Results for: fbi news

ABC News: Were The Secret Society FBI Texts Made In Jest?
– The FBI remains in the spotlight as new texts reveal a possible anti-Trump secret society that’s meeting offsite. What is this? … So, ABC News got their hands on the secret meeting texts and wondered if this was made in jest:  Lawmakers have refused to publicly … Maybe it should just be the first meeting of the secret society," FBI lawyer Lisa Page wrote to senior FBI agent Peter Strzok, who…
FBI Deputy Director McCabe Forced To Step Down, But Not Leaving The Bureau Just Yet…rced-to-step-down-but-not-leaving-the-bureau-just-y-n2441248
– from the FBI: Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down (via NBC News): NBC's Pete Williams: FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe … NEW: FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has stepped down, CBS News' Pat Milton reports; source says McCabe was "forced to step down" … — CBS News (@CBSNews) January 29, 2018NBC News: Multiple U.S. officials say that FBI Deputy Director Andrew…
James Comey Was Fired Over The Phone; Saw It On Television First
– bureau travel in Los Angeles, two FBI sources tell ABC News. … FBI agents and staff are stunned by the news, sources told ABC News. … Comey learned of firing as he addressed FBI employees in LA. TV screens in background flashed news of firing.…
Trump: Media Focused on Star of David To Get Off FBI News
– They are focusing on the tweet to "get off FBI news" regarding Hillary's emails, Trump insisted at a rally in Cincinnati, Ohio on Wednesday…
The FBI Monitored Social Media on Election Day Looking for 'Fake News'
– The FBI monitored social media on Election Day to look for evidence of a Russian plot to spread fake news and other disinformation … The FBI declined to comment for this story. … For the FBI, this was uncomfortable territory, given the First Amendment's free speech protections even for fake news stories.…
Trump Reacts to News He Was Investigated By FBI Over Comey Firing
– On Friday we learned that the FBI had opened an investigation into President Trump and his connection to Russia following his firing of former FBI Director James Comey in 2017. After reading the report in the New York Times, President Trump penned a response on Twitter on Saturday. Here's...
In Other News: The FBI Wants You to Be Suspicious of Government?…ws-the-fbi-wants-you-to-be-suspicious-of-government-n1842108
– Here are some other highlights and headlines that I noticed over at Ransom Notes Radio: The FBI chief has said that people should be suspicious of government… I think it’s probably best that we all do exactly as this authority figure as suggested. (The Hill) A...
Trump's Friday Morning Tweetstorm: Fake News, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and More…eetstorm-fake-news-hillary-clinton-the-fbi-and-more-n2271022
– He then continued with a series of tweets about the unverified dossier, fake news, why Hillary Clinton lost the election, the FBI, … realDonaldTrump) January 13, 2017 Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and Republicans - FAKE NEWS
Fox News Host Again Pushes Liberal Talking Points About the FBI's Trump Raid…beral-talking-points-about-the-fbis-trump-raid-with-n2611654
– Is Fox News host Steve Doocy auditioning for another network? This recent interview with Rep. … The Fox News host mentioned Trump’s nomination of Chris Wray to replace James Comey as FBI director, thinking this was a debate-ending … and Biden’s DOJ.”Fox News’ Steve Doocy: “Well, of course the FBI director was appointed by Donald Trump.”…
Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump…s-under-oath-mueller-wanted-fbi-director-job-during-n2554392
News reporters gave Michael Kortan, the former assistant director of public affairs at the FBI, gifts and lied about it to investigators … There are a lot of rotten eggs at the FBI and now we’re learning that ex-special counsel Robert Mueller had actually pursued the FBI … Fox News has the scoop: Multiple administration officials tell Fox News that when Robert Mueller met with President Trump in May of…
Judicial Watch Sues For "Lost" Text Messages Between FBI Agents Strzok and Page…st-text-messages-between-fbi-agents-strzok-and-page-n2439227
– After the FBI announced a number of text messages between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were "lost," the folks over at Judicial … @FBI says texts are missing? Don't believe it. … From Fox News:  Thousands of FBI cellphones were affected by the technical glitch that the DOJ says prevented five months’ worth of…
Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe…ama-wh-cia-fbi-and-harry-reid-colluded-at-outset-of-n2465737
– Via Fox News: Newly uncovered text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page suggest a possible coordination between … The congressional investigators pointed out to Fox News that the CIA and FBI are supposed to be “independent agencies,” and noted that … Vote and seeks FBI inquiry.”…
BREAKING: The FBI Is Reopening the Investigation About Hillary's Emails…s-reopening-the-investigation-about-hillarys-emails-n2238062
