Results for: they are all going to jail

Trump Should've Locked Her Up
to jail!" … It became a priority for the American people to see that "Justice for all" means just that. … In a campaign with too many appalling events to catalog, this new effort to criminalize an opponent is about as troubling as they come…
Should We Just Let It Burn?
– Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. … who are in jail. … And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.…
The Issues the Media Simply Cannot Report on Anymore...Even If They Tried…a-simply-cannot-report-on-anymoreeven-if-they-tried-n2588515
– Given recent events and stories that are just bound to get these newsrooms going, here are some of the issues the liberal media cannot … They were doing all of the work Erdely should have done when first jotting all of this down. … And they know. They just refuse to say so in their reports because they have a narrative to feed.…
A Quick, Compelling Bible Study Vol. 58 – Rabbi Gamaliel, the Pharisee Who Spoke Truth About Jesus…gamaliel-the-pharisee-who--spoke-truth-about-jesus-n2588464
– Then Sanhedrin members heard, “the men you put in jail are standing in the temple courts teaching the people.” … Promptly, they issued orders to retrieve those disobedient apostles. … Later in Acts, when Saul (then Paul) needed to convince Jews in Jerusalem that he was no longer going to persecute them for believing…
Can We Be Honest About Democrats and George Floyd?
– No honest person can deny that, but a lot of dishonest people are. Floyd was going to be arrested, it’s as simple as that. … But George, like everyone else, didn’t want to go to jail. Only he fought police to try to prevent it. … All they have to do is ignore murders like that of 7-year-old Jasyln Adams in Chicago Sunday, sitting in the drive-thru at a McDonald…
This Trial Was A Disgrace
They are our betters and worthy inheritors of the greatest nation in human history. I’ll give you a second to stop laughing. … I am not going to insult your intelligence by explaining why that’s appalling. … No, no one overtly told the jurors how they had to vote, but did anyone need to?…
Thanks, Derek Chauvin Jurors! You’re Safe Now. We Aren’t.
– He murdered 30 women, escaped from jail twice, and killed again before finally being brought to trial. … All it took was threatening the jurors with riots and personal destruction to get the verdict they wanted. … It was your life or theirs, and they decided the better part of valor was to sacrifice yours.…
Former Police Officer Brandon Tatum Suggests A Grim 'Trend' Could Emerge from George Floyd Tragedy…a-grim-trend-could-emerge-from-george-floyd-tragedy-n2588328
– If you're a black man about to be caught for something and go to jail, or even just feeling suicidal, especially if you are hyped up … going to end well.) … If Tatum is correct, things are about to get worse, not better, as conflicts between black men and police continue to escalate.…
Rep. Elise Stefanik's Comms. Director Latest to Be Suspended from Twitter in 'Error'…anik-comms-director-suspended-from-twitter-in-error-n2589075
– This was another purge in their ongoing effort to silence conservatives voices!We cannot back down to Big Tech Giants! … “They said it was a mistake, but again, it only happens to conservatives,” she said.  … If we are to give Twitter the benefit of the doubt and believe that the suspension did come in "error," a big if, but let's just say…
Senator Josh Hawley Gets the Last Laugh on Cancel Culture…r-josh-hawley-gets-the-last-laugh-on-cancel-culture-n2588908
– When he was asked on TV what would happen if the government required him to comply with its new speech rules, he answered, “If they … If they put me in jail, I’ll go on a hunger strike. I’m not doing this. And that’s that. … But in Peterson’s case, instead of going to jail or being taken to court or being disciplined by his university, Peterson became an…
Who in America Is Entitled to Call Who an Insurrectionist These Days?…entitled-to-call-who-an-insurrectionist-these-days-n2588856
– hereby commence by reaffirming the following truths to be self-evident: All human beings are created equal;They are endowed by their … Creator with certain unalienable rights;Among those are the rights of all people to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness;To … send them all to jail …for insurrection … or, for that matter, for exercising their right to Speak Freely?…
Four Months into Biden's Presidency, the Border Crisis Is Only Getting Worse…dens-presidency-the-border-crisis-is-not-going-away-n2589705
– Border Patrol (BP) and Texas state troopers were posted all over the road to intercept the border crossers.  … When the sun began to rise, those who wanted to avoid capture started to make a run for it after hiding in the thick brush all night … While Border Patrol stations are no longer overcrowded as they were in March, that is only because the administration has had to cut…
Canadian Pastor Dragged Off by SWAT Team Out on Bail Has a Warning for Americans
