Results for: abortion pregnancy

Oklahoma Governor Takes Major Pro-Life Action
– Stitt signed HB 2441, a version of the "heartbeat" abortion bill. … before going through with an abortion procedure. … "Performance of an abortion as defined by Section 1-730 of Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, except for an abortion necessary to prevent…
Abortion Pills Are Not ‘Medication’
– In order to distinguish from surgical abortion, many in the media already use “medication abortion,” “medical abortion,” or “chemical … abortion” to describe an abortion administered by pill. … Anthony Levatino, medical or chemical abortion is administered up to 10 weeks in pregnancy and consists of “two steps.”…
Sin of Planned Parenthood Is Abortion, Not Margaret Sanger
– New York City is one of the abortion capitals of the nation, and Planned Parenthood wants to take the edge off by renaming its abortion … Why is the incidence of abortion so high among black women? … Abortion rates tend to be higher among unmarried women because of a higher likelihood of unwanted pregnancy.…
Americans Say Why They’re Pro-Life: My Baby Was ‘Sucking His Thumb’…ay-why-theyre-prolife-my-baby-was-sucking-his-thumb-n2588291
– to being personally wounded by abortion. … My mom explained what abortion was and I couldn’t stop crying for a week.” … Others had experienced abortion personally. One woman wrote, “To Be 100 % Honest. After my Abortion.…
This Mother’s Day, Celebrate Women Who Chose Life in the Midst of a War…elebrate-women-who-chose-life-in-the-midst-of-a-war-n2589137
– that the crisis of abortion was rooted in another crisis: one of love and family. … I can’t help but think of the babies killed by abortion. … that abortion really does.…
Democratic Congresswoman Tries to Erase Women with This One Sentence
– Cori Bush (D-MO) testified before the House Oversight Committee about pain related to pregnancy and giving birth, and referred to childbearing … for so long, nobody has. — Congresswoman Cori Bush (@RepCori) May 6, 2021Right on cue, the National Abortion … when discussing pregnancy.…
Biden's Bishop Might Not Be Speaking Up So Clearly About Abortion and Communion, but Pelosi's Is…g-up-against-him-receiving-communion-but-pelosis-is-n2588843
– Nevertheless, the multi-faceted letter, which discusses abortion, cooperating in the "moral evil" abortion is, receiving communion, … an abortion, namely in how it emphasizes abortion "is never solely the mother’s act" and recognizes that a mother may not have truly … wanted the abortion.…
Humanizing the Victims of Abortion
– Amazingly, through the years, there have been a few that actually survived an abortion attempt. … They returned to the abortion clinic to find out how this could be. … there were two; and so I had survived my birth mother’s abortion.”…
Fact-Check Sticks It to Biden's HHS Secretary for Denying Existence of Federal Abortion Law…etary-for-denying-existence-of-federal-abortion-law-n2589787
– professor and the autor [sic] of several books on abortion, including "Abortion in America: A Legal History, Roe v. … the abortion procedure more akin to murder. … On the other side, abortion-rights advocates have tended to use the phrase "late-term abortion," which is less polarizing.…
Mississippi Yearning
– Wade in 1973 and reaffirmed and expanded in subsequent rulings, even as the abortion lobby has continued to press that the procedure … Even some who favor abortion rights believe the decision was based on bad law. … Abortion has contributed to the caustic environment in which we now live.…
Gov. Greg Abbott Signs Bipartisan Heartbeat Bill into Law to Protect the Unborn from 'Ravages of Abortion'…ry-as-gov-greg-abbott-signs-heartbeat-bill-into-law-n2589699
– In a year that has already seen a record number of pro-life laws considered at the state level, Texas now has a law that bans abortion … At this stage of pregnancy, a woman may undergo a "suction, or aspiration, D&C abortion [which] is a procedure in which a suction catheter … An increasing number of states are considering such a ban on abortion.  Amazing victory for life in Texas!…
Republicans Celebrate SCOTUS Decision to Review Abortion Case as Planned Parenthood Gets Nervous…s-celebrate-scotus-decision-to-review-abortion-case-n2589581
– The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to take up the review of a high-profile abortion case. Dobbs v. … the risk of setting a new precedent for abortion restrictions.  … The Supreme Court announced it will review Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban — a direct challenge to Roe v.…
The Inscrutable Catholic Support for Biden
– Biden and his progressive puppet masters have put Xavier Becerra, a pro-abortion-rights pit bull, in charge of the HHS. … That case challenged California’s Reproductive FACT Act, legislation that required anti-abortion pregnancy centers to promote and advertise … the availability of abortion clinics.…
‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Actress: I’m ‘Really Proud’ of Abortion Plot
– at places like pregnancy centers. … While trying to get an abortion, she stops at a clinic that turns out to be a pro-life pregnancy center. … education programs, and even support after abortion.…
Pro-Life Group SBA List Releases $2M Ad Ahead of SCOTUS Case: 'Major Opportunity to Educate'…major-opportunity-to-educate-majority-of-americans-n2590083
– The ad seeks to educate the American public about our abortion laws, which, under Roe and its companion case Doe v. … Bolton, must contain broadly defined health exceptions, thus effectively allowing abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy … allow abortion on demand through birth – alongside China and North Korea," she said. …
Which Party Gains if Roe Goes Down?
