Results for: sign up to vote

Transition Yes, Concession No
– Such refusals leave us to assess the basis for the decision not to fully yield.   … Big-city Democrat political machines fought against multiple measures designed to reinforce the reliability of the vote count.   … win the House in 2022 and a GOP congress that has been shown how to actually stand up to the media and the rest of the left.  …
Donald Trump Jr. Has a Message for 'Those on Our Side' Mucking Up Georgia…ose-on-our-side-for-antics-on-georgia-runoff-voting-n2580519
– I’m seeing a lot of talk from people that are supposed to be on our side telling GOP voters not to go out & vote for @KLoeffler and … "Georgia's probably going to be the first state I'm gonna blow up," she said. … Sign up to help us: #GAsen #gapol — David Perdue (@Perduesenate) November 22, 2020…
BLM Has Another Demand...This Time for Gov. Gavin Newsom
– "We want something for our vote," the letter stated, before going on to express the group's desire to become "actively engaged in your … "That’s why we’re calling on Governor Gavin Newsom to appoint a Black woman to fill that seat. … you to sign the petition to demand @CAgovernor appoint a Black woman to the Senate!…
Active Lame Duck Sessions of Congress Undermine Democracy…lame-duck-sessions-of-congress-undermine-democracy-n2580188
– This makes it impossible for the voters to hold a member responsible for an unpopular vote which is the very reason some members of … One has to ask why this committee waited until after the election to schedule a vote on these bills. … The American Optometric Association (AOA) is pushing this change in law to allow a sign to be posted in an office as a substitute for…
President Trump to Sign Landmark Great American Outdoors Act into Law…t-trump-to-sign-landmark-public-lands-bill-into-law-n2573030
– President Trump is expected to sign it by August 1, 2020. … CSF extends our sincere thanks to the House and Senate Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus (CSC) members that championed and voted to … It’s important to safeguard our precious outdoor spaces for recreational and sporting activities for generations to come. …
Joe Biden: You Can’t Blame China for COVID Because All These Asian Folk Look the Same…ust-said-something-thats-pretty-racist-about-asians-n2572972
– He’s going to stay there. … The man may not be in the limelight as often given the COVID outbreak, but there is no way his team is going to sign off on debates … All it takes is one horrendous debate performance for Biden to blow up the supposed lead he has over Donald Trump.…
The Insanity of Voting by Mail
– I am going to my local polling station to vote for Donald Trump in November. Love your columns. Mary Thanks, Mary! … When you go to vote, you show up, you stand in line, you sign in. … We know for a fact that in California alone, there are millions of registered voters who should not be registered to vote.…
Wisconsin Gov Activates National Guard to Serve as Poll Workers Amid Volunteer Shortage…nal-guard-to-serve-as-poll-workers-in-state-primary-n2573807
– According to the Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin election officials pleaded with the public to sign up as poll workers since many long-time … Time and time again the Guard has stepped up to help their neighbors, friends, and communities, as they will be doing on election day … by helping to ensure that every Wisconsinite can vote safely without fear for their health," Gov.…
The Woke Chokehold
– For example, even as the radical Minneapolis City Council works to eliminate police, robberies are up 37percent. … (Woke is a secular movement without room for God, equality, or brotherly and sisterly love).Put up a sign that says “All Are Welcome … The idea is to look like a bank robber about to dive into a pool.…
The Simple Reason Why a WaPo Reporter Had to Delete a Tweet About Executive Orders, Trump, and Obama…ked-for-playing-the-what-if-game-regarding-executiv-n2574001
– funds from previous coronavirus relief bills — and Trump said it would be up to states to determine how much, if any of it to fund … And then tried to do it again with DAPA. — (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) August 9, 2020He did. — I didn't vote for … With two weeks left before delivering an economy-focused State of the Union address to Congress, Obama is picking up the pace of his…
Constituents Say 'Hasta La Vista' to These Three Democrats in Congress…hasta-la-vista-to-these-three-democrats-in-congress-n2573956
– Bush had 48.9 percent of the vote compared to Clay's 45.5 percent of the vote.  … The loss is considered a massive blow to the Clay family. Rep. … Lipinski is the only Democrat from Illinois to vote against the Affordable Care Act.…
Letter to an Anti-Trump Christian Friend
– and volunteered to stand on a freeway overpass in Boston holding a Richard Nixon campaign sign during the morning rush hour, because … Is there no level of harmful policies that a party could advocate that would cause you to rise up and do what you could to stop them … see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds ….”            …
The Five Reasons Trump Is Going to Crush Biden
– You can’t put crazy Uncle Chester up to be POTUS and have people say, “Well, we taped over the wall sockets so he wouldn’t stick his … Oh, and we’ll suck up to China hard.” “Globalism has sure been great. Let’s have more!” … that minority communities that have spent decades wasting their votes on lying Democrat hacks are going to wake up and see that they…
