Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

Can a One-Percenter Lead the Democrats?
– This is the condition in which the Democratic Party now finds itself, and it calls itself the party of youthful vigor. … After Hillary Rodham Clinton, the next two candidates in line for her party's presidential nomination are 72-year-old Vice President … Those waves were Republican waves.…
2016: Yes, It's Early, But Pay Attention Now
– It's conventional wisdom that the 2016 Republican presidential race is at such an early stage that the polls don't matter. … Candidates are getting their only chance to make a first impression. … But the basic structure of the Republican field seems nearly set. And strong, too.…
The Huckabee Show Hits The Road -- Again
– Huckabee offer next year that the multitude of other Republican presidential hopefuls don't? … Doesn't the campaign of 2016 have enough candidates who have no business running? Does it really need another Rick Santorum? … Yes, there have been permanent presidential candidates whose candidacies served a serious purpose.…
Snarking Hillary Is Not the Way to the White House
– But here’s a warning to my friends on the presidential campaign trail: Bashing Hillary is only going to make the Republican party look … Watching the GOP presidential candidates at last week’s New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit, there was frankly very little discussion … What the Republican party needs is a clear and strong vision for getting the American economy out of the doldrums.…
New Rules, New Game…the-following-column-is-by-jackie-gingrich-cushman-n1989181
– It's official, the 2016 presidential race is underway. … candidates. … This, combined with a fuller field of "top-tier" Republican candidates, will result in a much different Republican primary process…
No Koch Endorsement For Scott Walker, But They’re Giving Jeb An ‘Audition’…for-scott-walker-but-theyre-giving-jeb-an-audition-n1988468
– The Koch brothers have plenty of options with the 2016 Republican field, and they haven’t officially allied with the Walker campaign–though … Voters who support less extreme candidates can still swing Republican nominations, according to Henry Olsen of the Ethics and Public … candidates.…
Here Comes the Newest Third Party: IHNC
– The mathematics of expanding membership are overwhelming and make 2020 a Presidential lock. … These are the kind of people a third party can build a foundation upon. … LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE NEWEST THIRD PARTY IHNC I HAVE NO CLUE…
Poll Shows Young Voters Likely to Turn on Democrats in 2016…ws-young-voters-likely-to-turn-on-democrats-in-2016-n1995461
– Now that numerous candidates have declared for the 2016 race, pollsters have been busy trying to get an early read on where the nation … While there’s probably no reason to believe any Republican could actually win the 18–29 demographic in 2016, it should be noted that … in 2004, the last time a Republican presidential candidate won, Democrat challenger John Kerry (D-MA) captured 54 percent of 18–29…
Illinois Senate Race: Some Democrats Fretting Over Drop In Black Voter Turnout…democrats-fretting-over-drop-in-black-voter-turnout-n1995437
– As Democrats prepare to mount a campaign to oust Republican incumbent Sen. … Both candidates have experience with dealing with deep personal struggles. … Democratic Party infighting on this issue could be a blessing for Sen.…
Video: Hillary Mocks, Shuts Down Journalist Attempting to Ask a Question…estions-ill-put-it-on-my-list-for-due-consideration-n2001069
– We've reached a point where a presumptive major party presidential nominee lowering herself to field two minutes' worth of questions … The 2016 campaign in one photo — Philip Klein (@philipaklein) May 19, 2015 Let's circle back to Hillary's … incentivize Hillary to do the unthinkable and *gasp* answer questions from those whose job it is to solicit information from candidates
Candidates Win Evangelicals with Pro-American Worker Immigration Policy…gelicals-with-proamerican-worker-immigration-policy-n2000248
– Like most Republicans, I’m still undecided about the Presidential field. … The survey polled evangelical voters nationwide on if they were aware of the "2016 presidential candidates talking about whether to … candidates without mentioning any name or party.…
The GOP’s Asian Problem and How to Fix it
– This kind of rhetoric “has cultivated a perception that the Republican Party is less welcoming of minorities. … When I show up at a Republican Party event, 9 out of 10 times I am the only Asian in the room. … To win over Asians’ support, Republican Party representatives and candidates not only need to show up often at a variety of Asian communities…
Geezer World: Democrats Literally Have No One Under 55 Who Can Run In 2020…literally-have-no-one-under-55-who-can-run-in-2020-n2375752
– We know that the Democratic Party is in a total state of disarray. … hallow out the party from the ground up, which they’ve done. … So, while candidates for 2020 are a priority item, the Democratic Party has to grapple that they could be stuck at bingo night with…
Can the GOP's Shotgun Marriage Be Saved?
