Results for: Republican National Committee

This Opinion Just In…Never Trump Devolves Into Farce
– NEW YORK — Putting aside the merits of Never Trump, do those who want to sink the soon-to-be-anointed Republican presidential nominee … And then, on Day One of the Republican National Convention, four days after the Rules Committee slammed the door on any procedure that … Could Coburn not have announced this, say, the day before the Rules Committee voted? Or two weeks ago?…
Does God Have a Political Affiliation?
– When Pastor Mark Burns opened up the Republican National Convention with prayer on Monday night, he could not have made himself more … , with the Huffington Post declaring, “GOP Platform Committee Bucks 21st Century, Reaffirms Anti-LGBT Stance.” … Personally, although I have consistently voted for Republican candidates, I am registered as an Independent.…
Both Parties Digging Graves -- Republicans Dig Deeper
– A mob of self-styled "conservative" activists, jumped-up talk radio and TV hosts and Republican Party apparatchiks (oh, does that word … He and other lackeys like former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus are reportedly … Every Republican should have lined up for Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Gov.…
The Party of the People?
– But the Republican National Committee got their "centrist" pick, GOP voters dutifully supported him ... and he was defeated. … You can love Donald Trump or hate him, but what you cannot deny is that he was chosen by Republican voters; no one in the Republican … But the Democrat National Committee wanted Clinton to be the nominee.…
Going Rogue: Mike Pence Strongly Endorses Paul Ryan
– Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, is said to be livid over an interview Donald J.…
Reports: Panicked Allies Plot 'Intervention' As GOP 'Actively Explores' Replacing Trump…ing-to-abandon-an-imploding-trump-campaign-en-masse-n2201345
Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt … Two Trump insiders said Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus has talked to Trump several times in recent days, conveying … The same might be said of swing voters: Last three national polls have Trump's unfavorable rating back above 60%.…
What If Trump Drops Out?
– Of course, the Trump campaign denies such a meeting is in the works (via NBC News): Republican National Committee head Reince … Priebus, former Republican New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich are among the Trump endorsers … Then it would be up to the 168 members of the Republican National Committee to choose a successor, though the process is complicated…
Despite Hillary’s Historic Nomination, Democrats Are Kind Of Freaking Out That Trump Will Beat Her…are-kind-of-freaking-out-that-trump-might-still-win-n2199983
– Those feelings were intensified when leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee showed staffers trying to find ways to derail … It also doesn’t help that Trump and the Republican National Convention got better ratings on their final night of the convention than…
PA GOP: Hey Hillary, The FBI Arrested Pro-ISIS Man A Few Blocks Away From Your Harrisburg Rally…is-man-a-few-blocks-away-from-your-harrisburg-rally-n2199958
– The Pennsylvanian Republican Party was disconcerted with the lack of focus on terrorism at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia … Scott Perry, R-York, will be at the Republican State Committee office at 5 p.m. with other GOP leaders to discuss these issues.…
The Silver Lining in Comey’s Decision Not to Indict Hillary…ver-lining-in-comeys-decision-not-to-indict-hillary-n2199695
– Comey is an establishment Republican enabler of that breakdown of the rule of law. … Lewis Uhler is Founder and Chairman of the National Tax Limitation Committee and National Tax Limitation Foundation (NTLF), who worked…
Thanks for Your Help, Debbie. Really!
– The Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was working behind the scenes to ensure that Hillary Clinton … A Republican will replace him in November. Democrats have plenty of reasons to be unhappy. … They booed the permanent committee chairwoman Marcia Fudge into silence.…
RNC's Hispanic Media Director Explains Why Hispanics Shouldn't Trust Pandering Hillary
– The Republican National Committee is stepping up its efforts to attract Hispanic voters. … campaign called "GOP Hispanics: The Week Ahead" is directed toward the demographic and begins with an important message about national … It's up to Trump and the Republican Party to expose her all-talk-no-action record.  …
Obama's Anti-Terror Strategy: Release Gitmo Detainees
Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California asked him an obvious question: How many people had released detainees killed? … Last week, Republican Sen. … As Obama explains it, releasing Gitmo detainees and closing the prison serves both fiscal and national security interests.…
Will Trump Take Down Congressional Republicans?
