Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

2016 RACE ROUNDUP: After Tuesday Results, Cruz Wonders if Kasich Will Take a Hint…day-results-cruz-wonders-if-kasich-will-take-a-hint-n2138338
– The presidential candidates all responded to the Brussels’ terror attack, some calling for unity and peace, others criticizing the … Republican Primary Donald Trump: It wouldn’t be a day in the 2016 campaign if Trump wasn’t the subject of a controversial headline … A new Politico poll reveals that most Republicans think the party should unite behind him.…
Gold, The Federal Reserve and the Candidates
– Here is where the leading 2016 Republican and Democratic candidates stand on the gold standard and the Federal Reserve: The Republicans … During a Republican Primary Presidential debate in October of 2015 Mr. … Clinton by far over other presidential candidates with their donations. Through January 2016, Ms.…
Highlights from CNN's Final Five: Kasich, Cruz, Trump, Clinton, and Sanders
– On Monday night, CNN's Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer sat down with each presidential candidate of the 2016 election cycle and questioned … Ted Cruz was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer and aimed his crosshairs at Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. … Cruz said that he and Trump were the only two candidates with a viable chance at winning the nomination of the Republican Party. …
Hmm: Despite Denials, Is Paul Ryan in the Mix for a Contested Convention?…is-paul-ryan-in-the-mix-for-a-contested-convention-n2143397
– “He’s the most conservative, least establishment member of the establishment,” the Republican source said. … If nothing else, 2016 has been the cycle of the outraged outsider.   … of the presidential primary for a news cycle or two.  …
Report: Trump Upset With Aides Over Delegate Failures
– Turning to a new Politico report, is the Republican frontrunner aware of these realities?   … presidential nomination outright. … , operatives and party leaders...In one of starkest examples of Trump’s lack of support, out of the 168 Republican National Committee…
Oops: By Abandoning GOP Loyalty Pledge, Trump May Forfeit South Carolina Delegates…alty-pledge-trump-may-lose-south-carolina-delegates-n2141639
– We've been arguing for months that Donald Trump's Republican "loyalty" pledge isn't worth the paper it was printed on. … Party Chairman Matt Moore gave credence to the anti-Trump claims. … Party in the November 8, 2016 general election.”…
Drop In: Donald Trump Meets With RNC Chairman; UPDATE: Meeting Was About Convention, General Election; UPDATE; Trump Could Lose 50 Delegates For Breaking Loyalty Pledge
– bid and often complaining about mistreatment from the Republican Party in general and the RNC in particular. … UPDATE II: Trump breaking GOP loyalty pledge could cost him 50 delegates (via the Hill): When Republican presidential … The Republican Party in South Carolina, whose entire 50 delegates were awarded to Trump from his victory in February, required candidates
CORRECTION: Chelsea Clinton Worked at a Hedgefund in 2006
– She worked at the firm in 2006, prior to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign. I regret the error. … And, often paying a lower tax rate," Hillary Clinton said during the official launch of her 2016 presidential campaign last year.  … candidates 16 months before the election.…
Cruz: Trump Should Debate Me, Not Whine About My Alliance With Kasich…ins-kasich-alliance-slams-trump-for-ducking-debates-n2153454
– He's vowed to become more presidential as the campaign wears on, and to learn more about policy specifics. … It's who he is: That presidential pivot will come any day now. Just you wait. … How can Trump prosecute the case against her secretive opacity when he's also hiding important records that presidential candidates
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Cruz Condemns Trump for ‘Bowing Down’ to Political Correctness…cruz-offer-starkly-different-takes-on-bathroom-bill-n2152117
– campaign trail, underscoring the different views and demeanors of the Republican candidates. … Coming from a Republican presidential candidate, his answer surprised many in the media. … John Kasich: Kasich had a contentious interview with The Washington Post this week where he claimed the Republican Party “doesn’t like…
RNC Chairman Makes TIME's 100 Most Influential List
2016. … “Being included on this prestigious list is a great honor that not only reflects the importance of the Republican Party but also the … Other leaders featured on the list included President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and all of the 2016 presidential candidates
Voting for the Rodeo Clown
– This is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years. … Sure, there are still states in play for Election 2016. … So, the Republican Party has a rodeo clown at the top of the ticket. That’s not a bad role for him to play.…
Can Trump Unify Party By Unifying Talk Radio on Immigration?…p-unify-party-by-unifying-talk-radio-on-immigration-n2158615
– Saying that the Republican establishment has had rough seas during the 2016 presidential nominating process would be a little like … Not surprisingly, two GOP candidates emerged who broke with their party’s position on immigration. … Nothing better symbolizes the fecklessness of the Washington Republican establishment on immigration than this case.…
Nominee Trump: Now What?