– I came to Canada because they offered me freedom. Here we are again. A repetition of history. I will fight to the death.  … That's what I said to the officer. You are not going to intimidate me.  … I’m sure they’re going to try to “get” him in some other way.…
A Word of Encouragement From a Courageous Canadian Parliamentarian…ragement-from-a-courageous-canadian-parliamentarian-n2589382
– When they do, their non-violent resistance to evil can spark a movement and move a nation. … [Thankfully, they were able to do that very thing, resulting in his temporary release from prison.] … Because when you see the depth of my concern, and how civil I am in going about this, you're bound to change your mind about me, to
Mask Hysteria
– It’s all stupid, and I won’t play.  There are vaccines all over the place now. … No one loves her – she’s awful, after all – and as long as she’s nagging others who are presenting no danger to her, it salves the … I’m going to have to take a pass on being a prop in the personal psychodramas of liberal weirdos.…
'We're Going to Be On Our Own': Border Sheriff Calls Out Biden Admin's Neglect of Immigration Crisis…ration-crisis-has-negatively-impacted-his-community-n2590119
– At that crossing point near Ciudad Acuña on Tuesday, around 96 people who said they were from Venezuela made it to the U.S. side of … I think that for the time being, we're going to be on our own to figure things out...These individuals are going to keep coming," Martinez … "When our jail is to capacity, that now is costing our taxpayers to have to maintain those guys till they go through the court process…
Taking Guns Out Of Whose Hands?
– any confidence that they even know what to do much less have any clue of how to do it. … believe—will have an immediate impact and incentive in how they plan to proceed. … After all, shouldn’t the best reason to carry a gun be the overwhelming statistical reality of never needing to fire it?…
Wow: GOP Wins Mayoral Race in Overwhelmingly Hispanic Texas Border City…ns-mayor-race-in-overwhelmingly-hispanic-texas-town-n2590550
– Democrats had erred by speaking to voters of color as though they are a monolithic, left-leaning group." … Are they capable of that? … “People are afraid to speak honestly,” said a doctor who immigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union.…
So, That's Ocasio-Cortez's Plan to Reduce the Prison Population, Huh?…th-ocasio-cortezs-grand-plan-to-stop-sending-people-n2590480
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Thursday that the way to reduce the number of people going to jail is to stop building more of them. … seem averse to trying to connect with real people. … If you want to stop people from going to jail, that’s on people not breaking the law.…
Ex-NYPD Police Commissioner Knows Why New York Is a Crime-Ridden Hell Hole…ioner-knows-why-new-york-is-a-crimeridden-hell-hole-n2591140
– The endless stream of people who have assaulted people in broad daylight, go to jail, and are released hours later. … There’s no deterrent, and it’s only going to get worse given that all the mayoral candidates this year want to make the city an even … When you shield criminal aliens and want to give them free stuff, chances are you’re probably not going to nix the ‘no cash’ bail laws…
Texas Passed a New Law on Suppressors. Stay Away from It.…w-on-the-ownership-of-suppressors-stay-away-from-it-n2591550
– It shouldn't have to be this way, but the regulation exists, and while states are passing suppressor laws of their own, gun owners … This is going to be a long fight. … All fights centering on gun rights tend to be lengthy duels, but going about this way, albeit tedious, avoids jail time and the loss…
Biden Will Attempt to Get Ahead of a Summer of Crime Created by the Left…attempt-to-get-ahead-of-a-summer-of-crime-this-week-n2591313
– And so, it's an opportunity for the President to speak to what he's going to do to help address that.   … "I'm not going to get ahead of his comments or remarks later this week.   … , 'Listen, I got out the next day and nothing's going to happen to me.'"…
Bernie’s Dangerous Health Care Proposal
– Sanders likes to point out that we are the only civilized country that does not have health care as a right for all. … When we were in Denmark a few years back, we were shown how they are opening their medical system to providers who operate outside … Sanders likes to say it would be Medicare for all.…
Christians Must Unite Now Against Gay Bullies and Their Allies…must-unite-now-against-gay-bullies-and-their-allies-n2139644
– The NBA is threatening to relocate next year’s All Star game from Charlotte, North Carolina to another city. … We are not going to bow down to your threats. … It is time for us to say: That will never happen, and we will go to jail rather than compromise our convictions.…
The Streets of San Francisco, a Libertarian Take
– Here are the steps to a new "attitude": Support private charities According to San Francisco's homeless czar Sam Dodge, the … Quoth Theroux: "You're always going to have some people who can't be helped and who are going to wallow in this, but you don't have … There's a handy way to make street dealers afraid of getting caught and going to jail. Arrest them.…
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