Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Word Games
– He gets his committee assignments from the Democrats, and he's seeking the (presidential) nomination, of guess what, the Democratic … All the presidential contenders in the recent Democratic debate seemed in favor of free enterprise, small business and more opportunity … When these presidential candidates mention the plight of the middle class in this country, they all seem to be referring only to an…
Judge Unravels Illegal Activity by Prosecution That Ensured a Conviction of Renzi — But Will He Do Anything About it?…viction-of-renzi---but-will-he-do-anything-about-it-n2074408
– His wife, Leezie Kim, worked closely for former Arizona Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano, and Renzi had been rumored to be a potential … In addition to these active roles, Kim also donated $400 to the Arizona Democratic Party in 2005 and $928 to Democratic candidates … He contributed money to the Arizona Democratic Party, which turned around and sent out an attack mailer against Renzi prior to the…
Speaker Ryan Goes ‘Full Ginsburg’ On Sunday Circuit, Says House GOP Will Become ‘Proposition Party’…ircuit-says-house-gop-will-become-proposition-party-n2074369
– “I think that’s the really positive thing about him, who he is as a person,” added Schumer, who will take over as Senate Democratic … " compared to some of the other candidates for Speaker. … Concerning presidential ambitions, it appears that window has closed.…
Speaker Ryan Promises A ‘New Vision’ But No Clear Frontrunner In Sight For the 2016 Nomination…clear-frontrunner-in-sight-for-the-2016-nomination-n2073150
– time when the Republican Congress couldn't agree on little else -- including who should lead the House -- and Hillary Clinton's presidential … Things were nowhere nearly as clear-cut and settled in the GOP's bitter battle for the 2016 presidential nomination -- as was evident … The co-chairman was the late Democratic Sen.…
Gun Bias Degrades Presidential Debate
– The entire gun-owning community in America—all 100 million of them—desperately wants to know where the candidates stand on gun issues … Our liberal democratic friends think we should be like Australia, because we are like Australia. Except we're not. … No one challenged Hillary on this in the media love fest that passed for a democrat's presidential debate.…
Free Stuff Can Turn Out to Be a Bad Buy
– That's what the Democratic candidates were offering in their presidential debate. … Republican candidates have been talking about reducing college costs, too, and George W.…
Biggest Loser in the CNBC Debate? The Media
– [Note: This comment was written immediately following the third televised Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colo., on Wednesday … He contrasted the animus of the media panel toward the GOP field with the recent Democratic debate, "where every fawning question was … It may or may not give a boost to Cruz's presidential hopes, but it will certainly reinforce the public's sense that the mainstream…
AIPAC's Devastating Decision
Democratic Senator Chris Coons from Delaware betrayed his backers and his voters when at the end of the summer, as the Senate returned … AIPAC and its supporters have far less influence among Democratic lawmakers than they did when Obama entered office. … If AIPAC wants Democrats to support Israel they should seek out and support Democratic candidates who will support Israel – even when…
It's Time To Hit Obama Hard On His Rotten Economy
– WASHINGTON - The Obama economy is tanking as we near the 2016 presidential primaries, handing the GOP the one, overriding issue they … of the bad economic data we've gotten this week, the economy still isn't getting the attention it deserves from the Republican candidates … , is putting out white papers on all of the GOP candidates.…
Why Ben Carson Is Flying High
– This goes a long way in explaining why political outsiders are dominating the polls in the Republican presidential race. … Even quality conservative candidates such as Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz lag far behind Donald Trump and Ben Carson. … Can it really be that someone with this kind of character is likely to be the Democratic Party candidate for president of the United…
Where Have All The Leaders Gone?
– century-and-three-quarters after Webster shared the secret of America’s growing leadership in the world, our nation is locked in another presidential … Certainly, the Democratic front-runner -- the scandal-born-and-raised wife of America’s most narcissistic President -- would never … Yet there are, on the Republican side, candidates possessed of the understanding, vision and integrity that so often in the past, but…
Why Hillary Won’t Be Indicted
– On stage at the Democratic presidential debate, all three candidates scoffed at the idea that Hillary might be indicted for destroying … Look—you don’t even need to be constitutionally eligible to run for president under Article II to run—no one vets candidates for the…
Second Dem Debate: Clinton Refuses to Admit the Obama Admin ‘Understated’ ISIS Threat
– The three remaining Democratic presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley, took part in the second…
Assessing the GOP Field
– I get the feeling that the Republican presidential field is gradually beginning to narrow and that we will see interesting dynamics … His problem is that Republican voters understand that the Democratic Party has no interest in working with us and that even if it did … Donald Trump appears to be evolving as a candidate in exercising more restraint and avoiding personal skirmishes with other candidates
Searching for a Republican Presidential Candidate who can Win the Hispanic Vote…residential-candidate-who-can-win-the-hispanic-vote-n2079885
– WASHINGTON - This week's Republican presidential debate was on the whole a very grown up affair that finally focused on the sluggish … All of the candidates talked about their tax cut plans -- some quite good, some not so good. Texas Sen. … But not the GOP candidates who honestly faced it head on this week, saying it would hurt job growth.…
GOP Endgame: Rubio vs. Cruz?
