Results for: Republican National Committee

Taxing the American People’s Credulity
– Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican, as a “responsible” person. But Sen. … He did this while sitting in committee next to California Sen. Barbara Boxer, a high priestess of climate change politics. … In July 2011, Drew Ryun, a former Republican National Committee staff member, applied to the IRS for nonprofit status for a conservative…
Tea and Talk: Conservative Radio a Rallying Point for the Besieged Conservative Groups…rallying-point-for-the-besieged-conservative-groups-n1601603
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and former GOP presidential nominee John McCain … among other establishment figures endorsed moderate Republican Gov. … Paul won the state’s Republican primary then the Senate seat, both by wide margins.…
Keep Your Hands off My Cell Phone
– Mike Rogers, Republican Congressman from Michigan and Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, immediately defended … James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, recently went in front of Congress and lied about the existence of these programs … This isnot a Democratic or a Republican issue. This is a basic American issue. I choose not to sacrifice my liberty.…
The Left's New Scandal Strategy: Attack, Attack, Attack
– Then it was "Republican overreach!"   … We saw glimmers of this at this week's House Ways and Means Committee hearing when some Democrats all but accused conservative organizations … natch: Now top Democrats -- led by prominent veterans of Team Obama -- are aiming the big guns at House Oversight Committee
Tips for Right-Wingers on the IRS Scandal
– The IRS leaked the donor list of The National Organization for Marriage to their political opponents, the pro-gay-marriage Human Rights … Far from being a secretly pro-Republican group, the tea party has been a nightmare for Republicans. … No Republican was going to allow the NAACP's tax-exempt status to be revoked on its watch.…
Watch Out for the Green Team
– effort fell prey to political pressure; for instance, Obama refused to allow then-EPA administrator Lisa Jackson to unveil new NationalRepublican Sen. … David Vitter of Louisiana, the top Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, expects Obama to pursue a two-pronged…
Looking to 2016, Iowa GOP Gets Excited About Walker
– Scott Walker visited Iowa recently to speak at a well-attended Republican dinner, only one national political reporter (NBC's Alex … That just proves you don't need national press attention to make a strong start in the 2016 Republican presidential race. … Walker provided Iowans a glimpse of the type of national leader he would be."…
Wanted: Positive Solutions
– The short answer is: The GOP didn't give voters many reasons to vote FOR the Republican candidate, they only hammered home why they … But, if the Republicans in the House and Senate - and at the Republican National Committee - believe that's enough to swing close elections…
No Government Food Surveillance
– the past several weeks Americans have been bombarded with news accounts of colossal, unprecedented government surveillance – the National … The Republican majority should reject proposals to create government programs that interfere so deeply in the personal choices of millions … Americans put in their grocery carts is decidedly bad policy and anathema to conservative values As the House Agriculture Committee
Headwinds for Obama
– sums of money, but we may see him doing more events for the Democratic House and Senate campaign committees and the Democratic NationalCommittee than for individual candidates. … If the President's numbers are still in the tank this autumn when campaign season gets cranked up, Republican candidates will demand…
Google's Acquisition of Waze Reveals 2016 Secrets
– At about the same time, the Republican National Committee has hired young Andy Barkett from Facebook as their new Chief Technology … Will Chairman Priebus protect Barkett from meddling by clueless National Committee people (on a majority of whose votes Mr. … National Committee, who determine the party platform and its rules.…
Sessions: Let's Face It, This Immigration Bill is Beyond Repair
– One Republican Senator is having none of this entire show.  … S. 744 will damage public safety and national security and should be opposed by lawmakers.’ … All ten committee Democrats opposed the measure, while Republicans -- Lindsey Graham included -- unanimously voted aye. …
Greenbacks Beat the Greens in Uber-Green California
– When the bills made it out of committee, Patrick Sullivan, of the anti-fracking group Center for Biological Diversity claimed: “There … Like the Sierra Club pushing President Obama to use his executive order pen to designate national monuments and block oil and gas development … California Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff supports developing the Monterey Shale.…
Boehner’s ‘Hastert Rule’ Revoke For Obama’s Immigration Agenda Puts GOP Rule at Risk…for-obamas-immigration-agenda-puts-gop-rule-at-risk-n1620551
