Results for: national political news

It's Time to Retire the Phrase Cancel Culture for a More Serious Term…e-the-phrase-cancel-culture-for-a-more-serious-term-n2589633
– Nor is this only political correctness run amok. … Political assassination is only for the House of Cards wannabees on the Hill and the congressmen who wade into national issues on big … cable news shows.…
Riffed from the Headlines
– The host of the news program invalidated his own rationale for having on Rep. … News Avoidance Syndrome – NUMEROUS MEDIA All this insistence that the GOP is in disarray seems contradicted by this CBS News poll. … CNN's media show "Reliable Sources" remains the most ironically titled program in news.…
Taxpayer-Funded Ad Warns Expecting Mothers of Color of Racism in Healthcare…expecting-mothers-of-color-of-racism-in-healthcare-n2589527
– A former Republican San Diego City Council member and the chairman of Reform California, a conservative political action committee, … The National Center for Health Statistics reports that black babies are more likely to be born prematurely than white and Hispanic … California Health and Human Services says that the state's infant mortality rate is lower than the national average but that black…
Speaker Pelosi Continues to Be Rather Selective in Following Her Faith…elosi-is-rather-selective-about-following-her-faith-n2589506
– When asked by EWTN News Nightly correspondent Erik Rosales in the last few moments of her weekly press conference on Thursday about … Furthermore, the cardinal said, “the formulation of a national policy was suggested during the ad limina visits only if this would … First, it said that if the conference decides “to formulate a national policy on worthiness for Communion,” that “such a statement…
GOP: Seek Not Phony Bipartisanship. Save the Nation.
– That can't possibly be good for America, nor can it be good for their political fortunes, as voters don't want them to be spineless … Well, because several recent news stories describe Biden's meeting with congressional leaders over the so-called "infrastructure" bill … hikes partially caused by a war on domestic energy; a war on cops; a war on free, fair and honest elections; a perversion of our national
With CDC Nixing Mask Rule, Fauci Exposed Again as a Total Clown on COVID…cdcs-impending-doom-from-covid-panic-was-fake-news-n2589418
– finally caught up to us normal people who came to the conclusion that you can get back to normal once you’ve been vaccinated (via NBC News … In April, NBC News even took a hatchet to 'the rising cases' narrative. … This is all good news. It’s a virus that has a 90+ percent survivability rate.…
New Biden DOJ Hire and Unhinged Russian Collusion Nut Has One Conservative Editor a Little Worried…vative-editor-is-worried-about-the-dojs-latest-hire-n2589236
– And this woman is now general counsel of the DOJ’s national security division. … The national security division handles espionage and foreign-agent investigations. … the national media for three years.…
What I Like About Being White
– Hill also hosts a show on BET and something called “Black News Channel,” which describes itself as “an independent network, minority-owned … BNC is the nation’s only provider of 24/7 cable news programming created ‘by people of color for people of color.’” … If you remember Hill from his cable news days, that he’d work for race-based networks wouldn’t surprise you.…
Voting With Their Feet Against Socialism
– .-- Cuban baseball player César Prieto, a highly touted 22-year-old infielder, ditched the Cuban national team Wednesday and defected … Any cursory review of recent news will turn up numerous headlines like the ones above. … You’d never guess this from the Fake News media, Hollywood, or your professors, but in 1953 more Cubans vacationed in the U.S.…
Suddenly, Democrats Are Offended by Nazi Analogies
– "Donald Trump increasingly compared to Adolf Hitler," explained a CBS News piece that treated Trump's asking attendees at a rally to … Instead, we had a national conversation about the complexities of border enforcement. … And if your argument is that a bit of hyperbolic rhetoric is a good way to hammer home a political point, that's fine.…
Deeply-Troubled CNN Hopes You’ll Quickly Forget Its Shocking Ethics Breach…pes-youll-quickly-forget-its-shocking-ethics-breach-n2590072
– Which fire should the beleaguered news network put out first? Is it even trying to save itself? … After disturbing revelations that the former participated in emergency strategy sessions designed to save the latter’s sinking political … This makes cable news now largely a battle between Fox News Channel and MSNBC, as CNN is reduced to irrelevant background noise.…
Ministry of Truth 2.0