– That's the emerging theory advanced by a growing number of political prognosticators in recent weeks as both candidates trend upward … To wit, here's Matt Lewis during Tuesday night's presidential debate: Tonight was a step toward the Cruz vs Rubio final act a lot … Challenged by FBN moderator Maria Bartiromo on Hillary Clinton's experience and "impressive resume," both candidates took a crack at…
From Outsider to Establishment Leader, Rubio "Trumps" Bush
– The Fox Business debate this week was truly a treat to those who crave bona fide policy discussions among the candidates. … And in such a format Republicans should take solace that none of the candidates in the so-called "big debate" in any way performed … Indeed his somewhat paternalistic embrace of the other candidates likely helps his polling when it comes to his "favorability" rating…
Ben Carson's Resume is Fair Game -- But What of Democrats' Resumes?…resume-is-fair-game--but-what-of-democrats-resumes-n2079303
– Vice President Joe Biden blatantly lied about his grades in 1987, when the then-Senator was a presidential candidate. … Presidential candidate Biden also said he was descended from coal miners. … candidates' claims that they are facing a hostile audience when they deal with the press."…
With Romney's Comeback Rumors Swirling, Former Hillary Clinton Staffers Blow A Gasket…swirling-former-hillary-clinton-staffers-blow-a-ga-n2429754
– Sexism at work. — Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) January 2, 2018Strange how losing male presidential candidate Mitt Romney is being … I thought failed presidential candidates were only allowed to take up knitting. — Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) January 2, 2018 Yeah … She has a super PAC that fights the Trump agenda and is projected to give monetary support to 2018 candidates as well.…
1 A.T. (After Trump): The Economy
– Trump was one of 17 GOP presidential candidates in what amounted to among the most crowded and competitive of presidential fields to … It isn’t just the Clintons, Bushes, and Obamas over whom Trump prevailed; he defeated as well the Democratic and Republican Party Establishment…
Former Clinton Adviser: The 2020 Democratic Primary Is Going To Be A 'Circus'…the-2020-democratic-primary-is-going-to-be-a-circus-n2429641
– “I think it’s going to be a bit of a circus in the Democratic Party. I think we all could name 30 people who might run,” Mr. … The top Democratic aide is supporting the removal of Mr. Trump while party leaders try to figure out a strategy. … His answer came after a graduate student asked what the Democratic Party could do to boost turnout among younger voters.…
New Hampshire Tea Leaves
– It is the Republican wager, and not a bad one, that these conditions remain the context for the 2012 presidential election. … But with no Democratic contest this time around, independents will vote in the Republican primary in large numbers. … Candidates must motivate an impatient base without alienating centrists -- not a bad description of their national task.…
GOP Foolishly Ignores Recall Battle in Wisconsin
– Aging hippies trashed the state capital, union members were bused in from across the country in color-coded T-shirts, and Democratic … All in a state that Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama won as the Democrats’ presidential candidates. … While Wisconsin’s story fell off the front page, the left – fueled by unions, the Democratic Governors Association, and…
Of 'Trailblazers' and Just Plain Principled Women
– The New York Times marked Geraldine Ferraro's death with the observation that by gaining the Democrats' vice presidential nomination … How did that differentiate her from the male donkeys in the Democratic wagon train? … For women gubernatorial candidates, 2010 was a great year: major pick-ups by Republicans in South Carolina (an Indian woman yet), Oklahoma…
Walker Wins!
– recall Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker failed by the surprisingly wide margin of 55 percent to 44 percent for the Democratic … Much of the Political Punditry Class has been touting this as a preview of the 2012 Presidential election, but now that the Republican … That leaves plenty of time for the supporters of the other candidates to get in behind Mitt Romney.…
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