Results for: sign up to vote

Witch-Hunt: After Being Slapped Around, House Democrats Could Sue Trump Over Ignored Subpoenas…ed-around-house-democrats-could-sue-trump-over-igno-n2548007
– For some, this is the only way to prevent his re-election; a rather telling sign that even Democrats know Trump could easily cruise … On a party-line vote of 229-to-191, the House passed a resolution that would empower the House Judiciary Committee to go to court against … Still, the House vote reflects the frustration among Democrats with Trump’s unwillingness to cooperate with congressional investigators…
Bow Down, Pelosi: House Speaker Caves To Senate GOP On Immigration Bill…losi-house-speaker-caves-to-senate-immigration-bill-n2549132
– The vote was 305-to-102 Thursday and the legislation heads to President Trump, who is expected to sign it, since the Senate already … Conditions at some of these detention centers were said to be horrendous due to Democrats refusal to work with the White House on anything … /voiR6t0hyb — CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) June 27, 2019AOC on CNN angrily ripping the decision to hold a House vote on the overwhelmingly-passed…
'Black Lives Matter' Comes For Mayor Pete, But They Still Don’t Have A Point…mes-for-mayor-pete-but-they-still-dont-have-a-point-n2548807
– candidate is all you need to see if you want to witness the “logic” of progressives in this debate.  … “You truly running for president and you expect black people to vote for you?” … to pull that trigger.…
ICE Had Immigration Sweeps Planned For 10 Cities But Trump Put The Raid On Hold…lanned-in-10-cities-their-targets-are-very-specific-n2548776
– Guatemala is getting ready to sign a Safe-Third Agreement. The only ones who won’t do anything are the Democrats in Congress. … They must vote to get rid of the loopholes, and fix asylum! If so, Border Crisis will end quickly! — Donald J. … the illegal alien appearing in court).• Those who didn't show up to court and didn't respond to Department of Justice letters mailed…
Catholic Rhode Island Governor Signs Abortion Expansion Bill…governor-signs-bill-legalizing-abortion-up-to-birth-n2548647
– How could you not vote for a woman – for a baby to be ripped apart! In the womb! That’s hideous!” … Frank Lombardo urged members of his party to vote against the bill, reminding them that "we are all children of God and I tell you, … She said there are “good and principled people on both sides of the issue,” but decided to sign the legislation given the “uncertainty…
Gloves Come Off: Far Left Democrat Insinuates Black And Hispanic Lawmakers Who Side With Pelosi Are Race Traitors…ic-lawmakers-who-side-with-pelosi-are-race-traitors-n2550010
– And we are not really in the business of asking to share that power; we are in the business of grabbing that power to return it to … Moving conversation to child separation. … her, @IlhanMN: "If there were dogs in those cages, every single member of Congress would vote to make sure those cages didn’t exist…
Why H.R. 1 Must Be Defeated
to register to vote. … -year-olds to register to vote. … , all he would have to do is sign a statement declaring that he is eligible to vote.…
Virginia Is Headed in the Wrong Direction on Abortion
– Our sitting Lieutenant Governor, Justin Fairfax, was the tie-breaking vote to send this legislation to Gov. Northam to sign. … If I’m ever called upon to vote on this important issue, I know I’ll only ever vote on the side of life.  Gov. … Clearly, this is a wake-up call to prevent what we don’t want Virginia to become. …
Joe Manchin to Vote to Confirm Xavier Becerra to Lead Department of HHS
– West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) indicated on Thursday that he will vote to confirm President Biden’s nominee to lead the Department … NEW: Manchin will vote for Becerra to HHS, a clear sign he will be confirmed to the post — Manu Raju (@mkraju) March 11, 2021. … on party lines in front of the Senate Finance Committee, forcing Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to set up a discharge vote to
Democracy Is Often Abused
– They didn't just tell them how to vote, they would say you show up. … They would deliver dead people's votes, in fact immigrants were show up multiple times to vote, sometimes they'd be voting … Basically the goal here was to terrorize black people so that they wouldn't vote.…
Democrats Pushing to Permanently Rig Elections?
