Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Leftists Prefer Censorship Over Democracy
– There is nothing democratic about this push for censorship. … There is nothing democratic about the European Union, as these and other rules are created by a handful of Leftists without any popular … A sweep of the Georgia primaries by pro-Trump candidates would be a big step toward saving our country.…
Kamala Harris Is Truly Finished
– It's not hard to figure out—and it's something you already read about during the 2020 Democratic primaries. … portfolio or measure up to the potential that has many pegging her as the future of the Democratic Party. … They're saddled with two terrible candidates.…
A Year Later – Time to Move Forward
– Capitol was invaded by people protesting the certification of the presidential election for now-President Joe Biden. … According to Nick Juliano, a Democratic strategist, he "won this race through positivity. … If only our Republican candidates would take heed and learn from Dickens' win.…
Republicans and Democrats are Capable of Blowing It in November…and-democrats-are-capable-of-blowing-it-in-november-n2602023
– One party wants to make the upcoming midterm elections about the 2020 presidential election, and the other party wants to make the … Meanwhile, the Democratic-controlled Jan. 6 committee is clearly obsessed with going after former President Donald Trump. … When November comes, voters will reward those candidates who are looking forward.…
GOP Must Follow the Virginia Blueprint
– For decades, Republican Party elected officials have tried to make nice with their Democratic Party colleagues, the liberal media … Their voters elected Democrats to the United States Senate and awarded their electoral votes to Democratic presidential candidates. … It helped him defeat his Democratic Party opponent who had previously served as Governor and was supported by the President, celebrities…
Biden Defines His Enemies
– They were all Democrats, and while Connor and Davis are relics from the Civil War, Wallace shared the same Democratic Party with Biden … "Most of the 1988 Democratic presidential candidates agree with Robb on the importance of the South. Sen. … Protecting the Senate rules, like Republicans and some Democratic senators are currently doing in opposition to the White House, is…
Want Voting Reform? End Covid-era ‘Reforms’
– Biden repeated the Democratic mantra of voter suppression, unfounded as Trump’s claims of electoral fraud are unproven. … Never mind that the Peach State’s new rules are more liberal than those of Democratic-controlled New York state. … In the 2000 presidential election, 105 million Americans voted. In the 2020 balloting, 158 million did.…
RNC Takes a Stand Against Biased Presidential Debates
– In a letter dated January 13 to the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) — the entity that has organized presidential debates since … its founding in the late 1980s with the cooperation of the Republican and Democratic National Committees — RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel … "The RNC’s concerns strike at the core of whether the CPD credibly can provide a fair and impartial forum for presidential debates,…
Biden Shamelessly Ignores His Own Praise of Segregationist George Wallace
– Biden regularly advocated for Wallace's place inside the Democratic Party.  … "Most of the 1988 Democratic presidential candidates agree with Robb on the importance of the South. Sen. … The same story went to quote a presidential primary campaign speech Biden had given in Alabama in which he said “we (Delawareans) were…
Is This Woman Biden's Supreme Court Pick?
– Psaki also confirmed Biden plans to discriminate against candidates who are not female and black.  … There are only nine Democratic-appointed black women on the federal bench younger than 55 this year. … The youngest is Leslie Abrams Gardner, 45, the sister of Biden vice presidential contender Stacey Abrams.…
A 'Let's Go Brandon' Type of Phenomenon Across the Pacific
– The influence of radical labor unions which lent their support to the left-wing party and its candidates. 3. … Democratic Party and the Korea Democratic Party. … Democratic Party presidential candidate and dedicated leftist Lee Jae-myung, who is, to put it politely, not a huge fan of the U.S.…
Majority of Democrats Don't Want Biden to Run Again
– In late 2021, we wrote up a national survey from NPR finding that a plurality of Democratic voters want someone other than Joe Biden … If he remains anywhere close to this unpopular as the next presidential cycle gets into full swing, his decision to step aside would … But that's not the case among Democrats, and this was a base play, targeted particularly at a key element of the Democratic base.  …
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Says Texas Turning Blue Is 'Inevitable'
Democratic Rep. … Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said it is only a matter of time before Texas becomes a Democratic state as she endorsed a couple … of congressional candidates in front of a crowd in the Lone Star State.…
Here's the Potentially New Anti-Trump Witch Hunt That Could be on the Horizon…getting-things-ready-for-a-new-antitrump-witch-hunt-n2603104
– arranged for the transport from the Trump Mar-a-Lago property in Florida to the National Archives of 15 boxes that contained Presidential … The Left should focus on finding candidates for the future because, after Biden, that bench looks mighty thin. … The 2020 Democratic primaries exposed that brutally that the future of the party is a mile wide, but an inch deep. …
Do Democrats in Disarray Mean Biden is in Trouble in This Key State?…disarray-mean-biden-is-in-trouble-in-this-key-state-n2622801
– Jim Clyburn (D-SC) is from, who is credited with boosting Biden in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. … Biden came in a dismal fifth in New Hampshire for the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, with 8.4 percent of the vote. … When it comes down to the general election, New Hampshire has voted for the Democratic presidential nominee each year since 2004.…
Advice from a Conservative to RFK, Jr.
Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. … Kennedy, Jr. recently sat down for an interview with ABC News which the network headlined: “RFK Jr. on presidential run: 'I feel like … Kennedy – who I do not know and have never spoken with – would be the exact same advice I have given Republican presidential candidates
Is RFK Jr. Giving Joe Biden a Run for His Money?
– Debates in the Primaries.Sorry, I mean,The Democratic National Committee has announced there will be No Presidential Debates in the … RealClearPolitics (RCP) now also has a section on polls on the 2024 Democratic primary.  … "As the President announced his reelection bid Tuesday, a majority of Democratic voters (65%) think Biden should be the 2024 Democratic
Lee Zeldin May Still Hope to Hold Higher Office
– Zeldin said his main focus right now is helping out candidates for local office this year “who helped us during last year’s race.” … But he acknowledged that “there’s even more of a Democratic-favored turnout” in a presidential election year than in a midterm like … Further, given Zeldin's electoral history of winning against Democratic incumbents, including against former Rep.…
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel Offers Why GOP Had Such a Disappointing Midterm Cycle…niel-thinks-she-knows-why-gop-lost-so-badly-in-2022-n2622651
– The Senate not only remains under Democratic control, but that majority grew since when retiring Sen. … Historical precedence with there being a Democratic president in charge meant that Republicans should have done much better. … Party, in quantifiable terms, had the best midterm cycle of any Democratic president in generations."…
Kennedy Surges Despite Bias and Censorship
– Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) vigorously challenged President Jimmy Carter for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. … Williamson ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 2020, while Kennedy is a member of one of the most … According to Kennedy, “47 USC 315 makes it illegal for TV networks to censor Presidential candidates but Thursday, ABC showed its contempt…
Heating Up: DeSantis, Trump Spar Over GOP 'Culture of Losing'
– His preferred candidates underperformed...helping Democrats hold the Senate and helping keep the race for House control close.  … Overall, his preferred primary candidates underperformed other G.O.P. candidates by about five percentage points...The analysis is … With the benefit of the final results, we can gauge how well the MAGA candidates fared compared with other Republicans.…
Daniel Cameron Handily Wins Kentucky Gubernatorial Primary
– As was to be expected, Andy Beshear, Kentucky's Democratic governor, won his primary. … Daniel Cameron, who currently serves as the attorney general in Kentucky, beat out four other candidates to win the nomination. … Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who is expected to enter the Republican presidential race soon, endorsed former U.N.…
Historian Makes a Prediction the Left Won't Like About 2024
– "The Republican primary process favours candidates with early leads because most states award delegates on a 'winner takes all' or … In short, unless the Republican party has somehow morphed into the Democratic party, the GOP nomination is now Trump's to lose." … "History is clear – the Republican frontrunner usually wins the nomination, and a post-recession incumbent usually loses the presidential
Democrats Want To 'Inform' Their Donors
– “Regardless of who Republicans select as their presidential nominee, we’ve got a tough road ahead,” Newsom concludes. … If you’ve had this question on your mind, I want to give you a look into what the DNC is doing -- right now -- to support Democratic … The DNC wants to make sure that candidates are doing what they do best -- talking to voters and getting their message out there.”…
Someone Needs to Tell E. Jean Carroll to Give it a Rest
candidates.  … "Well, there aren’t too many of them," the GOP presidential front-runner fired back. … Perhaps, she’s doing her part for the Democratic Party in fostering another presidential defeat for Donald Trump, or at least that's…
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