Results for: Republican National Committee

Democratic Congressional Candidate Caught on Tape Hiding Support for Gun Ban…candidate-caught-on-tape-hiding-support-for-gun-ban-n2499722
– Given that gun control advocates typically don’t know that assault rifles are already extremely heavily regulated by laws like the National … According to The Washington Free Beacon, Chris Martin, a regional press secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee
The Symbolic Corker Amendment Against Trump's Tariffs
– The Corker resolution demands that Congress have a say when the president imposes tariffs in the name of national security.  … The measure directs a conference committee working to resolve differences on an appropriations bill passed by the House and Senate … Corker, the Senate Foreign Relations Chairman, has been one of the president's most vocal Republican critics.…
CNN Anchor: Trump Picking Kavanaugh Only Makes Things Harder For Red State Democrats…gh-only-makes-things-harder-for-red-state-democrats-n2499026
– a jam; a vote for Kavanaugh boosts chances of re-election and holding Democratic seats, yet they risk total abandonment by the national … Murkowski—seem to be giving Kavanaugh the stamp of approval: “Judge Kavanaugh is off to a strong start with reactions like these from Republican … and I’m sure they’re going to have a lot of questions for the judge in their private meetings, as well as during the Judiciary Committee
Why Voter Registration Drives Make Republicans Cringe
– Walking to my car, I assumed that she thought I looked “Republican” and was already registered. … Within the article about the Republican National Committee is this paragraph: The RNC reports a “total 487 million contacts it says … Democratic National Committee was headlined: “DNC Announces New IWILLVOTE Campaign to Reach 50 Million Voters in 2018.”…
Democrats Tremble Before Alexandria the Great
– "I have three kids, two of whom are daughters," Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said recently in an interview with … Liam Warner of The National Review wrote, "Most of the time Ocasio-Cortez opened her mouth only to change feet." … Party: Abolish ICE (the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau) and effectively end enforcement at the border; mandate a national
Spin Cycle To Maximum: Fact-Checker Says Trump Dossier Was Not A Clinton-Funded Operation…ecker-says-trump-dossier-was-not-a-clinton-funded-o-n2503434
– First, even The Washington Post reported that this was a joint Clinton-Democratic National Committee venture. … Wait—what was that again Washington Post [emphasis mine]: The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped … “The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing…
Senate Should Pass the First Step Act
– Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is not moving to embrace this bill because it doesn't including sentencing reform … Senate Majority Leader McConnell and Senator Grassley should see this as an opportunity for the Republican-controlled Congress to show … it can act decisively on a major national problem.…
War Chest: RNC Is About To Make A Huge Investment To Protect The GOP Majority In Congress
– The Republican National Committee is about to drop some serious cash to defend GOP majorities in the upcoming 2018 midterms, and it … The committee has no debt. … As for the Democratic National Committee, well, they’re millions in debt, the Democratic small donor army has mostly evaporated, and…
NBC Poll: Democratic Ballot Advantage Shrinks To Six Points, But GOP Far From Being Out Of The Woods
– enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans, but the GOP support for Trump is solid—and that could provide a buffer for Republican … The Republican Party is far from entering a safe harbor in this cycle, though it’s marked improvement from the doom and gloom projections … National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the…
James Comey May Have Jumped the Gun On Endorsing the Democratic Party…ve-jumped-the-gun-on-endorsing-the-democratic-party-n2502670
– This president and his Republican Party are counting on you to do exactly that. … This president and his Republican Party are counting on you to do exactly that. … Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez endorsed this message as well.…
The Home Stretch: Five Big Numbers to Know From This Week in Politics
– demanding a lengthy review process for Brett Kavanaugh, who's hardly unvetted after 12 years on the DC Circuit bench, Senate Judiciary Committee … If these are the national numbers, think about the polling splits in Trump-won states: POLITICO poll on Kavanaugh/SCOTUS: +12 on confirmation … that the threat of ongoing Russian interference and destabilization measures remains active, which is precisely what prompted Republican
Guess Which Republican Joined Dems in Demanding Trump Translator's Notes
– When House Intelligence Democrats brought the subpoena to a vote, every Republican on the committee voted against it. Sen. … Bob Corker (R-TN), one of Trump's most vocal Republican critics, had to agree. … One Republican, however, is siding with the Democrats in their call for Gross to at least turn over her notes. Sen.…
DNC Vice Chair Mocks GOP Following Collins's Arrest
– GOP strategist Brad Blakeman bickered with Democratic National Committee vice chair Michael Blake on Fox News over the direction of … Then, on Wednesday, New York Republican Rep. Chris Collins was arrested by the FBI on insider trading charges.…
Ohio Barnburner: It Looks Like The GOP Gave Democrats A Black Eye In The Buckeye State…hold-the-line-in-final-special-election-before-2018-n2507800
– Trump’s most implacable Republican critics, praising Mr. Balderson. … Balderson, despite urgent pleas from Republicans including Representative Steve Stivers, an Ohioan who chairs the National Republican … Congressional Committee. […] Mr.…
Triggered: Episode Two (We're Back!)
