Results for: voted to

McCarthy Explains What He's Hearing From GOP Reps About Cheney's Ability to Serve in Leadership Role
– “I have heard from members concerned about her ability to carry out the job as Conference Chair, to carry out the message.” … In February, 145 members voted in a secret ballot to keep her in the position while 61 Republicans wanted her out. … In addition to her vote to impeach former President Trump, the Wyoming Republican has continued to speak out against the 45th president…
Early Midterm Tea Leaves: Warning Signs for Democrats in Texas?…erm-tea-leaves-warning-signs-for-democrats-in-texas-n2588880
– But Dems wouldn't really be able to draw a 14-3 map anymore, because other parts of Bustos's seat would have to be sacrificed to Republicans … to see if this R overperformance extends to a Dem-friendlier district. — Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) May … As COVID cases continue to drop after Gov.…
Does Liz Cheney Just Not Care?…an-appalling-addiction-to-power-and-needs-to-go-now-n2588904
– Cheney backed someone to take out Rep. … Thomas Massie (R-KY), only to get whacked by her own boomerang when the person turned out to be a racist. … Well, that’s not up to you, Lizzy.…
Coal Workers Union Doesn't Always Represent Coal Worker Values…rs-union-doesnt-always-represent-coal-worker-values-n2588885
– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley, all voted against it. … And some of the most influential liberal environmental groups also objected to that bill's plan to capture carbon dioxide from coal … to even sustain the grid, as was shown in Texas this winter."…
Florida Passes Law Preventing Woke Social Media from Muzzling Politicians…venting-woke-social-media-from-muzzling-politicians-n2588822
– He put Big Tech on notice this February, and now it’s here (via The Hill): The Florida House and Senate voted this week to pass legislation … The bill, which still allows for politicians to be suspended for two weeks and for individual posts to be taken down if they violate … And we need to start getting slingshots ready. …
Here Is What Republican Voters Really Believe in. It's a Shame the GOP Has No Idea…s-really-believe-in-its-a-shame-the-gop-has-no-idea-n2588815
– At least 74 million Americans voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election. … I'm here to spread the gospel. I'm here to report that "the truth will set you free." … They want to destroy America, wipe out our votes and make America foreign to Americans." Wild applause.…
Catholic Church Teaching Is Clear on Abortion
– “It would be an insult to Muslims & this headline is an insult to Catholics,” she added. … crime committed, the irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the parents and the whole of society … “For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them.”…
Schumer Fast-Tracks Jan. 6 Commission Vote, But Fate is Grim with Opposition from This Key Senator…fate-is-grim-with-opposition-from-this-key-senator-n2589801
– Burr's vote would be notable, as he was one of the Republicans who voted to convict former President Donald Trump the second time he … The North Carolina GOP voted to censure Sen. Burr for his vote to convict. … Seven Republican senators voted to convict Trump.…
Fact-Check Sticks It to Biden's HHS Secretary for Denying Existence of Federal Abortion Law…etary-for-denying-existence-of-federal-abortion-law-n2589787
to describe what is allowed by the law. … She reiterated that Becerra "is proving to be true to his record." … Blackburn also spoke to the need of holding officials accountable: "For him to be confused or to be evasive in support of federal…
Labor Union's Endorsement for Biden Comes Back to Bite Them
– You voted for this, guys. This is the country you wanted. You wanted Joe Biden to overhaul the economic agenda. … Well, because nixing it would be a huge giveaway to the wealthy in blue states. … They opted to boot him over the former and sacrificed economic vibrancy in the process. This is your guy, fellas.…
Department of Labor Should Help, Not Undermine, Gig Workforce…nt-of-labor-should-help-not-undermine-gig-workforce-n2589766
– Rather than seeking to expand or shrink either classification, the rule largely relied on long-standing Supreme Court precedent to … in Los Angeles County—voted to rescind AB 5. … from 2001 to 2009.…
The Big Lie: Democrats, Media Elites Embrace Anti-Semitic Terrorism…emocrats-media-elites-embrace-antisemitic-terrorism-n2589763
– Hundreds of thousands of Israelis have fled to bomb shelters, waiting for Palestinian aggression to subside and peace to return. … to the airwaves. … Today, he effectively calls on Israelis to suck it up and allow themselves to be bombed.…
If You Side with Hamas, Your Anti-Semitism Is Showing
– "No, brother, we need to do everything we can so you don't die." "We want to die." … And this week, nearly 200 Democrats voted not to cut off funding to groups linked with Hamas. … Hamas will target civilians in Israel, use Palestinian children to shield its rockets and lie to the press to achieve its goals.…
