Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

Trump's Circular Firing Squad
– in 2016 signed petitions declaring Trump unfit for office. … Democrats as of yet have no obvious presidential candidates or even credible spokespeople to make the case against Trump. … The Republican-majority Congress is likewise even less popular than an unpopular Trump.…
The Democratic Economic Plan, Or How They're Hoping You’re Too Stupid To Notice It’s Clinton’s Agenda…n-or-how-theyre-hoping-youre-too-stupid-to-notice-i-n2358620
– This is the party of Hollywood. … Clinton said during a speech on June 22, 2016. … They need to flip Republican districts to win the House, which means candidates who can win in these areas. They don’t have that.…
Mutiny on the Potomac
– He received the votes of almost 63 million Americans, the highest total ever for a Republican Party presidential candidate. … With Republican “friends” like Graham, the President certainly does not need enemies. … to liberal candidates such as Hillary Clinton.…
Radioactive: Democrats Are Starting To See Nancy Pelosi as A Cancer…ocrats-are-starting-to-see-nancy-pelosi-as-a-cancer-n2364210
– The district was Republican, but not pro-Trump. It was the perfect bellwether. … All three will animate Republican voters, though Democrats can’t excite their base without them. … Instead, they got the same old crew that keep driving the Democratic Party machine into the ditch, along with recycling Clinton’s 2016
Total Disaster: A Guide to How Bad the Democratic Party Is Right Now…guide-to-how-bad-the-democratic-party-is-right-now-n2367282
– The Tea Party wing vs. the establishment is going to eat the party alive etc., well, that turned out to be overblown. … Along, with the presidency and Congress, the Republican Party is the dominant political force in the country. … Stein cited Democrats fighting over a single payer health care system and whether the party should support candidates who are pro-life…
Ralph Nader: Sanders Set Clinton Up For 'Political Betrayal'…nader-sanders-set-clinton-up-for-political-betrayal-n2194320
– These were all Sanders' talking points from his presidential campaign. … it to the 2016 election. … The five-time presidential candidate ran once as a write-in, twice as the Green Party candidate, and twice as an independent.…
Trump's Veep Candidates Have Their Own Ideas on Immigration…veep-candidates-have-their-own-ideas-on-immigration-n2192894
– WASHINGTON - The 2016 presidential election will be remembered as one of the most bizarre political contests in modern American history … week's Republican National Convention. … But the "party that says it's the party of the family is not going to adopt an immigration policy which destroys families.…
Trump Battles Globalist Republicans
– Cruz's mega-donors think they can buy their way to control of the Republican Party even if Trump wins the presidency this year, and … That sentiment is anathema to the globalists who provide much of the money for Republican candidates. … We've waited a long time for a Republican candidate to express these pro-American views, but Donald Trump's victory in the presidential
Three Things Trump Needs to Do to Win in November
– The 2016 Presidential Election should have been a cake-walk for Republicans.  … When the Republican primaries started, any one of the original sixteen Republican candidates likely could have defeated former Secretary … But Trump needs to look and sound presidential when doing it. …
Senate Republicans Turn To Donors Who Refuse To Aid Trump
– Many political donors who regularly aid the Republican Party are either refusing to donate or donating significantly less this election … After criticizing the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, the couple received a tweet from Trump saying "They better be careful … groups and essentially sit out of the presidential race” because Trump steamrolled their favored Republican Presidential candidates
Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice
– Editor's note: This column was originally published on July 28, 2016. … As of October 19, 2016, this column has been reinstated and the author has written a follow up piece which can be read here. … They recommend voting for a third-party or write-in candidate.…
Senate Watch: Are Democratic Takeover Hopes in Jeopardy?