– If people can’t bring themselves to do the simple task of registering to vote, they shouldn’t vote. … The only way to invite more fraud would be to allow Democrats to print ballots.  … Joe Biden will sign anything his handlers put in front of him, which means the fight over killing the filibuster is about to heat up
Nancy's Election-Rigging Bill
– enrolled to vote. … Anyone can show up on Election Day to vote, registered or not, and simply sign a statement that they're a legal voter. … It's up to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to protect the 60-vote filibuster rule.…
Let's Talk About How Mitt Romney Was Knocked Unconscious
– He bashed for his vote to convict President Trump when the Democrats tried to impeach him on the shoddy Ukraine quid pro quo scheme … When he isn’t, he has to deal with the wrath of the GOP base who view him as weak, too compromising, and absolutely unable to put up … Maybe it’s a sign, Mitt. Leave the Senate and allow a Trump Republican to take your place.…
What's the Future of Kristi Noem's Political Career? Sign the Bill or Noem May Not Be Seen As a 'Fighter'
– Schweppe offered this take as well, and encouraged Noem to stand up to these opponents.  … In fact, she even retweeted the organization to announce she supported and would sign the bill. … I'm excited to sign this bill very soon. — Governor Kristi Noem (@govkristinoem) March 8, 2021 Then, she went…
We're Being Invaded
to the right, to vote Republican, not only Biden, but the Democrats would shut the border down so fast, they wouldn't even know what … And what Biden wants to do is he wants to bring in more people, allies if you will, potential allies, who someday can vote, who will … But the truth of it is we want the American people to see this and go hey, you know what, we didn't sign up for this.…
Voter ID Protects Your Vote
– option to sign a statement under penalty of perjury that they are who they claim to be. … Then that voter would be allowed to vote without presenting a photo ID for identification. … to vote as someone else?…
Biden and Cuomo Directing the Drive for a 21st Century COVID 'Scarlet Letter'…g-the-drive-for-a-21st-century-covid-scarlet-letter-n2587161
– Not surprisingly, New York appears to be the first state actually to have begun implementing a COVID “passport.” … Sounds so impressive there almost certainly will be some New Yorkers who sign up simply to be a member of such a rarefied class of … Despite assurances from Empire State officials that people who opt to sign up for the new app will be guaranteed that their personal…
Hysteria: Several Widely-Repeated Attacks on Georgia's New Voting Law Are False or Misleading…on-georgias-new-voting-law-are-false-or-misleading-n2587007
– counties to help reduce waiting times to vote (including the ability to adjust deployment of polling places and machines), and includes … [a voter] waiting in line to vote."   … Voters can still bring bottled water or other food or beverages with them to stand on line to vote, as people often do when waiting…
How Virginia Is Racing to the Bottom
– While owning up to this at a press conference, a reporter asked about Gov. … Gov, Justin Fairfax needed to cast the tie-breaking vote in the Virginia Senate to pass the bill. … He even called on clergy to back him up.…
SF School Board Member Loses her VP Title After Racist Tweets Surface from 2016…her-vp-title-after-racist-tweets-surface-from-2016-n2587014
– Despite calls for Collins to resign, she resisted, and instead lost her title of vice president in a 5-2 vote of no confidence on Thursday … Yesterday we submitted the proposed recall petition to the city, that means we could have petitions to sign in 10 days! … We are stopping the 30 reasons campaign so we focus on organizing to collect signatures.Sign-up on our website to stay informed: https…
GOP Senator: For the People Act Is 'Quite Scary'
– But, like many conservative lawmakers, Barrasso is afraid that Democrats' For the People Act, or H.R. 1, does nothing to live up to … register to vote," he explained. … Instead, automatic registration is triggered when people sign up for health care, unemployment, etc.…
Have We Lost Nuance?
– Things that used to get done used to get done in that space, and not much outside it. … It’s fun to watch, I guess, but it’s not particularly helpful if you want to get things done. … Noem didn’t veto it, she sent it back to the legislature to be revised. How?…
Is Klaus Schwab the Most Dangerous Man in the World?
– Individual liberty and private property are to disappear from this planet by 2030.” Not me, you say. I didn’t sign up for this. … According to the project’s site, for “travel and trade to return to pre-pandemic levels, travelers will need a secure and verifiable … It can move up to 800 boxes per hour. Furthermore, it requires no payment, validation, sick leave, or health insurance.…
Lisa Murkowski Gets a Boost from a Major Conservative Group as Primary Challenge Heats Up
– “It’s time Alaska has a Senator who will stand up to these insiders and represent OUR values and stand up for Alaska once and for all … "They took that dramatic action because of her vote to remove President Trump after he was already gone, but also because of her enabling … of Joe Biden's radical anti-energy, anti-Alaska agenda, her vote to keep Obamacare, and her opposition to Justices Brett Kavanaugh…
Moving the MLB All-Star Game to Denver Makes Zero Sense
– This, says ESPN, is "in response to a new Georgia law that has civil rights groups concerned about its potential to restrict voting … To vote in Colorado, a person also needs photo identification, just as they do at the will-call window at Coors Field. … Rob Manfred, like so many others who wilt at the first sign of left-wing hysterics, is there to protect himself.…
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