Results for: they are all going to jail

Democrats and the Great ‘Mailbox Conspiracy’
– Meanwhile, the economy is shut down and millions of Americans are worried about how they’re going to pay their basic bills. … Bailouts aren’t going to save the post office in its current configuration or else they would have worked by now. … Compared to that, who the hell are you?…
In Just 72 Hours, Joe Biden Might Have Paved the Way for the Democratic Party to be Totally Screwed in 2020…rris-ticket-might-have-paved-the-way-for-the-entire-n2574858
– And they believe we must always emulate Europe, preferably well after so we are reminded they are superior. … Sorry, people who own small businesses who built them from the ground up are not going to take to kindly to ‘you need to restart, sport … They want to destroy the country. They have never been so explicitly clear about it. …
My Experience Leaving President Trump's RNC Acceptance Speech…ence-leaving-president-trumps-rnc-acceptance-speech-n2575729
– So, we planned to camp out in the lobby until we could get help going to our respective hotels. … actually terrorize cities and towns as they are doing now.   … enshrined that "all men are created equal and are to be judged by the content of their character not the color of their skin."…
Why Trump Doesn’t Just 'Send In the Troops'
All the rest are support, as are the IBCT’s other units). … Now they have to fly from Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, to Portland. Can they land at the airport? … What are the ROE going to be?…
Kamala Harris Is Too Radical to Serve as President
They assured America that she “has the receipts.” Two years later, we are still waiting to see them. … Perhaps because she is tired of losing all the time, Harris has expressed openness to rewriting the rules of our Republic. … The Court’s nine-member composition has been the same for 150 years, going back to the Civil War era. Franklin D.…
Sen. Rand Paul: Violence Is 'Inherent to Socialism'
– Paul disagreed with applying the label of socialism to the region, stating that “they point to Scandinavia, which in reality really … you, and I think you’re eating too many hamburgers and that you need more vegetables—all of those things are arrogant for me to presume … “And they say, ‘Oh, we’re not willing to do that we’re just going to fine you.’”…
Pelosi: I'd Rather See Trump Jailed Than Impeached
– So, what’s she going to do? If history shows anything, she’ll probably cave. … Also, the Democrats lust for impeachment could be a sign that maybe at a subconscious level, they know this is the only way to defeat … This isn't going to go well for them. …
Traitors Must Be Prosecuted To Stop The Coup
to incite an insurrection that could help them to avoid going to jail … or worse. … All while helping others to search endlessly for crimes they are hoping to find he committed to justify his removal. … If such suggestions being broadcast to the public are not calls to arms, what are they?…
Hey, Joe Biden! Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot
– In an era where every presidential tweet is an existential threat to democracy, there are probably plenty of people who believe this … Today, President Trump's Twitter attacks on CNN reporters are threats to the future of free expression. … Defenders of free expression were nowhere to be found when the maker of the video was conveniently thrown into jail.…
Dem Outrage Mob Is Out In Full Force Over Trump's Interview With Stephanopoulos…dems-react-to-trumps-interview-with-stephanopoulos-n2548139
– Because Trump said he wouldn't necessarily call the FBI if a country came to his campaign saying they had opposition research on his … - Trump is going to prison- It's still only 8pm — Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) June 13, 2019Republicans, have you really no shame? … Every day they dither and dance around #impeachment, they're giving Trump license to trample the rule of law. — Peter Daou (@peterdaou…
Dems' Trump Dilemma: Impeach, Imprison -- Or Bluff?