– On Friday, Republican National Committee and Trump campaign staffers held what one described as an "emergency meeting" at the Ritz … The obvious subject: what to do about Donald Trump's flagging campaign and how Republican down-ballot candidates can avoid the possible … It's not clear whether Republican House incumbents or nominees in open seats have such clear and distinct profiles, but Republican
Manafort Accuses Never Trumpers of Being Tied to Clinton Foundation…never-trumpers-of-being-tied-to-clinton-foundation-n2204934
– Last week, 50 prominent Republican national security leaders penned a letter warning that Donald Trump lacks the character and judgment … In addition to the 50 national security officials who voiced their opposition to Trump, over 70 Republicans asked the Republican NationalCommittee last week to stop funding Trump's campaign. …
Rumor Mill: Reince Warned Trump That The RNC Would Pull The Plug If He Can't Get It Together…c-will-spent-down-ballot-if-he-cant-get-it-together-n2203841
– Is the Republican National Committee mulling a secondary protocol—that being all but abandoning Donald Trump and diverting resources … And if Trump didn’t turn around his campaign over the coming weeks, the Republican National Committee would consider redirecting party … For some positive insight for an otherwise disastrous week in Republican media, the National Journal’s Charlie Cook noted that he’s…
Dozens of Republicans Demand RNC Stop Funding Trump's Campaign…republicans-demand-rnc-stop-funding-trumps-campaign-n2203871
– Over 70 Republicans have just sent a letter to the Republican National Committee demanding they stop paying for the GOP nominee's campaign … Politico listed a handful of Republican leaders who have signed on to the letter, including former Sen.…
Report: DOJ Rebuffed FBI-Requested Investigation of Clinton Foundation
– Those haven't been released, raising strenuous and legitimate hackles from Republicans: Republican National Committee (RNC) … haunting" her campaign, the Orlando terrorist's pro-Taliban father being seated behind her at a rally (he's endorsed her, citing national
RNC Dares Hillary to Release Her Own Emails if State Department Refuses…release-the-rest-of-hillarys-emails-before-election-n2203813
– Now, Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus is challenging them to release the messages - and if they refuse, why not Clinton…
The Second Clinton Impeachment
– Our efforts need to be focused on keeping a Republican House and Senate. … Speaking of serious national security implications, it is interesting to observe the change in policy toward India since Bill left … Chagoury also funneled money into the 1996 Clinton reelection campaign and to the Democratic National Committee.…
What's Carly Fiorina's Next Big Move?
– ’s quiet outreach to state party chairs in recent days has top Republicans speculating that she’s laying the groundwork for a RepublicanNational Committee chairmanship bid.Fiorina’s advisers have reached out to more than a dozen state parties telling them that the former…
A Gathering Storm Against...Ted Cruz?
– Ted Cruz (R-TX) was a subject of conversation and ire at the Republican National Convention. … The conservative stalwart refused to endorse Republican nominee Donald Trump during hos remarks, which elicited loud boos from the … He was reportedly refused entry into the donor suite of Sheldon Adelson, a casino magnate who has given millions to the Republican
California MassResistance: The Fight Against LBGT Bigotry…ornia-massresistance-the-fight-against-lbgt-bigotry-n2202781
– From Judiciary, this legislation has stalled before the Appropriations Committee. … At the August 3rd hearing, the committee moved the bill to the suspense file, where they will rehear the bill on August 11th. … For the first time, conservatives can set the trend to end the national assault on the First Amendment.…
Watch: PA Democratic Senate Candidate Refuses To Answer Whether She Supports Taxpayer-Funded Abortion…erself-into-a-pretzel-over-taxpayer-funded-abortion-n2210384
– Okay—maybe it’s the unicorn for the GOP concerning national elections. … governorship was Republican. … Until the end of the Republican National Convention, Republican nominee Donald Trump was trailing Clinton in the Keystone State by…
Trump Speaks, Media Translates
– It wasn't Donald Trump, but Debbie Wasserman Schultz, then the chair of the Democratic National Committee, who said that Republicans … It wasn't Donald Trump, but Howard Dean, then-chair of the DNC, who referred to the Republican Party as "the white" party. … It's an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a national tragedy & crisis."…
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