Fake Outrage Over Cheney 'Ouster'; Dems 'Ousted' Bernie Twice
– Cheney became Republican roadkill when she not only voted to impeach then-President Donald Trump but also became a vocal critic of … To reverse this downward trend, the media seeks whenever possible to keep Trump in the news. … But it's not OK for Republicans to push Liz Cheney aside in order to beat Joe Biden. Got it?…
Sabotaging the Canadian-Michigan L5 Pipeline Would Create 'Colonial on Steroids'…higan-l5-pipeline-would-create-colonial-on-steroids-n2589704
– Airlines had to reroute passengers. The average price of a gallon of gas rose to more than $3 a gallon, its highest since 2014. … , and propane to significant portions of the Great Lakes region. … But the more likely outcome is that she will be forced to. …
House Passes Bill for Jan. 6 Commission with Bipartisan Support…s-bill-for-jan-6-commission-with-bipartisan-support-n2589736
– House of Representatives voted to create a commission on the January 6 Capitol Hill riot. … And 35 House Republicans voted yes. — Jonathan Karl (@jonkarl) May 20, 2021 All 10 of the Republicans who votedto impeach President Donald Trump were part of the 35 who voted in favor of the commission. …
Trump Blasts the Latest Attempt to Put Him in Prison
– If you can run for a prosecutor’s office pledging to take out your enemies, and be elected to that job by partisan voters who wish … ' to run again. … over to New York to do their dirty work.…
McConnell Opposes 'Slanted and Unbalanced' January 6 Commission Proposal
– Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) publicly opposed the bipartisan commission to study the January 6 riot at the United … House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and GOP Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) also oppose the legislation, which is slated to be voted on … The House is expected to pass the legislation to create the commission on Wednesday, with bipartisan support.…
The Absurdity of a January 6 Commission
– A massive crowd gathered in Washington to support the constitutional challenge to an election result fraught with troubling doubts. … President Trump spoke at the White House, dispatching marchers to head eastward to the Capitol to gather (“peacefully,” as he instructed … ) to show solidarity with Republicans willing to assert that the COVID-concocted thwarting of election laws should impede automatic…
Report: 'Big-name' Democrat to Challenge Rubio in 2022 Senate Race…ame-democrat-to-challenge-rubio-in-2022-senate-race-n2589616
– Val Demings reportedly plans to run for U.S. Senate, challenging Sen. Marco Rubio, according to reports.   … “If I had to point to one thing, I think it's the Covid bill and the way Republicans voted against it for no good reason,” the adviser … By running for Senate, Demings leaves the gubernatorial field to Rep.…
The Republican Dilemma
– The company attempted to use the product's bad taste to its advantage. … Last year's election was unique due to the pandemic with many using mail-in ballots, fearful of going to the polls. … It is meant to keep his base engaged.…
Riffed from the Headlines
– Right in a negative fashion – but what is an outlet to do in order to stand out? … Anti-Social Media – CNN  No better way for a Mid-East contributor to contribute to the strife in the region than to suggest there is … Elise Stefanik on her being voted to replace Liz Cheney, Matt Negrin calls the GOP leadership in The House “terrorists.”…
Biden's HHS Is Lying About Title X to Push Abortion
– The Biden administration’s dishonest efforts to force taxpayers to fund abortion via Title X have taken center stage. … They chose to opt out. … I was on the Board when we voted to ensure that abortion was one of our core services that every center affiliated with Planned Parenthood…
Polls Prove GOP Made Right Move in Ousting Liz Cheney from Leadership…de-right-move-in-ousting-liz-cheney-from-leadership-n2589538
– It's always worthwhile, crucial even, to look to how the statement was framed before respondents were asked to choose an option. … On Friday morning she called in to a New Hampshire radio station to do an interview — a blinking red signal that she wants people to … It's not so much a question as to how Cheney can appeal to Republican voters, but rather if she even can at all.…
By Focusing on Real Issues, Rep. Dan Crenshaw Proves to Chuck Todd He Refuses to 'Take the Bait'…e-bait-instead-insists-on-talking-about-real-issues-n2589535
– Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), who voted to impeach Trump and who has spoken out against the Republican Party under the former president. … Look, look, and I said this to Liz, and I said this to Adam: you're not going to get the colleagues who believe in that stuff to apologize … to you -- Todd: Okay.…
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