Results for: Republican National Committee

Here is The Full RNC Convention Schedule
– The following 2016 Republican Convention agenda has been provided by the Republican National Committee and is subject to change. … Sharon Day, Co-Chair of the Republican National CommitteeSharon Day was elected Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee on … As a member of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump as well as a Trump delegate to the Republican National Convention, she has…
Trump: Making America’s Energy Policy Cheaper, Faster, and Better…ng-americas-energy-policy-cheaper-faster-and-better-n2193971
– The name Donald Trump will occupy the news cycle during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, OH. … turning the ability to designate national monuments into a land grab. … New monuments will “require the approval of the state where the national monument is designated or the national park is proposed.”…
Cleveland Police Detective: How the Hell Did We Become the Bad Guys?…e-detective-how-the-hell-did-we-become-the-bad-guys-n2193890
– — Fox News (@FoxNews) July 17, 2016 Loomis, who is currently focused on protecting attendees at this week's RepublicanNational Committee convention, blamed the devastating relationship between police and civilians in part on the divisive rhetoric of…
Trump on a Roll
– The result was that Hillary's national poll numbers versus Trump started to drop significantly. … With Trump, the Republican Party has a real chance for victory in the fall. … Hopefully, the voters will ignore the remaining Republican critics who have tried for so long to derail Trump's campaign.…
Speaker Ryan Establishes Himself as a Fundraising Powerhouse…yan-establishes-himself-as-a-fundraising-powerhouse-n2193225
– Donald Trump as the presumptive nominee hasn’t exactly been the most lucrative development for the Republican Party. … He has transferred millions of this money to the National Republican Congressional Committee and will continue to do so to help congressional…
Events Roil The 2016 Campaign
– her perfunctory ratification of Comey's decision not to prosecute, didn't even try to explain the difference to a congressional committee … In the meantime, those planning to attend the Republican and Democratic National Conventions in Cleveland and Philadelphia, respectively…
'God's Not Dead 2' Billboard Ruled Too 'Incendiary' for Cleveland During GOP Convention…too-incendiary-for-cleveland-during-gop-convention-n2192520
– A billboard company has denied a 'God's Not Dead 2' billboard from being displayed during next week's Republican National Committee
Hmm: Are Anti-Trumpers Close to Forcing Convention-wide Vote on Unbinding the Delegates?
– Producing a successful minority report requires 28 votes in committee. Does the #NeverTrump faction have the votes? … Optics-wise, a failed insurrection in committee would be a blip of a story.   … That's why the Republican National Committee -- the reviled "establishment" -- is moving heaven and earth to prevent it.  …
Veep Stakes
– Dick Cheney was a Congressman when I was the communications director at the House Republican campaign committee. And so on. … Newt, however … Newt and I met in 1982 when I left Senator Quayle’s office to become the press secretary at the National Republican … I was Newt’s press secretary when he was Republican Whip.…
Here Is The List of People Speaking at the RNC Convention
– The Republican National Committee has released the list of people who will speak at the 2016 convention in Cleveland next week: …
Trump Battles Globalist Republicans
– Before heading to Cleveland to accept the Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump paid a high-profile visit to Capitol Hill … platform committee that is meeting this week. … That sentiment is anathema to the globalists who provide much of the money for Republican candidates.…
Senate Republicans Turn To Donors Who Refuse To Aid Trump
– Many political donors who regularly aid the Republican Party are either refusing to donate or donating significantly less this election … Just some of these donors include: The Republican Jewish Foundation who has decreased their donations from $16.5 million in 2012 to … National Republican Senatorial Committee is investing $28 million in fall races but this number is expected to grow. …
Veepstakes Update: Pence the New Favorite, or a Dark Horse Military Pick?