– In light of his blowout win over Ted Cruz in Indiana, Donald Trump will be the Republican Party's presidential nominee, barring … Party. … His unfavorable ratings are the highest ever measured for a major party nominee.…
Electoral Map in Democrats' Favor at This Point in Campaign…al-map-in-democrats-favor-at-this-point-in-campaign-n2157691
– Could the 2016 presidential election be decided by a single state, as it was in 2008 when George Bush edged out Al Gore in Florida's … Compare this to the Republican electoral map, which he says "is decidedly less friendly" to the GOP. … Not only is the nation's electorate volatile, the battle for the Republican nomination is, too.…
The Five Stages of Trump
– The Denial Champion of 2016 has to be Gov. … John Kasich who maintains that his single victory (in his home state of Ohio) proves that the Republican party is desperate for him … Depression: When the 2016 Presidential campaign began there were 17 Republican candidates.…
Wait–Trump's Working Class Voter Support Is A Myth
– The 2016 presidential election has awakened their political power and reshaped the course of the campaign. … Their anger -- which has brought millions to the polls, particularly on the Republican side -- has prompted the candidates to focus … And things have gone so badly for the Republican “establishment” that the party may be facing an existential crisis. […]…
Report: Romney Wooing Non-Trump Independent Candidate to Enter Race…endent-trumpalternative-candidate-to-jump-into-race-n2163455
– John Kasich, who withdrew from the Republican presidential race May 4. … It's increasingly clear that Trump and his allies are the establishment: Republican activists chose party unity over “never … candidates...Across the country, party leaders encouraged, coaxed and even browbeat their rank and file into a message of unity.…
Third-Party Candidates
candidates from reaching the magic 270 votes. … The Progressive Party in the election of 1912 (popularly known as the Bull Moose Party) was a creature of Teddy Roosevelt. … The one third party that doesn’t quite fit the bill is the Libertarian party.…
Trump’s Biggest Decision
– For most presidential candidates, it has been said their biggest decision is choosing their vice president. … Party behind him. … This person has the most respect of anyone who is in the Republican Party.…
Trump or Ryan: Who Speaks for GOP?
Republican Party is today." … The Post's solicitude for the well-being of the Republican Party is the stuff of legend. … The Clinton of 2016 is not the Clinton of 2008.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: New Polls Don’t Flatter Hillary, Cruz Jumping Back In?…new-polls-dont-flatter-hillary-cruz-jumping-back-in-n2160999
– I look very much forward to meeting w/Paul Ryan & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. … Both former presidential candidates had choice words for the businessman last summer as the 2016 campaign was just getting underway … Flashback: Trump refused to support the eventual nominee at the very first presidential debate.…
Looking Back on the Two Cuban-American Also-Rans
– Rubio, born May 1971, and Cruz, born December 1970, are young for presidential contenders. … Crist withdrew from the Republican race and ran as an Independent. … Nevertheless, their skill sets served them well in the presidential race.…
Look Who's Crying Now
– After all those months of worrying and complaining about having too many candidates, the GOP finally found its 2016 presidential candidate … A couple weeks ago I said the Republican Party was in such sad shape it should use Leslie Gore's 1963 hit "It's my party" for its theme … He has been picking up more support from the party establishment -- though it'll dry up real fast if he keeps sucker-punching Republican
Failed Republicans Want to Rewrite the Constitution
– Surely all those candidates know that it's impossible to restart a presidential campaign once it's been suspended. … The 2016 Republican presidential primaries yielded one "presumptive" nominee, Donald J. … Trump, plus 16 candidates whose presidential campaigns were "suspended" but could remain in business for many more years.…
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