Excerpt: Life Is Winning – Inside the Fight for Unborn Children and Their Mothers…ide-the-fight-for-unborn-children-and-their-mothers-n2574970
– Times editorialized that it is “disturbingly aggressive for Becerra to apply this criminal statute to people who were trying to influence … on a promise to sign the bill, it should have been an easy and quick victory. … Instead, Planned Parenthood funding wound up being part of a larger effort to repeal Obamacare, including its expansion of abortion…
Signs of a Coming Trump Victory
– turned into war zones like Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore are going to vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden? … Shootings in New York City were up 76 percent from Jan. 1 to Aug. 2, compared with the same period in 2019. … Bush won the electoral vote 426 to 111. Don't look now ... but it's about to happen again. The signs are everywhere.…
Tennessee's Governor Has Quite the Punishment for Left-wing Rioters That Will Definitely Bring Lawsuits…eftwing-rioters-that-will-definitely-bring-lawsuits-n2574856
– Bill Lee (R) quietly signed a bill into law ramping up punishments for certain kinds of protests, including losing the right to vote … People found guilty of a felony in Tennessee lose the right to vote.  … How does threatening to blow up federal buildings have anything to do with furthering police reform, which many in the media said this…
The Truth About the Post Office Controversy
– With absentee voting, a specific voter requests his or her specific ballot to vote by mail. … election -- and also to induce confidence among the American people that our sacred right to vote will not be abridged due to the pandemic … They are posting pictures of locked boxes from years ago and trying to stir up a frenzy. They are succeeding, too.…
Photojournalist Writes Twitter Thread That Devastates Liberals' Latest USPS Conspiracy Theory…er-thread-that-devastates-democrats-usps-conspiracy-n2574565
– They are sabotaging USPS to sabotage vote by mail. … They are sabotaging USPS to sabotage vote by mail. … The sign for the business is 20 feet away from the mailboxes.…
President Trump Pardons One of America's Most Important Women
– The pardon comes as the United States marks the 100th anniversary of women's right to vote and the ratification of the 19th Amendment … "This was brought up a week ago, and I was so surprised that it was never done before. … As mentioned, President Trump will officially sign the pardon later today.…
The Idea That's Gained Traction All Over The World, And Isn't Going Away Soon…raction-all-over-the-world-and-isnt-going-away-soon-n2546954
– The elites suffered big time while the center-right to the far right won big: Italy: The Salvini Party won 33.6% of the vote from 6.2% … JPMorgan (JPM) didn’t hesitate to lower its outlook to 1.0% from 2.25%. … I know many want the Fed to cut rates to goose a strong economy.…
Oh, So This Is How Democrats Are Trying To Undercut Trump…Again
– So, please—keep this up, Democrats. This only reminds the Republican base that they need to vote in 2020. … vote in 2020. … Oh, and drive Independents who aren't infected with liberal insanity, to either vote for Trump or stay home.…
Gulp: Trump Trailing Biden in...Texas?
– Trump may be an early warning sign to POTUS not to mess with Texas. … to impeach President Donald Trump, a majority said they would vote against him if the election were held today, according to a new … vote to re-elect Trump, compared with more than 51% who said they plan to vote for someone new.…
Another Obama-Era Official: Yes, There's a Serious Crisis at the Southern Border…yes-theres-a-serious-crisis-at-the-southern-border-n2547412
– Bernie Sanders to either sign on to solutions, or pipe down on 'virtue signaling:' Maybe you could start by supporting POTUS request … With the GOP pressing Speaker Pelosi to bring the USMCA, or NAFTA 2.0, to the floor for a vote (it has bipartisan support), some Republicans … whether they may have to vote to block President Trump’s planned new tariffs on Mexico, potentially igniting a second standoff this…
Give This Woman A Medal: Pro-Trump Supporter Bursts 'Baby Trump' Protest Balloon; UPDATE: It's Mostly Tourists Protesting…o-trump-supporter-bursts-baby-trump-protest-balloon-n2547417
– London Mayor Sadiq Khan didn’t want the “red carpet” to be rolled out, despite state visits being offered to leaders who were actually … And that part about some Philly liberal yucking it up with anti-Trumpers overseas appears to be indicative of the protests. … A few boos a few claps to welcome him,” BBC 1 special correspondent Lucy Manning reported on Monday.…
Thanks A Lot Dems, Illegal Aliens Can Now Obtain Driver's Licenses In New York State…new-york-law-giving-illegal-aliens-drivers-licenses-n2548432
to those here illegally creates a strong disincentive for anyone to ever follow our nation's immigration laws," Republican state senator … Cuomo would not sign the law because he was worried that giving driver's licenses to people wrongfully in the country would assist … "You could create a database for the feds to use to actually track down undocumented people,” Cuomo said on WAMC radio, according to
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