– NBC News, as well as Congressman Jason Chaffetz, are reporting that FBI Director James Comey has sent a letter to Congress saying that … FBI Dir just informed me, "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation." … Case reopened — Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) October 28, 2016 NBC News: FBI re-opening investigation into Hillary Clinton…
Wait, What? Andrew McCabe Launched an FBI Investigation Into Attorney General Sessions Because Dems Asked Him To?…ssions-was-under-fbi-investigation-by-andrew-mccabe-n2463651
– It's been less than a week since former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions after a recommendation … The drama surrounding the lawful and justified firing hasn't stopped since and late Wednesday night, ABC News dropped a bombshell story … alleging Sessions was under FBI investigation last year for perjury.…
Trump Confident the FBI Is Going to 'Right the Ship'…trump-rally-reacts-to-reopened-email-investigation-n2238087
– Ten minutes after Donald Trump heard the news that the FBI has reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, he shared … “I think the FBI is going to right the ship, folks.” … @realDonaldTrump statement on new #FBI email investigation.…
ABC News: 'Highly Likely' FBI Will Find Back-Up of Hillary's Deleted Emails
– ABC News followed up on Friday's Bloomberg piece with a report that aired Sunday morning on This Week. … unsecure server (via America Rising): "Platte River Networks, the Colorado company that set up Clinton's server, told ABC News … The company says it's cooperating with the FBI."…
FBI Director: This 'Security Inquiry' Hillary Keeps Talking About Isn't a Thing, This Is a Criminal Investigation…ty-inquiry-hillary-keeps-talking-about-isnt-a-thing-n2161616
– After months of staying silent surrounding the investigation, FBI Director James Comey told Fox News Wednesday that he doesn't understand … We do investigations here at the FBI," Comey told Fox News' Catherine Herridge, reiterating Clinton will not be receiving any kind … The FBI is expected to interview Clinton about her personal server in the coming weeks.…
BREAKING: Trump to Declassify Infamous FISA Memo
– The memo reportedly outlines FISA abuses and shows misconduct from the FBI during the 2016 presidential election.  … Other reports have shown the FBI has reviewed and edited the memo ahead of its inveitable release by the end of the week. … Department of Justice and the FBI.…
Former FBI Director James Comey To Testify Before Senate Intelligence Committee After Memorial Day…y-to-testify-before-senate-intelligence-committee-a-n2329507
– Former FBI Director James Comey has agreed to testify in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. … News (@Reuters) May 19, 2017 NEWS: Comey to testify publicly in Senate Intel after Memorial Day — Burgess Everett (@burgessev) … May 19, 2017 #BREAKING Fmr FBI Dir Comey agrees to testify in open session before Senate Intel Cmte.…
Utah Man Who Allegedly Made 'Credible' Threats to Biden Fatally Shot by FBI During Raid
– (ABC News) JUST IN - FBI kills Utah man, who made threatening online posts against Joe Biden, during raid — ABC — (@disclosetv … ," the FBI said in a statement. … This is a breaking news post and may be updated with additional information.…
Did Mark Zuckerberg Prove the FBI Created the ‘Russian Disinfo’ Narrative on Hunter’s Laptop?…ted-the-russian-disinfo-narrative-on-hunters-laptop-n2612328
– This was the prevailing explanation given by nearly all news outlets wishing to sidestep the news in the fall of 2020, and it appears … this has begun entirely from the FBI. … Statement from #FBI Director Wray: — FBI (@FBI) August 11, 2022 Merrick Garland…
Jim Jordan: FBI Is Engaging in Purge of 'Conservative Employees'…fbi-is-engaging-in-purge-of-conservative-employees-n2613849
– However, in a statement, the FBI denied any reports of misconduct within the agency.  … a thorough investigation when suspending or revoking a security clearance,” an FBI spokesperson told Fox News.  … He continued to call out the FBI for going after agents brave enough to come forward. …
ABC News: Comey Won't Accuse President Trump of Obstructing Justice During Testimony Thursday
– According to a report from ABC News, former FBI Director James Comey will not accuse President Trump of obstruction of justice during … However, he will dispute the President's claim he was told the FBI is not investigating him. … had pressured to FBI to drop or back off on the Russia investigation.…
The FBI is Livid About Bill Clinton's Secret Meeting With Loretta Lynch
– of the secret, 30-minute long meeting between Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton earlier this week in Phoenix, Fox News … is reporting FBI agents are livid as they continue to criminally investigate the Clinton Foundation for public corrupt and presumptive … Herridge said that a well-placed FBI source described FBI agents as "livid" about Lynch's actions, saying it goes beyond just appearances…
Analysis: No, Bret Baier's Scoop on FBI Hillary Investigations Hasn't Been 'Debunked'…didnt-blow-his-scoop-on-fbis-hillary-investigations-n2241593
– refuted much of the reporting from Wall Street Journal and Fox News regarding a likely indictment regarding an FBI investigation into … That’s a term of art in the FBI. … CBS News confirms this important detail, which may highlight why FBI Director James Comey decided to re-engage the dormant investigation…