abortion policy for the past half century will fall. … Survey data is remarkably consistent: Broadly speaking, voters want abortion to be legal early in pregnancy or when there is a medical … emergency, but are against both banning abortion outright or permitting it without limit.…
Polls Claim Americans Support Roe, But There's More Beneath the Surface…americans-support-roe-but-thats-not-the-whole-story-n2589868
– Wade established a constitutional right to an abortion “at least in the first three months of pregnancy.”  … later into pregnancy.  … At this stage of pregnancy, a woman is likely to undergo a D&E abortion, also known as dilation and extraction.…
Pro-Life Figures Express Optimism Over Supreme Court Hearing Abortion Case: 'The Science Has Changed'
– These abortion procedures are cruel infanticide. … This moves the abortion debate onto favorable terrain for pro-lifers. Mid to late-term abortion bans poll well. … 2nd 3 months of pregnancy.…
Abortion isn't some great equalizer. The act of killing an unborn human does not make the world better for women." … Smith thinks her happiness in life depends on contraception and abortion. Abortion is not just an expectation, but a routine. … You realize it when you spend any time around abortion clinics -- they think abortion is the responsible thing.…
Leftists Celebrate Texas Valedictorian’s Unapproved Pro-Abortion Commencement Speech…ictorians-unapproved-proabortion-commencement-speec-n2590443
– S.B. 8 will outlaw abortion in the state of Texas after a fetal heartbeat has been detected, regardless of whether the pregnancy was … Not surprisingly, many pro-life activists celebrate this as a landmark victory while many pro-abortion activists view it as an attack … — Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) June 2, 2021TEXAS VALEDICTORIAN BLASTS ABORTION LAW: Lake Highlands high school…
U.S. Taxpayers Don’t Want to Fund Abortion
Abortion activists frequently argue that abortion should be a private “choice” between a woman and her doctor. … While abortion activists criticize Biden for avoiding the word “abortion,” he is continuously proving to be their ally. … For decades, he voted against abortion and for Hyde.…
Speaker Pelosi Is Stumped By This CNSNews Intern's Question on Abortion…oled-with-this-cnsnews-interns-question-on-abortion-n2591179
– During her weekly press conference on Thursday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was asked a question about abortion. … The Supreme Court this fall will review a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. … Jackson Women's Health, which will indeed decide the constitutionality of a 15-week abortion ban from Mississippi.…
Mississippi Leans into Life
– Could babies be protected from abortion before “viability,” a point that has moved earlier in pregnancy but is not (yet) at 15 weeks … non-medical pregnancy centers. … As taxpayers and neighbors, we can say with confidence it isn’t the jaded abortion industry.  …
Biden's D.C. Catholic Parish Does Not Plan on Refusing Communion to Pro-Choice Attendees…t-plan-on-refusing-communion-to-prochoice-massgoers-n2591757
– The Catholic Church opposes all forms abortion where the direct purpose is to terminate an existing pregnancy. … Biden is a proponant of abortion, and recently excluded the Hyde Amendment from the 2022 budget. … The Hyde Amendment would prevent taxpayer funds from paying for abortion. He supported the legislation as recently as 2019.…
Unanimous Supreme Court Relies on Landmark Pregnancy Center Case to Protect Religious Liberty…pregnancy-center-case-to-protect-religious-liberty-n2591693
– The court found California’s efforts to mandate that pro-life pregnancy centers promote abortion through the posting of a sign in the … Pro-life pregnancy centers exist to provide alternatives to abortion. … Their foundational beliefs ensure that they will not promote abortion in any way.…
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