Results for: voted to

Mitt Romney Was Censured In His State and After His Recent Remarks...It Was Deserved…his-state-and-after-his-recent-remarks-it-was-deser-n2589481
– Mitt Romney, who voted to convict Trump in the last two Senate impeachment proceedings, was censured over the weekend by the Weber … “The Weber County Republican Convention censures Mitt Romney for his votes to convict President Trump in two U.S. … Until we find a primary challenger, we’ll just have to deal. He was elected.…
Here’s What ‘Partial-Birth Abortion’ Means
– “There is no medical term like ‘partial-birth abortion’ and so I would probably have to ask you what you mean by that to describe what … using both his hand and a forceps—to exert traction to retrieve the fetus intact until the head is lodged in the [cervix].” … “For the staff to have to deal with a fetus that has ‘some viability to it, some movement of limbs,’ according to this doctor, ‘[is…
Chilling Changes Are Coming Out of the Biden Administration's HHS Redefining Sex…out-of-the-biden-administrations-hhs-redefining-sex-n2589520
– gender—and in particular to provide sex-change procedures to all comers, including children. … to consent to such ‘treatments.’ … We want all Americans to have access to quality care, and to be treated with decency and dignity, based on a doctor’s true and actual…
Withdrawn Biden Cabinet Pick Will Be Involved in Administration After All…t-pick-will-be-involved-in-administration-after-all-n2589490
– But, according to CNN, Tanden will become a senior advisor to Biden. … "Congress has to be able to trust the OMB director to make countless decisions in an impartial manner, carrying out the letter of the … Manchin and Collins voted to confirm the likes of Xavier Becerra to be the Secretary of Health & Human Services and Rachel Levine to
This Repeated Comparison to the GOP Is Beyond Messed Up
– It turns out he's not the only to do so. … do harm to our nation and to our way of life & our democracy, they got nothing on what the #GQP is doing..." … The members of the House and Senate who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 election are plotting to take over Congress so they…
Donald Trump Should Not Be the 2024 Republican Candidate. Here's Who Should Be.…e-the-2024-republican-candidate-heres-who-should-be-n2589380
– He knows publicity and he knows how to get experts who can take care of the tasks he wants to have done. … Multiple other offices come to mind. … You have to be prepared to tell them to stop trying to baffle you with B***S***.…
Elise Stefanik Elected House GOP Conference Chair
– House Republicans voted to put Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) in the number-three role in caucus leadership after Congresswoman … for Conference Chair was endorsed by Trump, House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and GOP Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), in addition to … expedited “coronation” process to replace Cheney. …
British Labour's Problems Could Hurt Democrats, Too
– Five years ago next month, British voters, in the largest turnout ever, voted to leave the European Union by a 52% to 48% margin. … Metro London, with 20 percent of the nation's votes, voted 60 percent to 40 percent to remain in the European Union. … Last week, Hartlepool voted for Conservative over Labour by 52% to 29%.…
This Biden Cabinet Member's Disregard for Violation of Federal Abortion Law Is Disturbing…inet-member-is-disturbingly-ignorant-on-federal-law-n2589434
– Joyce was also eager to point out the relevant statue to Townhall readers, 18 U.S. Code § 1531. … When given ample opportunity to clarify, Sec. … I will do everything I can to make sure we comply with precedent and the law when it comes to protecting a woman's right to her reproductive…
Despite Democrats’ Insistence, A Federal Takeover of Election Reform Isn’t Popular…a-federal-takeover-of-election-reform-isnt-popular-n2589395
– mount a public-advocacy campaign to shift opinion. … “If you’re going to pass a bill for the people, you should probably listen to them,” Snead told reporters Wednesday following the Senate … S.1 would also prohibit states from cleaning registration rolls by removing people who haven’t voted for years and failed to return…
Welfare for the Rich
– "Who wouldn't like to play Santa Claus?" asks Conyers. "Who wouldn't like to just be able to give everybody some money?" … Wisconsin gave nearly $3 billion in tax breaks to Foxconn because it promised to create 13,000 jobs. … "(F)ire departments still have to be paid for. Police departments still have to be paid for. Schools still have to be paid for!"…
Radicals Push One Step Closer to Historic Power Grab with S. 1…ush-one-step-closer-to-historic-power-grab-with-s-1-n2589392
– Tuesday, the Senate Rules Committee voted along party lines to send S. 1 – the Senate version of H.R. 1, which is officially named … They’re trying to pass H.R. 51 to make D.C. a state to give them two more Democrat senators and an instant 52-48 majority to ram through … to build consensus to pass transformational legislation. …
