Results for: House Democrat

It's Time for Maxine Waters to Join Joe Biden At the Nursing Home After Her Latest Interview…after-she-spent-an-entire-interview-fixing-her-wig-n2641693
House Democrat Maxine Waters (D-CA) spent almost the entirety of an interview fixing her wig while on live television. …  The 85-year-old Democrat wrestling with her hair for roughly 30 seconds is almost as bad as Biden falling asleep during crucial…
Delusional and in Denial, Biden Helps Trump Increase His Lead…l-and-in-denial-biden-helps-trump-increase-his-lead-n2641718
– do or say anything as long as Biden persists in being defiant that he will remain the Democratic candidate for president.Former House … He is selfish enough to bring down the entire Democrat Party to continue his more than 40-year reign in government.What can anyone … Republicans running for the House or Senate should ask one question of their Democrat opponent: Do you believe Biden should remain…
Democratic Rep. Pat Ryan Finally Calls for Biden to Step Aside…ryan-pressured-into-calling-for-biden-to-step-aside-n2641675
– Pat Ryan (D-NY) became yet another Democratic House member to call on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the campaign. … Biden to step aside even after the White House had appeared to be calming dissent....If Mr. Biden stands down, Mr. … She concluded her statement by going after both Ryan and the Democrat at the top of the ticket.…
Councilmembers in This Blue City Have Tied the Rise in Crime to Illegal Aliens
– In recent years, illegal aliens who’ve entered the United States through the southern border have been sent via buses to Democrat-led … Predictably, Democrat lawmakers have flipped out at this, claiming that they don’t have the resources to support all the illegals. … right now,” and “I can’t take it anymore.”Cordova’s a gas station, is located “a few steps” from a camp with more than 70 tents to house
Why CBS News Says Biden Should Expect the Next Few Days to Be Absolutely ‘Brutal’ for Him…ozens-of-dems-expected-to-call-on-biden-to-drop-out-n2641765
– Margaret Brennan reports that within the next 48 hours, dozens of Democrats are expected to come out and tell Joe it’s time to go: House …  House Democratic leadership has indicated to members that they should speak their minds, multiple sources told CBS News. … So far, 13 House Democrats and one Senate Democrat have publicly called on Mr. Biden to end his reelection bid.…
Why Biden Staffers Are Probably Hoping No One Saw This MSNBC Segment…on-biden-is-going-to-sit-well-with-the-white-house-n2641600
– Given that the White House is secretive, I doubt this letter will quell concerns about whether the president has the disease. … It seems every Democrat knows or has known about this condition but can’t or won’t apply pressure on him to drop out. … Whether he has Parkinson’s Disease or not will never entertained by this White House ever.…
NRCC Sent the Perfect Gift to DCCC After Tearful Meeting About Biden
– Why it matters: The bloc of battleground House Democrats is one of the last firm pockets of a rapidly disintegrating movement on Capitol … lawmakers both defending Biden and airing concerns about his ability to take on former President Trump, attendees told Axios.One HouseDemocrat who was in both meetings said: "Most of our caucus is still with him ... meaning he'll stay in.…
It's Past Joe Biden's Bedtime
– A few days ago President Joe Biden told Democrat lawmakers he would not be able to work past 8 p.m. because he needs to go to bed early …  Thirty-three percent of respondents said Biden should be the Democrat nominee, while more than half, 52 percent, want the president …  Biden treats his job in the White House as a cushiony 9 to 5, taking advantage of PTO who has spent over 40 percent of his presidency…
Would Kamala Harris Be a Better Candidate Than Joe Biden? Doubtful…arris-be-a-better-candidate-than-joe-biden-doubtful-n2641755
– An outside Democrat could be more effective in recalibrating the debate. … And every Democrat, the entire White House press corps and anyone paying attention already knew this before the president's disastrous…
'Like a Funeral' 'Shell-Shocked,' Endless 'Tears': This House Dem Meeting on Biden Was a Mess
– "🔥 Fox’s @ChadPergram: “A senior House Democrat leadership source says President Biden will not meet with Congressional Democrats …  One House Democrat who was in both meetings said: "Most of our caucus is still with him ... meaning he'll stay in. … House Democrat supportive of Biden told me it "felt like a funeral."…
Look at Ben Shapiro's Face When a Dem Tried Defending Biden's Mental Health on Bill Maher's Show…hapiros-face-when-a-dem-tried-to-tout-bidens-record-n2641823
– was back with conservative Ben Shapiro, former South Carolina State Rep. and CNN analyst Bakari Sellers, and former Speaker of the House … host added that he’s “toast” and predicted to be booted by August 9, the 50th anniversary of Nixon’s resignation from the White House … problem with antisemitism:Ben Shapiro: "The vast disproportion of people who are antisemitic in America right now, is inside the Democrat
Why Biden's NATO Presser Likely Frustrated the Dem Dump Biden Crowd
– out of the park to the point where voters’ attitudes have changed regarding his mental health (via Politico):“Unreal,” said one HouseDemocrat watching the appearance, responding to the flub, who ultimately reviewed it as: "Mixed. … Another Democrat, who was following Biden’s remarks from a plane Biden’s remarks from a plane, texted about the Trump moment: “Ouch…
Democrats Can’t Admit Biden Is Too Old, Their Whole Leadership Is Too Old…biden-is-too-old-their-whole-leadership-is-too-old-n2641690
– to admit he’s too old to do the job would be to admit their whole leadership is too old to do the job.I realize Democrats in the House … If I’d said Pelosi was still the leader of the Democratic Caucus in the House would you have noticed that isn’t technically true? … the torch to in order to give the impression that new blood is now running the show.Jeffries is 53, Clark 60, the “former” No. 2 Democrat
