Results for: is the us at war with iran

Reports: WH Considered Paying Cash Ransom for Bergdahl Last Year…onsidered-paying-cash-ransom-for-bergdahl-last-year-n1847752
– , the likes of which is hardly unprecedented in US history. … Bowe Bergdahl, officials tell Fox News, as new details emerge about concerns with the deal at the highest levels of President Obama's … , with at least one soldier alleging that they were pressured to lie about the nature of Bergdahl's capture.…
The Reality of Islamic ‘Justice’
– Since President Obama famously told us that America is no more exceptional than any other country, thus placing all nations on the … In Iran, pastor Saeed Abedini, 33, an Idaho resident, is serving eight years in prison for the crime of encouraging apostasy – trying … Ambassador Ron Prosor noted in an April 17 Wall Street Journal column, his tiny nation is the only one in the Middle East with a growing…
War Hero or Deserter?
– First, the price the Taliban extorted from us is high. … Jimmy Carter negotiated with the Ayatollah's regime to get our embassy hostages out of Iran. … America has sent a message to its enemies by trading five war criminals for Sergeant Bergdahl: The nation with a preponderance of the
Blame Game: Obama Insists He Bears No Responsibility for Chaos in Iraq
– of 300 US special forces operators into the country. … Of course a political solution is the goal, but the country's on fire right now, with hardcore militants controlling massive swaths … And the rest is history, no matter where he tries to point the finger.…
Obama: I'm Sending 300 "Military Advisors" to Iraq
– President Obama met with his national security team at the White House today to discuss the state of affairs in Iraq … “Recent days have reminded us of the deep scars left by America’s war in Iraq. … “The most important question we must be asking,” he continued, “is what is in the national security interests of the United States…
Years of Living Dangerously
The largest and most expensive embassy in the world is in Baghdad. President George W. … With terrorists on the march throughout an expanding swath of Iraq, the State Department last weekend began to evacuate “substantial … being al Qaeda, and perhaps the terrorist-sponsoring regime in Iran.…
Middle East Holds Few Attractive Options for Obama
– There is a common theme to the repeated messes in the Middle East. … Whichever bad choice the Obama administration prefers, it should at least level with the American people. … Airbrushing the Middle East or the war on terror also leads nowhere.…
ISIL Closes in on Baghdad
– Comment: Pakistan's description of the operation suggests it is limited, with the terrorists from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan … As for cooperation with the US, Iran's head of the Supreme National Security Council said rumors and suggestions of cooperation with … Russia: Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said he was disappointed that at the UN the Western backers of the Kyiv regime - US, France…
Welcome Our Newest Ally! Iran!
The United States is considering airstrikes against Islamic rebels with our newest ally, um, Iran. … I'm wondering if Obama ever considered treating the GOP with half the deference that he seems to treat foreign powers that wish us … It'll take us at least 50 years to undo the mess that Obama's created worldwide. That is if we can undo it at all.…
Now Unilateralism Doesn't Look So Bad
– Now the world is seeing the fruit of Obama's Europe-friendly foreign policy. Iraq is a charnel house. … The Taliban are resurgent in Afghanistan. The Middle East is smoldering. … the fight against the terrorists who actually attacked us on 9/11."…
Their War, Not Ours
– As for the terrorist threat from ISIS, for us it is neither greater nor less than it was a week ago. … The existential threat here is to Iraq. … Its survival as one nation is now in question, with the possibility it could be torn apart in a civil and sectarian war.…
Haven't We Already Done Enough Damage in Iraq?