In Trying to Settle a Vendetta, Liz Cheney Commits Career Suicide
– First of all, there were other Republicans who voted to impeach, both in the House and in the Senate. … And even the House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump haven't had any reprisals. … Remember that the House voted to keep Liz Cheney. The vote was pretty decisive – 145 to 61.…
White Libs Will Be Triggered Over Where a Majority of Trump's 2020 Support Came From…trumps-support-came-from-women-and-persons-of-color-n2589267
– “Some of the shift from 2016 appears to be a result of changing voting preferences among people who voted in both elections, and some … It’s why he wants to add states and hopes Democrats can campaign on issues that are appealing to educated voters and working-class … And I don’t know the answer to that question.…
We'll Trust the CDC When It Stops Lying About Covid
– The narrative tends to follow the same outline. … They said it was "less than 10 percent" because they wanted to manipulate the American people to do what they wanted them to do. … They wanted them to continue to wear masks outside even though the data did not support the measure.…
In Letter to Colleagues, Elise Stefanik Makes Her Case to Replace Cheney
– House Republicans voted to oust Congresswoman Liz Cheney from leadership on Wednesday morning. … "Today, I humbly ask to earn your vote for House Republican Conference Chair to unify our message as a team and win the Majority in … to send by rushing to coronate a spokesperson whose voting recordembodies much of what led to the 2018 ass-kicking we received by…
Trump Rains Down Hellfire on Liz Cheney After Her Ousting
– Cheney seemed resigned to her fate for days, not even making the necessary calls to cobble together supporters to keep her position … Liz eventually voted with Democrats to impeach Trump in their second effort, but this removal has always been about her failure to … The goal for us now is to ensure she loses it next year. …
Liz Cheney Is Going Down in Flames...And Seems Perfectly Okay About It…ing-down-in-flamesand-seems-perfectly-okay-about-it-n2589291
– She also appears to know she’s going down in flames, making no effort to save herself ahead of this vote. … Well, she seems to be gunning for a challenge. … I don’t know, but her incessant need to prove to the liberal media and to Democrats that she’s not pro-Trump cost her a lot, and, in…
Biden Sets Everything on Fire
– Joe Biden is the luckiest man to ever assume the presidency. He succeeded an unpopular figure. … All he had to do was calm the waters. … go back to work.…
Earmarks Are Not the Problem, Spending Is the Problem
To point out the elephant sitting next to the 500-pound gorilla in the room, the federal government spends too much money. … then be voted on, and with a “paper trail” for the world to see.  … House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003.…
The NYT Actually Thinks President Biden Isn't Pro-Abortion Enough…ally-thinks-president-biden-isnt-proabortion-enough-n2590241
– the right to abortion." … For Lerer to tell readers that "Ms. … As a senator, Harris voted against a federal abortion ban on abortions past 20-weeks, and even to protect babies born alive from failed…
Hillary Clinton Lies About What Happened on January 6
to lie about what happened that day. … , which Diaz said would have caused Sicknick’s throat to quickly seize. … “If not, they do not deserve to have the jobs they were elected to do.” Sen.…
Biden's $6 Trillion Budget Proposal Will Force American Taxpayers to Fund Elective Abortions…force-american-taxpayers-to-fund-elective-abortions-n2590184
– Banks spoke to Townhall about the Hyde Amendment. … It also fails to include the word “border” or any Hyde protections that prevent taxpayers from having to pay for abortions. … THREE Democratic senators voted to apply the Hyde Amendment to the COVID relief bill.1. Tim Kaine (former VP nominee)2.…
Pop the Champagne: The Democrats’ Plan to Distract from the Biden Admin’s Crises Crashes and Burns…e-spine-out-of-the-democrats-january-6th-commission-n2590185
– — Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) May 28, 2021These are the GOP Senate traitors (no surprise) who voted with Dems to classify 75 million … There seems to be no amount of dynamite that you can set off in these people's ears for them to get that message. … There are more pressing issues to address.…
Republicans Block January 6th Commission in First Filibuster Victory of Biden Presidency
– Attempts to establish a commission to investigate the events of January 6th were vanquished on the floor of the United States Senate … Friday morning when a procedural vote to overcome a filibuster failed to gain the 60 votes necessary to move forward. … Lisa Murkowski (AK), Mitt Romney (UT), Bill Cassidy (LA), Ben Sasse (NE), and Rob Portman (OH) also voted to end the filibuster and…
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