Results for: national political news

'Passionate Intensity' Has Brought About Political Consequences…intensity-has-brought-about-political-consequences-n2286928
– Michael Flynn, who lasted as Trump's national security adviser for about three weeks. … and a foreign government aiding in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee. … They shrugged at his insults of his political opponents and even their wives.…
Where Have All the Liberal Democrats Gone?
– Liberals fretted about the powers of the intelligence community being used on private citizens for political reasons. … And now you can clearly see the change in them as Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has become feast for the crows. … What's astounding about this is that news reports on Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador also mentioned something else…
Partisan Lines Stay Fixed Amid Trump Turmoil
– Amid the turmoil of the first month of the Trump administration, with courts blocking his temporary travel ban and his national security … from seven Middle Eastern countries elicits a similar response in the polling -- though a 57 percent majority, according to a Fox News … That's high-risk, given the political map.…
On The Hunt: "We're Going to Find The Leakers And They're Going to Pay a Big Price"…unt-for-leaks-house-senate-and-trump-demand-answers-n2286880
– While Press Secretary Sean Spicer said earlier this week former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn was asked to resign … over an irreconcilable breach of trust, the issue of people inside government leaking damaging information for political purposes … Similarly, the release of classified national security information can, by definition, have grave effects on national security.…
Stop Giving Russia Undeserved Credit – And Start Governing…iving-russia-undeserved-credit--and-start-governing-n2286809
– Just a thought – about Russia, America and recent news. … unwilling to acknowledge our relative economic strength, boundless liberties, sacrifice for them, quality of foreign allies and political … Time to stop the political indulgence. Let Justice to do their job.…
The Ship of State Isn’t Sinking, It Just Needs a Little Course Correction…nt-sinking-it-just-needs-a-little-course-correction-n2286396
– The president’s political enemies and their news media sycophants best beware, President Trump is a different kind of leader. … The mostly corrupt American news media’s attacks are to be expected since the news media has never been part of the solution for America … ’s problems, only interested in protecting their own political agendas.…
Dear Reince: Do Not Fail President Trump
– Every day, there was some new awesomeness – an EO, a nomination, a tweet dissing some fake news outlet. … You support the President’s political initiatives by ensuring people like us – you know, conservative voters – know you aren’t simply … running around the White House playing political footsies with the other suits.…
NYT: Trump Aides Had Contact With Russian Intelligence, But No Evidence Of Collusion Found…ian-intelligence-but-no-evidence-of-collusion-found-n2286220
– The Democrats and the news media have been obsessed with this Trump-Russian connection since U.S. intelligence agencies reported that … that they were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the Democratic National … In doing this he caved in to his political and bureaucratic opposition. Nunes told me Monday night that this will not end well.…
America Is Tired of Hypocrisy – Conway Comment in Perspective…s-tired-of-hypocrisy--conway-comment-in-perspective-n2285525
– Is there no end to the political hypocrisy elected officials will throw at us?   … For this, we get national hysteria?  Histrionic political reaction, outrage and days’ of reverberating media?   … A news story on it ended:  “The [Obama] White House did not immediately respond to ABC News’ requests for comment.”  …
Note to the Left: Four Years Ago, Conservatives Were Just as Depressed…four-years-ago-conservatives-were-just-as-depressed-n2285519
– I describe this as news because this undoubtedly surprises many of you. … He nearly doubled the national debt and had little to nothing to show for it. … And they think they suffer uniquely when they lose a national election.        …
Hanging Tough in the White House
– As is typical of the Washington careerists – that would include the career politicians of both major political parties and their hangers-on … And that would be President Trump’s National Security Advisor, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency Lieutenant General … while the case against both administration officials is tenuous at best, the Democrats and their allies in the corrupt American news
San Francisco Bay Area Trump Event Marred By Violent Clashes With Left Wing Protesters…marred-by-violent-clashes-with-left-wing-protesters-n2294306
– The news outlet added that the Trump supporter contingent was heavily outnumbered. … Members of the feuding groups were also heard singing the National Anthem and others hurling obscenities at Trump. … Some National Anthem mixed with "F*** Trump."…
Had Putin Not Fixed the Election…
