Michael Fumento is an author, journalist, and attorney specializing in science and health issues. He is a regular contributor to Townhall.com, and a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. He received his undergraduate degree while serving in the Army, where he achieved the rank of sergeant. In 1985 he was graduated from the University of
Illinois College of Law.
He has been a legal writer for the Washington Times, editorial writer for the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, and was the first "National Issues" reporter for Investor's Business Daily. In 2005 he reported from Iraq as an embed with the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force in Fallujah.
Mr. Fumento was the 1994 Warren T. Brookes Fellow in Environmental Journalism at the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., a fellow with Consumer Alert in Washington, D.C., and a science correspondent for Reason magazine.
Mr. Fumento was a nominee for the prestigious National Magazine Award. His articles have appeared around the world, including Readers' Digest, The Atlantic Monthly, Forbes, The New Republic, USA Weekend, The Washington Monthly, Reason, The Weekly Standard, National Review, Policy Review, The Bulletin (Australia), BioScience News & Advocate (New Zealand), and The American Spectator. He's published in such newspapers as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Christian Science Monitor, The Sunday Times of London, The Sunday Telegraph of London, the Jerusalem Post, the Apple Daily (Hong Kong), the Los Angeles Times, Investor's Business Daily, Washington Times, and the Chicago Tribune.
His television appearances include Nightline; ABC World News; ABC News 20/20; numerous programs on CBS; NBC; CNN; and Fox; PBS; MacNeil-Lehrer; CNBC; the BBC; the Canadian Broadcasting Network; C-SPAN; the Christian Broadcasting Network; Donahue; This Week with David Brinkley, ESPN, and many others.
Mr. Fumento has lectured on science and health issues throughout the nation and the world, including Great Britain, France, the Czech Republic, Greece, Austria, China, and South America. He has authored five books:
The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS
Science Under Siege
Polluted Science
The Fat of the Land
BioEvolution: How Biotechnology Is Changing Our World
Michael Fumento lives in Arlington, Virginia with his wife and two cats.
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