The same foreign policy "experts" who lied us into the Iraq war are now telling us we must re-invade Iraq to deal with the disaster … Because of the government's foolish policy of foreign interventionism, the U.S. is faced with two equally stupid choices: either pour … in resources to prop up an Iraqi government that is a close ally with Iran, or throw our support in with al-Qaida in Iraq (as we have…
Meet Our New Ally Iran
The United States is considering airstrikes against Islamic rebels with our newest ally, um, Iran. … I'm wondering if Obama ever considered treating the GOP with half the deference that he seems to treat foreign powers that wish us … It'll take us at least 50 years to undo the mess that Obama's created worldwide. That is if we can undo it at all.…
What Went Wrong in Iraq
– So what's the complaint today from those who advocated the war most vigorously? We left too soon. Republican Sens. … At this stage, the best hope for defending Baghdad lies not with government troops but with pro-government Shiite militias allied withThe only answer the war supporters have ever had, since their absurdly optimistic initial predictions went awry, is to continue the
Press Jester Jay Carney is Stupid Again, This Time on Iraq
– As Obama pursues “intense” diplomacy, which will probably includ at least 36 holes of golf this weekend, Iran is sending troops into … Here’s Jay Carney on how Obama ended the Iraq war that is currently going on right now: “There is no question that the president pledged … The best case, without American action, is that Iran swallows Iraq whole, while America ships them the arms to help.…
Obama’s Code-Pink Foreign Policy is a Rousing Success
– Yeah, that guy is in charge of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which is leading the charge in Syria, and now Iraq. … Which, brings us to another point: How familiar are you with the map of the Middle East? … What’s it say when Iran, the nation that makes it official policy to deny the Holocaust and declare war on western culture, is the
ISIS Rampages, the Middle East Shakes
The Iraqi Kurds have seized Kirkuk. This is the most important event in the Middle East since the Arab upheavals began in 2010. … This points to a replica of the ethnic lines in Syria's civil war, with Turkish-backed Sunni jihadis rebelling against an Iranian-backed … presence in Iraq at the close of 2011.…
Reports: Iraqi Government Begging for US Airstrikes Against Advancing Terrorist Forces
US embassy staff is reportedly prepping an evacuation plan if the worst should come to pass. … Given that backdrop, it's unsurprising that the Obama administration would prefer not to engage in that country at all, with the exception … and protect the last vestiges of stability that were secured at great cost by the US military.…
Libertarians Versus Conservatives
– He supported the Iraq War and says that if Iran were close to getting nuclear weapons, the U.S should attack. … Bush's failed attempts at negotiation with Iran, "negotiation based on the delusion from the get-go that Iran was ever serious about … They are not as quick to talk about the fact that Iran has a population three times the size of Iraq's -- and the Iraq War wasn't as…
Lessons on Congressional Oversight – For Benghazi
– Congress is about to commence the Benghazi Oversight Hearings, a step in the right direction for the cause of “truth, justice … In some ways, the uproar over events at Waco was commensurate with the one surrounding events at Benghazi. … That is a tall order, especially with passions running high on both sides, but if the goal is truth, this is the only way.…
A Nightmarish Tendency
– When it is set against his prior action in jumping at the Joint Plan of Action to "give diplomacy a chance" in the matter of Iranian … Is our narcissist-in-chief jumping at available, but poor, deals-in-the-offing to turn the page on his own political difficulties. … What is also peculiar is the timing.…
G'ddam the Liberals
– Email Ransom, above The trouble in Iraq didn’t start in 2003, or in 1990—the First Gulf War—or with the toppling … The lesson now continues: History is littered with dumb rulers. … Butting into others' conflicts with force is not a good example, and is not following the Golden Rule.…
Time To Do Less Not More
– (Their success is also a function of the protracted civil war in Syria). … One golden rule of war and investment is not to double down on disaster as Hitler did at Stalingrad. … This is certainly the case with respect to the Federal Reserve's response to the financial collapse of 2008.…
Revisionist History Prevails on Iraq Invasion
– But otherwise, the war was legally authorized on 23 writs. … When his statue fell in 2003, most polls showed that over 70 percent of Americans agreed with the war. … But it is historically inaccurate to suggest that the Iraq War was cooked up by George W.…
Iran: The Existential Threat
Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. It is a major persecutor of religion. … The Washington Post earlier this month informed us of the stalling of nuclear talks with Iran: Iran says such experiments … the Great War.…
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