– Had Putin not fixed the election, Clinton would not have jeopardized national security by using, and lying about having used, a private … the election for him, no one—including and especially the Democrats’ fellow travelers in the leadership of the Deep State, the political … Moreover, Trump should remind those who need reminding that what evidence has been advanced has been exposed as the fakest of fake news
Trump Hits a Home Run
– Fox News Channel's Brit Hume, a serious analyst with, by his count, some 40 of these speeches under his belt, called Tuesday night's … We heard him use the first person singular only once (at the Democratic National Convention, Obama referred to himself 119 times). … The speech was reminiscent of Jesse Jackson's 1984 Democratic National Convention speech.…
Trump, Journalism Galas and Pithy Ditties
– From Trump's defeat of the Washington political establishment -- first the Republican Party and then the Democrats -- journalism has … It was the collusion between elite Beltway journalists and the Democratic National Committee, and it was exposed in WikiLeaks. … But the essence of the thing has been skipped over, with news organizations talking about going to war for the truth.…
Trump's New Sales Pitch
– What was new, apparently, was the way he presented his case, avoiding his usual bombastic rhetoric that ignited his political base … In a private interview with TV news anchors, before his address to Congress, Trump said he was now open to a bill to overhaul illegal … But Trump was still promoting and peddling fear, a strategic political pillar of his presidential campaign.…
Trump’s Address to Congress: Highlights and Lowlights
– Chris Wallace, of Fox News, and Van Jones, of CNN, represent the view of no small number of pundits when they declare that Trump “became … : “The time has come for a new program of national rebuilding.” … Fourth, the President thinks it is the task of the national government to make “child care accessible and affordable” and “to help…
Analysis: Trump's Best Political Speech Yet
– this case, it happens to be true: Tuesday's address to a joint session of Congress was the finest speech of President Trump's political … Last night's annual political pageant was set up as a potentially defining moment of Trump's early presidency, and he truly rose to … UPDATE - I'm not the only one offering up rave reviews: CBS News poll: 82% of people who saw Tuesday night's speech called Pres.…
Leaked Audio Shows How Anti-Trump Group Plotted To Create Hostile Town Hall Environment For GOP Senator…eate-hostile-town-hall-environment-at-gop-town-hall-n2291298
– Leaked audio from local news outlet KPEL exposes left wing protesters plotting to create a hostile environment for Cassidy. … The outlet added that local news reported that some locals were turned away due to fire code restrictions. … Also, these folks are not talking to the national office...are you kidding me?…
Toward Better Relations with the Press
– Before becoming a newspaper columnist I was a broadcast news reporter for local TV stations and occasionally appeared on the NBC radio … The Trump administration has probably extracted maximum benefit from its frontal assault on the news media. … National reporters could be shown what success looks like outside the Beltway.…
POTUS to MSM: This Is War!
– Is there bias at mainstream news organizations? Absolutely. But fake news isn't biased news, as poisonous as bias can be. … Fake news isn't news with a mistake in the story -- or even news that quotes an anonymous source that got a fact wrong. … And fake news isn't real news that makes Donald Trump look bad.…
NYT: Democrats Cave To Progressive Base--Will Declare 'Total War' Against Trump (But Some Know They Can't)…rogressive-basewill-declare-total-war-against-trump-n2290284
– In a blow to the progressive left, Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez is now the new chair of the Democratic National Committee, edging … It just shows you how critical this voting bloc really is in a national election. … We shall see if the Democrats learn anything from 2016, or if they continue to complain and whine about Russia, fake news, or other…
Treasury Secretary: Trump's Budget Will Have Zero Cuts To Entitlements…y-trumps-budget-will-have-zero-cuts-to-entitlements-n2291128
– Entitlement spending represents one of the biggest obstacles to the political class. … These people, the elderly, vote early and often—and this issue of reform has repeatedly entered the political graveyard for simple … I support the president on border security, his executive orders on national security, job creation, tax reform, and I look forward…
Why the MSM Is Ignoring Trump's Sex Trafficking Busts
– This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. … The face of the very fake news network CNN, Jake Tapper, fired off several tweets condemning Milo. … They care about damaging their political enemies.” Milo is absolutely right.…
Video: Left-Wing Attendees Disrupt Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance at Louisiana Town Hall…disrupt-pledge-of-allegiance-at-louisiana-town-hall-n2289776
– Americans also have a right to judge their fellow citizens' comportment and approach to influencing the political process. … But here's what the sanitized and curated evening news soundbytes aren't likely to show: In Louisiana on Wednesday, Sen. … Our founding document guards against the intertwining of religion and governance by prohibiting the establishment of a national religion…
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