– With so much attention focused on the high-octane presidential race, it can be easy to overlook important down-ballot races. … This appears to be the strongest pick-up opportunity for the party, which would be huge. … It would not only make the Democrats' climb much steeper, it would also replace Harry Reid with a Republican.…
The Democratic National Convention: A Sharp Contrast to Trump…ratic-national-convention-a-sharp-contrast-to-trump-n2197517
– Donald Trump’s success in the Republican Primary, as well as the strong insurgent campaign of Bernie Sanders, both signal that 2016 … Part of the job of conventions is to unify the party going forward; the other major job is to broaden the base. … The GOP convention was primarily concerned with unifying a fractured party, with scant attention on broadening the base.…
Republican Congressman Rips Ted Cruz: He's A Self-Absorbed, Small Man Who Is Not With the GOP…cruz-selfabsorbed-small-man-who-is-not-with-the-gop-n2195688
– Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) remarks at the Republican National Convention. … He’s now a small man, who’s not with the Republican Party. Who has not lived up to his promise to support our nominee. … He’s the official Republican nominee.…
Trump's Road Still Open
– At stake in 2016 is the White House, the Supreme Court, the Senate and, possibly, control of the House of Representatives. … Bush, many presidential candidates have been able to close a 10-point gap and win. What does Trump need to do? … on the sole obstacle between them and a Republican sweep.…
Reports: Panicked Allies Plot 'Intervention' As GOP 'Actively Explores' Replacing Trump…ing-to-abandon-an-imploding-trump-campaign-en-masse-n2201345
Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt … the dismay among senior party leaders and donors. … presidential nominee loose.  …
Johnson - Weld: Libertarians in Name Only…n-say-no-to-the-total-lino-libertarian-in-name-only-n2201311
– Third-party candidates are majoring in muddying the waters again in our electoral politics. … For election 2016, third-party bids might derail a Trump win…or Hillary’s chances. … This year, the Libertarian Party presidential candidates were featured in their own kind of prime-time primary debates.…
Five Problems With 'Republicans for Johnson/Weld'
candidates seeking elected office locally, regionally and nationally,” said Martin. … The way we see it, we are supporting the most Republican ticket on the ballot,” said Lopez. … That margin is sliced in half when Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein are included in the mix.…
Thanks for Your Help, Debbie. Really!
– The Democratic Party Died.” … The first Democratic Party debate featured five candidates, but Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii chose to resign as Vice-Chair … She also protested that other qualified presidential candidates were not included on the debate state.…
Vice Presidential Prospects
– We've heard nonstop criticism of both the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates -- for good reasons. … Overall, the major parties' vice presidential candidates are less scary than than the presidential candidates. … When he was a Republican, Weld praised F. A. Hayek and individual freedom.…
Will Trump Take Down Congressional Republicans?
– The obvious subject: what to do about Donald Trump's flagging campaign and how Republican down-ballot candidates can avoid the possible … Will more do so in 2016? … Most Senate Republican candidates in close races are incumbents who established their own distinct records long before Trump rode down…
Hugh Hewitt: No More Open Primaries
– There's also the notion that shouldn’t imbrue the process of deciding presidential candidates by forcing states to hold primaries, … which could allow non-party members to create mayhem.  … Logistically, the 2016 Republican Convention was executed with perfection, according to Hewitt.…
Time to Choose
– The 2016 presidential race, in its current phase, more closely resembles a necktie party, with Donald Trump as the guest of honor, … Bush speechwriter, writing in The New York Times, urged vice presidential nominee Mike Pence to gee-up the horse in question and end … the suspense about everything but the consequences of lynching a presidential nominee without the voters' consent.…
WaPo: Despite Attack On Gold Star Family, Veterans Stand Behind Trump…ack-on-gold-star-family-veterans-stand-behind-trump-n2208726
– Yet, veterans are sticking by the Republican nominee, noting that he’s something fresh after 15 years. … One of them said he framed his 2016 choice as one where his heart says Trump but his mind is telling him Clinton. … Both candidates are weak on a whole host of issues and character questions. Both are widely unpopular.…
Conservative Groups Looking to Keep the Senate in GOP Hands…tive-groups-looking-to-keep-the-senate-in-gop-hands-n2207398
– Before the 2016 election got underway, Republicans were already facing a tough Senate map. … Fast-forward to right now and we have a presidential candidate who, polling indicates, is weighing down GOP Senate candidates. … The Koch network will not be committing any money or ground game to help the Republican presidential nominee.…
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