphorically wants to change America's initials from USA to ATM, with…
Principle, Federalism, and Passion: GOP Needs All Three to Win and Govern…m-and-passion-gop-needs-all-three-to-win-and-govern-n2142629
– The eventual Republican nominee needs to take something from all three candidates to win. … The presidential candidate who best embodies this characteristic is John Kasich. … But we need a presidential candidate to speak with passion to ordinary people.…
Desegregating the Electorate: Aren't we All Americans
– The black vote, the white vote, the Hispanic vote, across the Presidential field candidates describe how they will manipulate, and … Is that why Presidential candidates make huge promises to each demographic? Is it simply a power grab? It would seem so.  … When Democratic candidates consider Hispanics both Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton bring up special considerations for, "undocumented…
From Plato to NATO in a Dangerous World
– Tempers always run high in the run-up to choosing the candidates for president. … Donald Trump, who's leading the Republicans, has been accused of being a fascist out to destroy hundreds of years of accumulated democratic … The implications of this debate even reached into this year's presidential election.…
EXCLUSIVE: Walker Sidesteps Open Convention Ultimatum, Says He'll Likely Run for Re-Election…ntion-ultimatum-says-hell-likely-run-for-reelection-n2151080
– victory to the Texan's principled "constitutional conservatism" and strong organization, as well as Trump's repetition of failed Democratic … GB: He repeated talking points that have been debunked over and over again, that were advanced by your Democratic opponent in 2014. … As for the Trump campaign's recent disclosure that he was among a small handful of possible Vice Presidential partners under consideration…
New York Exceptionalism and Donald Trump
– That's the state with this week's presidential primary, in which candidates who have spent time in New York recently are currently … Texas and Florida, too), and Jewish New Yorkers were solid Democrats, making New York's reduced number of electoral votes safely Democratic
NBC/WSJ Poll: Hillary's Popularity Craters 11 Points in One Month
– The latest NBC/WSJ survey shows a precipitous erosion in Hillary Clinton's popularity, as well as a tightening of the Democratic primary … Clinton’s decline came during a month in which she has been hit by an intensifying barrage of attacks, not just from GOP candidates … Sanders has won eight of the last nine Democratic nominating contests, yet the Clinton Death Star maintains its grip on the party's…
Republicans, Go For Brokered!
– since 17 candidates, all qualified and well-connected, had launched their respective bids. … On the Democratic side, so is Hillary Clinton, to everyone’s amazement. What’s wrong, Donald? … The rules were laid out well in advance for all candidates to learn and follow.…
Bernie Sanders Campaign Not Pleased With "Bernie Is My Comrade" Shirt…ampaign-not-pleased-with-bernie-is-my-comrade-shirt-n2150014
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his self-described democratic socialism, his campaign isn't too thrilled with a "Bernie Is My Comrade" shirt … There's plenty of merchandise out there mocking the other presidential candidates, and this is no different.…
Bernie Sanders' Income Is Less Than One Of Clinton's Paid Speeches…ders-earned-less-than-one-of-clintons-paid-speeches-n2149167
– Nevertheless, if there’s a stark difference between Clinton and her Democratic opponent, Vermont Sen. … Again, this isn’t shocking as we all expected the Clintons to heavily outearn the disheveled democratic socialist. … His vision for the country lacks an action plan, which is why both candidates are awful.…
Follow the Rules
– As a Colorado Republican, I'm not thrilled with the way my state party participates in the presidential nominating process. … Neither party picks its nominee in a strictly democratic fashion. … We expect candidates to learn the rules and play by them.…
Bernie Sanders Wants Us to Be Like Europe Where Unemployment Is More Than 10 Percent…e-europe-where-unemployment-is-more-than-10-percent-n2148677
– The self-described socialist has been beating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a lengthening string of Democratic presidential … Indeed, with very few exceptions, I'm not hearing the case being made by this year's crop of candidates. … controversial, nativist campaign can't beat Hillary who will draw most of the Hispanic vote, virtually all of the black vote, and the Democratic
CORRECTION: Chelsea Clinton Worked at a Hedgefund in 2006
– She worked at the firm in 2006, prior to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. I regret the error. … Considering Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has repeatedly slammed hedge funds on the current campaign trail, her work … And, often paying a lower tax rate," Hillary Clinton said during the official launch of her 2016 presidential campaign last year. …
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