
The Friday Filibuster: Things Aren't Looking Good for Hillary

The Friday Filibuster: The one-stop-shop for everything you need to know about this week in politics. 

Closing Numbers

63% of women view Trump unfavorably.

40% of households could lose Obamacare subsidies due to tax law confusion.

9%--what ‘Deez Nuts’ is polling at in North Carolina.

15,000—the number of government emails revealed in adultery website Ashley Madison hack.

4—the number of melanoma spots doctors found on former President Jimmy Carter’s brain.

56% of Americans believe Obama’s climate change plan will increase energy costs.

12%--where Ben Carson ranked (second place) in a Fox News poll after the first debate.

48% of Ohioans would choose VP Joe Biden as president over 38% who favored Donald Trump.

51% of Floridians would choose Sen. Marco Rubio as president compared to 39% who favored Clinton.

$338m-$27b—the amount the EPA spill could cost.

HRC Happenings

It just keeps getting worse and worse for Hillary. This week the number of emails flagged as classified material first swelled to 60, then exceeded 300. And the company that set up Clinton’s server (in a bathroom closet) told ABC News it’s highly likely that a full back-up of the server was made, and that they are cooperating with the FBI (The FBI did say they can recover data that 'someone' tried to delete.) When pressed by Fox News’ Ed Henry whether she wiped the server clean before she announced she’d be handing it over to the DOJ, she wouldn’t say, but finally responded, “Like with a cloth or something?” Her spokeswoman didn’t do her many favors by admitting she didn’t really think the whole private server thing through. Remington Arms didn’t miss the opportunity to take a lighthearted jab at her in an ad for their oil wipes, which work on firearms, not email servers.

In other Hillary news, she’s not polling well (see Closing Numbers); she’s going to testify in front of the Benghazi Committee in October; her exchange with Black Lives Matter activists was a complete disaster; and finally, her ‘Free’ College Plan is absolutely ridiculous (read: not free).

Planned Parenthood

The Center for Medical Progress released their seventh video exposing the gruesome practices of Planned Parenthood, this time featuring a former procurement technician with StemExpress who described being forced to cut through the face of a late-term fetus to harvest brain tissue—the baby’s heart was still beating. Many Americans are probably still unaware of the Planned Parenthood scandal given that the major networks mentioned next to nothing about the videos. But Congress is paying attention, and the House Oversight Committee is investigating how Planned Parenthood uses taxpayer funding. And despite what Cecile Richards thinks, women don’t actually need Planned Parenthood—there are 20 comprehensive care clinics around the country for every Planned Parenthood. Speaking about the group’s horrors, Rep. Mia Love wiped away tears. The Cuomo administration on the other hand still stands with the group.

Campaigns & Elections

Love it or hate it, Donald Trump’s new immigration plan is making waves. Some Republicans think it’s exactly what America Needs, while other pundits are weighing whether or not conservatives can actually trust the real estate mogul. Gov. Bobby Jindal meanwhile took a bold step in making Planned Parenthood activists watch screenings of the disturbing videos at a protest. Gov. Scott Walker refuses to be intimidated by hecklers on the campaign trail. On the Democratic side of things, will Biden run? And if he does, will he make a pledge to limit the presidency to one term? We’ll have to wait and see.

Iran Deal Keeps Getting Worse

The Associated Press confirmed this week that a secret side deal allows Iran to inspect itself at a key nuclear site, and they also are adamant that they get to decide which nuclear inspectors are allowed in the country. The deal is so bad even Senate Dems are up in arms. We also can’t forget to mention that Iran could increase its terror funding by 50 percent thanks to unfrozen assets.