Donald Trump as the presumptive nominee hasn’t exactly been the most lucrative development for the Republican Party. Despite a recent turnaround with Paul Manafort at the helm, Trump’s campaign team has been lagging behind Clinton’s operation by the tens of millions in fundraising donations. Dozens of corporations have pulled out of pledged financial support for next week’s GOP convention (citing Trump as the issue), resulting in a current scramble for last minute donations. Republicans seeking statewide office are getting hit with disappointing fundraising numbers.
However, there is one wing of the GOP that is getting soaked in cash thanks to Speaker Paul Ryan. Since becoming speaker of the House in October, Paul Ryan has raised just shy of $38 million – bringing in over $4.5 million every month. He has transferred millions of this money to the National Republican Congressional Committee and will continue to do so to help congressional Republicans across the country win election this year. He has done this all while keeping weekends off-limits while he spends time with his family in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Team Ryan released the record breaking totals Friday morning.
The GOP holds its largest majority in the House in almost 100 years and some Republicans in swing districts face a rough road ahead as they deal with higher turnout in a presidential election year. However, most analysts are predicting the GOP will keep the House majority after the 2016 election.
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