Look Who Just Hopped on the Dump Biden Train...But Doesn't Want Anyone to Know
– As if the cognitive issues hamstringing the president aren’t bad enough, this White House is incapable of delivering a straight answer …  The majority leader is one of several Democrats, including former President Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who … First senate democrat out against Biden.— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) July 10, 2024UPDATE: They got to him:…
A Conservative Commentator Noticed a Pattern Regarding Pro and Anti-Biden Dems…has-a-total-meltdown-over-dems-trying-to-oust-biden-n2641781
– Biden’s age isn’t going away, nor can this White House spin or solve it.I continue to notice a pattern. … liberals, like this tonight on CNN.— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 12, 2024MSDNC PANELIST: If you're a Democrat
Dem Senator: We're Poised for a Total Wipeout If Biden Stays in the Race…ump-is-on-track-to-win-this-election-in-a-landslide-n2641645
House Democrats had meetings about the state of the race today, in which tensions boiled over. … And maybe win it by a landslide and take with it the Senate and the House,” Democratic Sen. … whole thing and it’s staggering to me.”— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) July 10, 2024The Colorado Democrat
New Poll About Kamala Harris Illustrates Democrats' Predicament…out-kamala-harris-illustrates-democrats-predicament-n2641628
– -- hardly a shocker for anyone who's been looking at polling for months -- and nudged Minnesota and New Hampshire from 'likely Democrat … ' to 'lean Democrat.' … Nebraska's Second Congressional District, which is relevant due to the state's proportional allocation of electoral votes, based on House
Pelosi and Obama Are Colluding to Get Biden to Exit the Race, But There's One Problem…rvous-about-biden-and-2024-but-dont-know-what-to-do-n2641771
–  PSAKI: The entire Biden White House is in complete and total disarray — and literally nobody knows what to expect moving forward … Obama or Pelosi to help them get there, aware that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer doesn’t have the trust of Biden and that House …  Pelosi has spoken to Biden since the debate, but in the time since, the California Democrat has made clear that she does not…
Biden Days Before Trump Was Shot: 'It's Time to Put Trump in a Bullseye'
– An Arizona Democrat representing one of the enumerated districts, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, was targeted by an assassin. … He shot six and almost killed the House Majority Whip, Congressman Steve Scalise.Unlike Loughner, Hodgkinson had a political motive…
Biden Administration Opposes SAVE Act. Here's Why.
– Act, said he believes Democrats are allowing illegal aliens to enter the U.S. because Democrats believe illegal aliens will be Democrat … Chip Roy reacts live to White House statement against the SAVE Act, which would require documentary proof of U.S. citizenship in order … to vote in American elections:“I’m honored to be in the crosshairs of the White House—This administration is clearly not……
The Voter Group That Desperately Wants Biden to Stay in the Race Shouldn't Shock Anyone…voter-group-that-wants-biden-to-remain-in-the-race-n2641553
– You can’t have a Democrat in a must-win state saying that, especially one representing a district that will be critical in helping …  The Virginia Democrat likely got a call from Jill because the whole thing played out like the horse’s head scene in The Godfather … The voter group that is the most intense in wanting Joe to remain in the race are women:One more quote from @DonBeyerVA from the House
Biden’s Post-Debate Damage Control — What Really Happened in the Stephanopoulos Interview…hat-really-happened-in-the-stephanopoulos-interview-n2641580
– George Stephanopoulos of the entrenched Democrat propaganda outlet ABC “News.” …  It is the Democrat Party which truly owns the apocalyptic presidency of “lunch bucket” Joe Biden. … It was a “let them eat cake” moment, which is the standard Democrat posture regardless of the political issue.…
Nancy Pelosi's 'Morning Joe' Interview Is Not What Biden Wanted to See…ows-a-wrench-in-bidens-struggle-to-stay-in-the-race-n2641663
– Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) joined MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday, supposedly to make some sort of formal declaration … seemingly ready to make such a statement with her appearance on MSNBC.Asked on "Morning Joe" whether Biden has her support to be the Democrat … hoped for a firm declaration of support from Pelosi, it sounds like she's as nervous as many other Democrats — including multiple Democrat
Did Anyone Miss This Significant Change in Biden's Attitude Regarding Dropping Out of the Race?…narratives-will-dominate-bidens-rocky-nato-presser-n2641780
– her piece is the killer: the Democratic Party doesn’t have a debate problem; it has a Joe Biden one, and it’s one where this White House … For every other Democrat, it could be an electoral wipeout that didn’t need to happen:Biden certainly did well tonight. … Hunter's unprecedented new role at the White House?…
'Man in Decline': The New York Times Editorial Board Bashes Biden. Again.
– After calling for President Joe Biden to "leave the race" for the White House following his disastrous debate performance, The New … York Times editorial board has again published a call for the commander-in-chief to "step aside" — and for his Democrat partners to … He does not seem to understand that he is now the problem — and that the best hope for Democrats to retain the White House is for him…
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