Results for: abortion pregnancy

One State Will Require Students to Watch Pro-Life Prenatal Development Videos in Schools
– This has manifested in laws banning abortion after fetal heartbeat detection, outlawing "abortion trafficking" of minors, and by reallocating … funds in order to support women who utilize pro-life pregnancy centers. …  “Baby Olivia should be shown to anyone considering abortion – in schools, at pregnancy resource centers, at churches, and in…
Florida's Six-Week Abortion Ban Takes Effect
– A pro-life policy outlawing abortion after six weeks gestation is now law of the land in Florida.According to The Washington Post, … now, abortion providers can no longer offer the procedure to most patients, as many women do not know that they are pregnant at six … At the time, the law would take effect only if the state’s current 15-week abortion statute was upheld in a legal challenge.…
I've Never Needed to Perform an Abortion to Save a Woman's Life
– It requires a provider to perform an abortion “if it is the stabilizing treatment necessary to resolve the medical emergency,” even … pro-life laws and expand abortion. … I’ve never had a mother express a preference for a D&E abortion over induction.…
Here’s What Mitch McConnell Said About a National Ban on Abortion
– In an interview this week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell did not say if he supports a national 15-week ban on abortion, but … “Back in 2022, you said a national abortion ban is possible,” Kristen Welker said to McConnell. … “Would you support a federal ban on abortion?”…
Proof That Young Americans Vote Pro-Life
– The 2024 election could certainly be about abortion, as there will be state ballot initiatives and radically pro-abortion President …  Created Equal uses abortion victim imagery as a way to effectively share the truth about abortion so viewers can become acquainted … intentionally kills innocent human beings," "Thus, elective abortion is wrong."…
The Trustworthiness of Polls Has Completely Tanked, Due to Propping Up the Cheating…s-completely-tanked-due-to-propping-up-the-cheating-n2638392
– They’re likely going to use abortion as their excuse, unless something else convenient pops up. … Another asks about abortion in the case of a ‘pregnancy emergency.’ … Coincidentally, about 22% of women have had an abortion.…
California Launches Fear-Mongering Pro-Abortion Ad in Pro-Life State
– (D-CA) released an ad targeted at Alabama voters, claiming that women in their state will be arrested if they leave to get an abortion … As they approach the border, a police car pulls the girls over and tells the driver to “step out of the vehicle” and “take a pregnancy … “Stop them by taking action at”Gavin Newsom wants you to believe if you get an abortion cops are going to arrest…
The Greatest Challenge to DeSantis' Legacy in Florida…he-greatest-challenge-to-desantis-legacy-in-florida-n2638163
– Nearly one-third of the money raised for Florida’s abortion measure comes straight from the abortion industry. … DeSantis understands how to win on abortion. … centers to serve more moms during pregnancy and beyond.…
Do Celebrities Have Deeper Liberal Thoughts?