– The Democratic National Committee decided to not play the Republican National Committee, nixing their annual softball game plans because … chalk this up to Democrats having sour grapes over their 2016 loss, or maybe it was due to the overbearing shame that their loser committee … ratings, bashed for political correctness, and bloodied beyond all recognition for trying to take on President Trump over the national
Stephen Moore Says New Jobs Report Makes Him 'Proud to Be American.' Others Not So Much...…report-makes-him-proud-while-others-are-disappoint-n2506506
– The Republican National Committee is focusing on the positive, pointing out that Hispanic unemployment hit another new record low.…
Protecting The Integrity Of Our Elections
– No Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio. Ohio is a critical swing state.   … Committee.   … Power and control are what Kathleen Clyde and the National Democrats care about. …
Red State Dems Not Included on Obama's 'Endorsement' List
– UPDATE: The Republican National Committee responded to Obama's list by remarking on his negative impact on the party.…
Is Illegal Immigration Moral?
– On May 21, 2013, the Senate Judiciary Committee met to "markup" an immigration reform bill. … As this column noted at the time, Republican Sen. … Schumer argued adamantly that the committee must reject Grassley's amendment.…
President Trump Will Continue to Prove the Experts Wrong: Here's Why…will-continue-to-prove-the-experts-wrong-heres-why-n2504956
– To double-down on the shaming of the left-wing chattering classes, The Republican National Committee tweeted out a video sequence of … academics cannot achieve tenure without bowing to the dictates of their academic superiors, so too the press secretariat for major national
RNC Chair Responds to Tom Perez Boasting that Women Are Leading Dems...…s-to-tom-perez-boasting-that-women-are-leading-dems-n2510711
– Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez was beaming to share the news that women are leading the Democratic Party. … The committee raised $157.7 million overall in the 2017-2018 cycle - a record for a non-election year.  … It wasn't until late into Election Day on Tuesday that the committee spoke up and said they are reviewing the allegations.…
TRIGGERED: Anti-American NY Gov. Cuomo Gets Wrecked For Saying America Sucks…ny-gov-cuomo-gets-trashed-for-saying-america-sucks-n2510523
– The Democratic National Committee has been silent for days, only recently suspending him from his deputy chair post pending a review … We have to win, even if the Republican is shoddy—he’s certainly better than any Democrat.…
The GOP Releases Video Reminding Omarosa that She Was One of Trump's Biggest Fans…leases-video-reminding-omarosa-of-her-past-comments-n2510475
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 16, 2018 ORIGINAL POST The Republican National Committee is not letting Omarosa Manigault-Newman get…
Keith Ellison To Ex-Girlfriend He Allegedly Abused: We Don't Have To Destroy Each Other Over This…abused-we-dont-have-to-destroy-each-other-over-this-n2510429
– A few things: one, the Democratic National Committee, of which Ellison is a deputy chair, was silent until the very end on Election … Two, we all know if this were a top Republican lawmaker, it would have been given oodles of coverage.   … If Ellison were a Republican, the press would have knocked over the doors of the RNC demanding a statement.…
Former White House Press Secretary Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Stories of the Early Trump Administration…thescenes-stories-of-the-early-trump-administration-n2510151
– White House Press Secretary during the first seven months of the Trump administration.Spicer has built a decades-long career in Republican … Trade Representative, Republican National Committee chief strategist, top adviser to presidential campaigns, and, of course, White…
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