– Wednesday morning, Nov. 9, 2016, Republicans awoke to learn they had won the lottery. … candidates in memory. … Trump is disliked and disrespected by many in his own party on Capitol Hill, and much of the Republican media proudly despise him.…
No Bench: The Democratic Party's Obama Dilemma
– The tricky question now facing the party is how to use the former president on the campaign trail. … “None of the potential Democratic presidential candidates have the visibility or credibility to be effective.” … He campaigned against Republican Bob McDonnell in Virginia, and McDonnell won.…
Collapse: Time Magazine's Brutal Deep Dive Into The Ever Shrinking And Regional Democratic Party…al-deep-dive-into-the-ever-shrinking-and-regional-d-n2384733
– The Democratic Party is in shambles. … regional, shrinking party. … History counters this, at least at the presidential level.…
Politico Reporter: New Democratic Talent Is Running Away From Hillary…new-democratic-talent-is-running-away-from-hillary-n2382784
– that have been reopened with this book, and having to suffer through weeks more coverage of why their party sucks. … You asked about are we ever going to stop talking about 2016? … She has the -still has the most impressive resume in the Democratic Party.…
Heading For The Cliff: Democratic Operatives Deliver Brutal Assessment of Party’s 2018 Hopes…ives-tear-apart-the-partys-current-strategy-for-201-n2381001
– the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election. … Their advice to candidates afterward: Drop the talk of free college. … The urban professional elites who dominate the party want nothing to do with them.…
The Elephant in the Blue Room
– Not since 1984 has New York given its 29 electoral votes to a Republican. … While New York’s urban centers may be traditional Democratic hotspots, a quick look at the map of results from the 2016 presidential … Of the nearly five million voters registered in New York City, just 522,629 belong to the Republican party, and 3.4 million are registered…
Jeff Flake is the Latest Anti-Trump Republican to Suffer in the Polls…latest-antitrump-republican-to-suffer-in-the-polls-n2392041
– That book criticized the Republican Party for not standing up to then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 GOP presidential primary … In the book, he says Trump does not have the conservative accolades nor character needed to run the Republican Party. … It is worth noting that two GOP senatorial candidates who distanced themselves from Trump during the 2016 election could predict what…
Both Parties' Extremists Seem Determined to Lose the Next Elections…tremists-seem-determined-to-lose-the-next-elections-n2391094
– My updated version is that party politicians have, unlike candidates Clinton in 1992 and Bush in 2000, been operating in reckless disregard … jeopardized Republican majorities. … President Trump has taken to blaming Republican leaders Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan for such failures.…
As Goes Pennsylvania's Congressional Delegation, So Goes Congress…sylvanias-congressional-delegation-so-goes-congress-n2396004
– Why Democrats didn't carry Pennsylvania in 2016 came down to tiny details. … It is a 13-5 Republican majority that has held up in three straight House elections. … "The president's party often struggles in midterm elections," Kondik explained, "particularly a party led by an unpopular president…
The Free Beacon Did Nothing Wrong Hiring Trump Dossier-Linked Research Firm; It Was A Different Project…othing-wrong-hiring-trump-dossier-linked-research-f-n2402188
candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump. … In that capacity, during the 2016 election cycle we retained Fusion GPS to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republicanpresidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton.…
Special Counsel Stacked With Democrat Donors Rolls Out Indictments…stacked-with-democrat-donors-rolls-out-indictments-n2402106
– Think of it, a major U.S. political party colluded with their party’s presidential nominee to, by extension, hire an ex-spy who colluded … On October 27, the Washington Free Beacon announced their organization hired Fusion GPS to research “multiple candidates in the Republicanpresidential primary.”…
Turn Out the Lights, the Republican Party is Over
– The 2016 election will be remembered as the year the Republican Party ceased to exist as a viable national political organization. … He has not been endorsed by 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney or by former Presidents George H. W. … If the party will not support Trump, the grassroots should no longer support the Republican Party.…
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