– Pop singer Clarkson brought up an Arizona judge ruling that an abortion ban originally passed in 1864 could stand." … Pregnancy from rape (especially from a family member) is uncommon. … The abortion lobbyists always play up the rare cases, but the dead baby is the "solution" in every deadly "choice."…
Republicans Are Missing the Mark on Abortion Messaging
– President Trump’s announcement on abortion and the subsequent ruling from the Arizona Supreme Court has once again brought the issue … The GOP cannot continue to play defense on abortion. If we want to win, we must go on offense. …  Conservatives and likely the majority of Democrats do not celebrate the idea of terminating a pregnancy.…
Kari Lake's Stance on Abortion Is Here
– Senate, released a video on Thursday explaining her position on abortion. … “As your senator, I would oppose federal funding for abortion and federal banning of abortion. … abortion on demand when babies can feel pain and survive outside the womb.…
Arizona’s Supreme Court Took a Bold Step to Protect Unborn Life
– Supreme Court struck down Roe, ending national protections for abortion rights.On X, Democrat Gov. … Katie Hobbs claimed that she “won’t stop fighting until we have secured the right to abortion” in the state. … abortion on demand when babies can feel pain and survive outside the womb.…
How Close Is Trump's Abortion Position to What Americans Think?…is-trumps-abortion-position-to-what-americans-think-n2637545
– is close to halfway through pregnancy. … 24 weeks into pregnancy," with even a majority of Democrats, 53 percent, saying so. … point in time during the pregnancy."…
Trump's Abortion Stance Is Convenient, But That Does Not Mean He's Wrong…expedience-coincides-with-constitutional-principles-n2637565
– "On abortion," The New York Times claims, former President Donald Trump "chose politics over principles." … Trump's statement nevertheless provoked criticism from anti-abortion activists who want to renationalize the abortion issue in the … throughout all nine months of pregnancy."…
Pence Reacts to Trump's Stance on Abortion
– In his statement, Trump did not push for a national ban on abortion, as some other Republicans have touted. … Wade was overturned in 2022, but added that he believes that states should decide abortion policy. … throughout all nine months of pregnancy.…
Nation's Largest Pro-Life Group Responds to Trump's Declaration on Abortion
– throughout all nine months of pregnancy. … He also exposed the shocking extremism of “Catholic” Joe Biden, who supports abortion for any reason, including painful late term abortion … — and even called abortion "a tragedy."…
Here's What Trump Had to Say in His Video Statement on Abortion
– Wade overturned but took the position that abortion policy should be left to states to decide. …  “My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint,” Trump said. … throughout all nine months of pregnancy.…
What the Pro-Life Generation Hopes President Trump Will Commit to on the Human Rights Issue of our Day…will-commit-to-on-the-human-rights-issue-of-our-day-n2637459
– four months of pregnancy (15 or 16 weeks.) … wanting some limits on abortion. … Our SFLA-You Gov poll shows less than one in ten Youth Voters supports the Democratic Party Abortion Position: Abortion without limits…
Far-Left Websites Found Secret Ways to Distribute Abortion Pills in Red States
–  Nearly a dozen websites that are sending abortion pills to women across the country. …  “Tennessee restricts abortion pill access, but there are several ways people still get abortion pills by mail in Tennessee,” …  “There is no way for a medical provider to know whether someone took abortion pills.…
What's at Stake As Abortion Arguments Return to the Supreme Court
– for normal abortion-drug side effects," wrote Dr. … to those of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.”A woman today can acquire mifepristone with no screening for an ectopic pregnancy, and she … I have cared for many of these women in the ER, even though abortion advocates pretend they don't exist," Dr.…
The Supreme Mess America’s Made of Abortion
– , the religion of abortion zealotry was holding church on the steps of the highest court in the land. …  Women deserve so much better than the violence of abortion whether at an abortion mill or in an abortion pill.So, one side of … One  young man, with my brown complexion, held a dry erase board that proclaimed: “Keep Abortion Legal.”…
This Group of Voters Thinks Abortion Should Be Legal in Nearly All Cases
–  Burch claimed that her reason for getting an abortion is because the pregnancy is not viable. … And, once again, I have scheduled an appointment to terminate my pregnancy,” she said, avoiding the words “abortion,” “child,” or even … But even among Democrats, AAPI adults are more supportive of legal abortion later in pregnancy.…
Arizona Senator Announces That She's Planning to Get an Abortion
– She made the announcement about her pregnancy surrounded by other pro-abortion Democrats. … Burch claimed that her reason for getting an abortion is because the pregnancy is not viable. … And, once again, I have scheduled an appointment to terminate my pregnancy,” she said, avoiding the words “abortion,” “child,” or even…
Abortion and the GOP
– She didn't watch an ultrasound- guided abortion. … affected).Feature information about the free services at pregnancy help centers (abortion clinics usually charge). … Interview people who survived abortion and are happy to be alive.…
The Vice President Visits an Abortion Clinic—and the People Yawn?
– Paul, Minnesota.She called laws restricting abortion in other states “immoral.” … If they want to bring abortion forward as an election issue, then talk about abortion and show voters what it is. … And given the Biden/Harris campaign plans to get re-elected on abortion it only makes sense she would visit the largest abortion business…
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