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Mask Hysteria

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AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

I always thought, correctly, that the mask thing was a ritual of solidarity with the establishment rather than a science-based prophylactic measure. I was right, as demonstrated by the bizarre idea that we should be wearing these stupid scarfs in a post-vax world.

Also, Greg Abbott’s recent failure to confront and defeat the BLM/Antifa garbage people in Plano is a sign that we need even more proactive cons in charge. Ron DeSantis wouldn’t have put up with this, and we voters won’t either.

Time To End The Mask Idiocy

Here’s the thing – masks are stupid and are part of the bizarre virtue signaling theater that has infected our culture. From laughable security checks at airports to attempts to police language, our society has decided that it’s the presentation that matters and the reality, well, that’s racist or something.

Masks are silly, in general. The insane mask performance art rules governing them are even sillier. Walking through a restaurant, you must drape a towel over your lips. Sitting at your chair, not so much. Masks protect you in the big box stores of Dem corporate donors, but not in churches. And you must wear them outside too, unless you are that malignant dwarf Fauci at a baseball game. He doesn’t need to. Kids, who won’t catch it, must do it in schools to protect their useless public school teachers, who won’t teach anyway.

It’s all stupid, and I won’t play. 

There are vaccines all over the place now. If you want one – and I don’t care if you do or you don’t get one – you can get one. And if you get one, the best information is that you won’t get the disease – which, incidentally, is not that bad in the first place if you are not within one of the high-risk categories. I know – I had it.

Here’s the thing: By not wearing a mask, if you are endangering anyone – and you aren’t – but if you are, you would only be endangering people who chose to face that danger by not getting vaccinated. In other words, I’m supposed to put that badge of servitude around my mug to accommodate peeps who decided to not get a vaccine? I don’t care if you don’t get a vaccine – that’s none of my business. But, conversely, such folks have no reason to expect I will conform my behavior to their choices and bind my lips to protect them (and, in my experience, the No-VAX people don’t expect me to – it’s the Yah-VAX nuts who do).

So, stop caring if other people wear masks.

First, my immunological status is none of your damn business. You aren’t my doctor and you aren’t by boss. I’ll do as I please. 

But here’s the thing – if you’re so damn scared of the flu, get a vaccine. You can cower with your cats in your creepy apartment until it takes effect and then you are “safe.” So, why would you care if someone else didn’t have a mask? You aren’t catching it. It’s not your problem, or your business.

The last time some tub of goo shouted “Wear a mask!” at me as I walked outside like a normal American, I invited it to perform an act that would have been challenging enough if it were in good shape. Next time, perhaps, instead of defaulting to laughing and profanities, I’ll ask “What’s it to you?” 

If COVID is such a big deal, Karen certainly got vaccinated, which means Karen can’t get it, which means it’s not Karen’s problem.

But that’s the thing – it’s Karen’s calling. Karen has a need to boss others around to hide the pain of her lonely, empty existence. No one loves her – she’s awful, after all – and as long as she’s nagging others who are presenting no danger to her, it salves the pain of her miserable life.

I’m going to have to take a pass on being a prop in the personal psychodramas of liberal weirdos.

Time to end America’s mask foolishness.

What The Hell, Greg Abbott?

So, on my last Unredacted podcast for you VIP members, I talked about the lack of outrage on the part of Texas Governor Greg Abbott when a bunch of BLM/Antifa dirtbags blocked a road and the one cop on scene hassled…the citizen who complained. 

And Abbott was on the job, tweeting about his lovely golden retriever, Peaches. I like golden retrievers. We got our first in 1971 and have had nearly a dozen. Great dogs. And maybe that’s not what your priority should be when communist scumbags are attacking citizens.

In response to me and other people pointing out this humiliating failure on social media, some people argued that it’s not Abbott’s fault what happen in Plano, to which I responded that a real leader would make it his problem – and solve it.

You think Ron DeSantis would let the lunatics take over the asylum?


That’s the new standard, folks.

That’s what conservatives not merely expect but demand.

No excuses.

No rationalizing failure.

We want results.



Texas is an important state and Governor “Hey, Here’s A Tweet Of My Dog” is not cutting it. It is trending blue, and this isn’t helping. Oh, he sent some tweets about all the conservative stuff he’s done, but who cares? We expect that. That’s merely doing his job, not excelling. We cons are not giving out participation trophies anymore. 

We don’t want resistance to the blue onslaught. We want a ruthless counterattack to defeat it and roll it back.

So, Greg! and Asa! and Kristi! and Nikki! and all the rest of you half-steppers, take note. It ain’t 2005 anymore, and good enough to please the Chamber of Commerce isn’t good enough to please us. Abbott should have had the Texas Rangers rolling on those criminals, and they should be in jail right now. Florida cops don’t play that. It’s an embarrassment that Texas cops apparently do, and that Governor Good Boy Have A Milkbone just takes it.


My original Kelly Turnbull action thriller People's Republic tells what happens when America splits into red and blue countries. See what the fuss is all about before Book No. 6 drops next month and check out my other bestsellers: Indian CountryWildfireCollapse and Crisis.

My super-secret e-mail address is


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