– To the Republican careerists surrounding the speaker, it is not a big deal. … In the House GOP today, the “majority of the majority” is housed in the 170-member Republican Study Committee, its the conservative … In the last session, the House Republican leadership generously gave Democrats “cover votes” on the balanced budget amendment and national
If the GOP Is This Stupid It Deserves to Die
– (Proposed Republican primary targets: Sens. Kelly Ayotte, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio.) … Big Republican donors -- and their campaign consultants -- just want to make money. … Listening to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus burble a few weeks ago on "Fox News Sunday" about how amnesty is…
CRNC Report Fails to Make Conservative Case to Young Voters…ort-fails-to-make-conservative-case-to-young-voters-n1616733
– A new College Republican National Committee (CRNC) report on why Republicans lost the youth vote in 2012 was released last week. … Progressive Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, along with strategist Karl Rove, for example, should not frame our … College Republican clubs do not take advantage of these opportunities and often discourage their members from challenging the status…
Top GOP Females Looking to Recruit Women to Run in 2014…gop-females-looking-to-recruit-women-to-run-in-2014-n1630091
– Yeah, it’s pretty sickening and now the Republican National Committee is making new efforts to recruit female GOP candidates for 2014 … The national organizations believe that recruiting more female candidates will encourage female voters to vote Republican. … will see a greater portion of republican women stepping forward.…
Real Immigration Reform
– For months now I have written extensively in numerous national publications about the treacherous legislation that is the “scamnesty … If I were advising the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives this would be what I urge them to do next: 1) Whatever … The reason for this is that any House version of comprehensive immigration reform will then be sent to Conference Committee where the…
Where Was The President -- And What Was He Doing?
– Forty years ago tomorrow, the ranking minority member on the US Senate’s select committee -- charged with investigating an incident … in which five men had broken into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at Washington’s Watergate complex -- asked a question … Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee was a Republican serving on a Democratic-controlled congressional committee investigating a Republican
Winning the Pro-Life Generation One Meme at a Time
– A recent College Republican National Committee survey showed what we at Students for Life have been saying for years – that this is…
The Audacity of Black Republican Erika Harold and Why Some GOP Need to Shut UP…lican-erika-harold-and-why-some-gop-need-to-shut-up-n1624521
– Just when I think the Republican Party can’t get any more broken or branded as the party of out of touch white men, the GOP falls … Harold isn’t the first black Republican woman to run for a Congressional seat. … I think it’s progress Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus issued a statement demanding Jim Allen resign, but frankly…
Two Cheers For the House Republicans: But to Earn Three Cheers They Need to Take this Next Step…earn-three-cheers-they-need-to-take-this-next-step-n1623190
– He said aloud what surely any sensible House Republican was thinking. … Frank Wolf of Virginia to create a House Select Committee on the terrorist attack in Benghazi, a select committee being generally … So what if each committee cannot probe beyond its own rather limited jurisdictional boundaries?…
White House Determined to Start Obamacare Money Flow
– Just to add emphasis, in early June President Obama dismissed concerns that the national health care startup was not going well. … communications and the decision-making process related to the delay... have not been disclosed publicly," wrote House Energy and Commerce Committee … Along with 13 other Republican committee members, Upton demanded the administration reveal which businesses and which government officials…
The Sudden Decline of Marco Rubio
– The National Republican Senatorial Committee has already said it plans on running attack ads against the Democrats who voted for S. … It is highly unlikely the Republican-controlled House will preserve the bill in the form it is in now. … he brings the bill to the floor without the Republican majority supporting it.…
I'm Honored by Comrade Tool
– Those fillibusters are part of the latest Republican record for fillibusters = obstructionism. … Obstructionism was at an all time high - another new Republican record for fillibustering. … Including several pieces of legislation to get recovery from the Republican record recession moving forward.…
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