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The Country the UN Just Elected for Commission on Women's Rights Will Shock and Disturb You

AP Photo/Andres Kudacki

On Wednesday, UN Watch reported that of all countries to be elected to a 4-year term on the Commission on the Status of Women, Iran was chosen, thanks to a vote of 43 of 54 countries. 


In expressing his condemnation, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) also tweeted that China was selected as well.

The report opened in noting "UN Watch is calling on U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield and EU states to condemn the UN’s election of Iran to a 4-year term on its Commission on the Status of Women, the “principal global intergovernmental body exclusively dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.”

At least four out of 15 EU and western countries were included in the 43 votes which elected Iran to the seat, which means the United States could have voted for Iran.


Hilell Neuer, the executive director of UN Watch, made a sobering point about this possible involvement from the United States. 


I've covered the extensive list of human rights abuses the Communist Chinese Party has subjected its own people to, including and especially women, and how the United States could and should be doing more. This includes rape, forced sterilization and forced use of IUDs for Uyghur women, as well as forced late-term abortions for couples who may face the consequences for "unauthorized pregnancies." 

While the United States may very well have voted in favor of either or both of these countries, thanks to Biden's pick for our ambassador, Republicans in Congress like Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) are at least trying to move our country in the other direction He recently introduced a bill to defund the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), as there is evidence they have been complicit in enforcing China's One-Child Policy, and continue to be with their now Two-Child Policy. 

Numerous human rights groups have expressed concerns with women's rights in Iran. Amnesty International wrote how "Women, as well as ethnic and religious minorities, faced entrenched discrimination as well as violence." United Against Nuclear Iran has a web page on "Iran's War on Women." The Center for Human Rights in Iran has four reports on women's rights so far just this year. Their most recent one, from March 8, is titled "UN: Women and Girls in Iran Treated as Second Class Citizens, Reforms Urgently Needed." It looks 43 countries didn't get that memo.


Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield did not tweet about Iran's selection, though she did manage to tweet and retweet about climate change no less than five times since UN Watch's announcement. 

Should she ever actually address Iran's place or her vote, knowing her track record, she may very well end up defending the oppressive while managing to throw her own country under the bus. As we have covered, the ambassador made anti-American remarks, such as how "we have to acknowledge that we are an imperfect union and have been since the beginning" and that "I've seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles."

She and the White House doubled down on such remarks.

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