– Does Pelosi really want to put Trump in jail? The public might as well take her at her word. … We're going to demonstrate that this president must be accountable for his own conduct." … In the end, they might not do much at all.…
The Sheriff's Department That Is Just A Complete And Total Disaster…two-more-broward-sheriffs-deputies-fired-for-negle-n2549020
– “As we conclude this final chapter for this organization…we are now going to continue to move forward with fixing the issues that exist … She said the jail had not received any documentation from the clerk of courts that Vail was to remain in custody to face another charge … The state attorney's office said sheriff's officials should have known about the charge because they took Vail to court Thursday on…
Congressional Democrats’ Coordinated Attack on Firearms
All represent the intentions of Congressional Democrats to deprive law abiding Americans of their constitutional right to defend themselves … Industry in the Crosshairs Senator Blumenthal, in addition to going after Americans seeking to buy ammunition, is also determined … Criminals are responsible for the crimes they commit. That is the same if crimes are committed with a firearm or with a car.…
Kamala Harris Is Canceled: Plea Deal For Gropy San Diego Mayor Slammed As Too Lenient…a-deal-for-gropy-san-diego-mayor-slammed-as-too-len-n2550305
– Of course, she’s not going to do that. These are Democrats. … They play by separate rules or they find ways to rationalize the irrational. … You know some half-baked lecture about the law is going to be dredged up since the Democratic Party has been engulfed with Impeachment…
Tommy Robinson vs. The Truth
– After this hearing, Robinson was sentenced to 9 months in jail. … You are not permitted to ignore rules simply because you disagree with them. … presumably they wouldn’t be championed as the optimal solution.The third is to present an emotional argument, where his actions are
Megan Rapinoe Isn’t a Role Model For My Daughter
– Not to mention no meaningful size of the American population wants to jail you or kill you or shame you for being gay. … they are women.   … She made very clear days prior she had no intention of going to the “f-ing White House.” No, Ms.…
What Were the Capitol Rioters Thinking?
– What did they think was going to happen when they stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, as Congress certified the results of the Electoral … But who was going to be in the force? … A guy who wasn't up to spending all day in Washington, so he was going to hang around the Comfort Inn in Ballston unless he was needed…
Some Final Thoughts on Reparations
– s 1963 "Letter from a Birmingham Jail," in which he takes fellow clergymen to task for asking him to wait. … knowing what to expect next, and are plagued with inner fears and outer resentments; when you are forever fighting a degenerating sense … of historic wrongs, we are now going to take a big chunk of the nation's resources over a long period of time to make that right."…
Psaki: Let's Avoid 'Labels' About This Border Non-Crisis – And Talk to DHS Because It's Not 'Our Program'…crisis--and-talk-to-dhs-because-its-not-our-program-n2586003
– Q: "We talked to them, Jen. They won't confirm the numbers." … "It’s going to be insane come spring," one CBP source told Fox News. … And to top it all off, in addition to detention facilities -- referred to as "jail-like" by the press -- being allowed to open up at…
What Drives the Global Elite on Their Maniacal Mission
to act according to how they are manipulated and who will do exactly what they are told. … They will control at least half of the globe, and their form of government is going to be worse than what the global elites have in … They already have surveillance cameras in their larger cities to a degree that you cannot imagine.…
It Remains Hilarious How the Liberal Media Reacts to Sexual Misconduct Allegations When Democrats Are Targeted…in-how-slate-handles-sexual-misconduct-allegations-n2585682
– So, with Cuomo, it’s very interesting to see that the Left is starting to value due process in all its biased glory. … Goldberg’s points are all true enough. … going to be the answer to the power and information imbalances that lead to sexual harassment and abuse in Hollywood, in government…
The Facts of the Homestead Immigrant Children Holding Facility Continue to Elude the Press…ildren-holding-facility-continue-to-elude-the-press-n2585706
They cursed Trump’s border policy, but Joe flinging the doors open has led to the need to behave in ways they have condemned. … They are unaccompanied minors, so there is a need to have the appropriate facilities to house them. … They will be straining to declare these decisions are magnificently heartfelt when they had called them morally repugnant acts just…
This Is Child Abuse, This Is Madness, This Must Stop
– There are so many pressing issues in America today, from bills under discussion in Congress to the fears of Asian Americans in light … They even changed her name in the school yearbook without informing the parents, encouraging her to get on hormones and to work towards … Their son, then 5, began to identify as a girl, and so they have announced that their son is a girl and are encouraging his gender…
Biden's Disastrous Border Policy Is Evidence of No Planning…disastrous-border-policy-is-evidence-of-no-planning-n2586368
– Make no mistake: these are prisons, plain and simple. People are locked behind bars, unable to leave. … Cynical parents from across Central America are willing to risk sending their children by themselves, specifically to take advantage … Despite all the positive focus the new administration is placing on coronavirus vaccinations, they are imprisoning children at the…
Given Biden’s Immigration Policy When Do We Begin Challenging Administration Officials in Restaurants?…challenging-administration-officials-in-restaurants-n2586284
– Where are the declarations of inhumane treatment and human rights abuses? They are non-existent. … So a question: Where are those howling harridans in the media calling for us to accost Democrats as they are dining out at Johnnie … It is becoming evident that the left and the press are willing to tolerate what they previously called inhumanities, so long as it…
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