– Constitutional lawyer James Bopp, an Indiana delegate to the Republican National Convention who is close the governor, told The Washington … Bosma, 58, a conservative Republican, had sought advice from him on running for governor. … Cardwell to delay his planned Tuesday departure to Cleveland for a Republican National Committee meeting, saying Mr.…
Poll: A Quarter of Democrats Wanted FBI to Indict Hillary
– The House Oversight Committee grilled Comey about his department's quizzical decision in a hearing on Thursday, wondering how they … Republican leaders were among the first to respond to the FBI, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, who insisted no one is above the law … Considering Clinton jeopardized our national security, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. But wow.…
Democrats, Have You No Shame?
– An audience question directed him toward the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, and whether the Congressman would be supporting him. … Though I don’t agree with his rationale, he took a stand because he disagrees with the stances of the Republican nominee.  … But no one called Clinton out whether she was risking national security or not.  Democrats, have you no shame?…
Former Reagan Staffer To Trump: You're No Reagan…reagan-staffer-explains-why-hes-voting-for-hillary-n2199604
– This year's Republican platform and chosen nominee, Elmets continued, is too extreme for his liking. … The Republican National Committee was prepared for Elmets' remarks, highlighting the fact that he has donated to Democrats for years … and is no Republican.…
Pile On: Reid, Booker Follow McCaskill’s Lead On Trump’s Remarks About Russia…into-what-we-can-do-about-donalds-russian-comments-n2199389
– Now, we have Trump attacking Booker over his speech to the Democratic Convention, where he tore into the Republican nominee. … engages in hacking (via Washington Examiner): Americans need to calm down and stop blaming Russia for hacking the Democratic NationalCommittee, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Thursday.…
Paul Ryan Adviser's "Devious Thug" Comment Latest Example Of Rift In GOP's Russia Strategy…ment-latest-example-of-rift-in-gops-russia-strategy-n2199330
– Following the fall-out from the Democratic National Committee email leak, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump split with…
After The Dust Settles, Sanders Says He'll Return to The Senate As An Independent…rs-says-hell-return-to-the-senate-as-an-independent-n2198980
– Democratic Party over the latest email flap, where Wikileaks released a trough of emails detailing how staffers at the Democratic Nationalcommittee worked behind the scenes to undermine Sanders’ candidacy. … Ted refused to endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention, with a bizarre call for party unity, but also vote your conscience—a…
Well…At Least Obama Mentioned ISIS In His Speech
– Oh yes—the Republican National Committee was watching as well. … He also said that the Republican National Convention was fraught with pessimism (via ABC News): . … Committee tried to rig the election for Clinton when she faced Sen.…
The Great Hillary Whitewash
– Listening to President Bill Clinton speak at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night, the night Hillary was formally nominated … Hillary, the former Republican who failed the D.C. bar exam, is many things, but an agent for positive change – and the great love … She served on the Armed Services Committee, but did she learn anything while there? …
Email Leak Outs DNC
– Thanks to WikiLeaks, which has released nearly 20,000 emails hacked from the Democratic National Committee -- with promises of more … Inquiry, a secular group, which issued a statement that reads in part: "We found it appalling that anyone within the Democratic NationalCommittee would casually suggest attacking a candidate for their alleged atheism.…
Shots Fired: Conservative Commentator George Will Says Trump Won't Release Taxes Due To Possible Russian Ties…says-trump-wont-releases-taxes-due-to-russian-ties-n2198194
– Then-Secretary Clinton was one of the principal actors to sign off on the sale through the Committee on Foreign Investment, which is … “charged with reviewing any deal that could result in foreign control of an American business or asset deemed important to national … Nevertheless, Will has taken the position that Republican donors should save their party by not giving to Trump’s campaign.…
Bernie Sanders Is No Donald Trump
– “open, honest discussion on the issues of the day,” such “vexations like immigration, Islam, and, yes, the legitimacy of the RepublicanNational Committee.” … writing, she is cautiously hopeful that “Trump might just help loosen the chains that bind the individual to central government, national
Hillary Thought Police Try To Break Bernie Kids
– The Democratic National Convention has become Operation Trust Hillary. … And those thousands of WikiLeaked emails from the Democratic National Committee prove that the DNC had its thumb on the scale for Hillary … But here's the thing: Putin didn't write the emails from the Democratic National Committee.…
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