– He made the statement when news pictures showed waves of people crossing the border. … We are already inundated with political correctness, cancel culture and woke-ism. … Some lies could be defended on national security grounds.…
Squad Members Called Out for Anti-Semitism in Fellow Democrats' Letter to President Biden…s-finally-calling-out-their-own-on-for-antisemitism-n2590071
– Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) who has been condemned from all political circles, including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), for … The letter highlighted a need for how "we need a united, bipartisan, national-level commitment to confront and address the threat of … That is why we need a united, bipartisan, national-level commitment to confront and address the threat of antisemitism head-on.…
After George Floyd, What One Year Has Brought
– Nevertheless, a national uproar over Floyd's death turbocharged the Black Lives Matter movement and the Defund the Police movement. … by police brutality," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said at a news conference on June 8, 2020. … (Byron York is chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner.)…
Surprise: Chinese Communist Regime Forces Uighurs to Deny Ongoing Genocide…nist-regime-forces-uighurs-to-deny-ongoing-genocide-n2589881
– , which officials have insisted are spontaneous outpourings of emotion, have also featured prominently in a series of government news … “You may accurately refer to her as Chinese or a Chinese National.” ... … Studying political science in a liberal arts college was a way for me to figure out what is real.…
Biden Wants 1619 Project Force-fed to US Schoolchildren, Author of Work Hails Stalinist Cuba’s ‘Education’…dren-author-of-work-hails-stalinist-cubas-education-n2589823
– demanding President Biden’s Education Department block a planned history education proposal that invokes the 1619 Project,” Fox News … Without Castro, Cuba’s full literacy would have come about probably as quickly and without firing squads, mass graves and a political … Have you ever heard of them on National Public Radio during Black History Month, seen them on the History channel or A&E?…
Is Lockheed Martin ‘White Privilege' Training a Smokescreen?…kheed-martin-white-privilege-training-a-smokescreen-n2590730
– Throughout my lifetime, the worst discrimination I ever felt was political – not racial, nor ethnic. … That’s why recent news of Lockheed Martin’s “White Privilege” awareness seminar caught my attention. … It’s a nightmare for national security.…
Analysis: The Preposterous Ellie Kemper Racial 'Controversy' and Inevitable Apology…ous-ellie-kemper-controversy-and-inevitable-apology-n2590649
– But as I asked in a Fox News segment on this kerfuffle, is there any limiting principle to the scope of actions or connections that … on-air discussion, I also mentioned this interesting observation:  It gets worse.As recently as 2020, Ellie Kemper gave money to a political … I'll leave you with the conversation mentioned above, which also addressed the bizarre new "race card" feature brought to us by...National
Our Democracy Is Under Attack from...Supporters of Democracy?…ocracy-is-under-attack-from-supporters-of-democracy-n2590734
– utterly disgusting. — Kate Bennett (@KateBennett_DC) June 8, 2021 Kate does some grand posturing about a news … The second – the hateful news network delivering that insensitive message was Bennett's own CNN. … Who has time for these political shenanigans when there are people out there suggesting Listerine can keep mosquitos away!…
The Left’s Emperors with No Clothes
– As National Review’s Charles Cooke elaborately detailed last month about the Florida Department of Health’s former COVID-19 data analyst … journalists produces results that range from embarrassing to outright threats to national security. … The situation is much different, however, when the stakes are raised with national security on the line.…
Brutal: Florida Democrat Takes Direct Aim at Notorious Anti-DeSantis COVID Conspiracy Theorist…at-notorious-antidesantis-covid-conspiracy-theorist-n2590576
– Last time we checked in on the Rebekah Jones saga in Florida, National Review's Charles Cooke had published a surgical demolition … Despite strikingly different political views, he has worked hand-in-glove with DeSantis. … “But what they’ve done is the opposite: give him a national platform and attention that made him a political juggernaut in his party…
Liberal Media Shouldn't Ignore Attacks on Politicians
– Although political history—both in the United States and elsewhere—has been marked by periodic upticks in violence and incidents where … Although the news media has devoted near-constant attention to Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s altercations with Rep. … However, the national press has been all too quiet.…
Politico Bends Over Backwards to Fawn Over Dr. Fauci, Smear His Critics…r-backwards-to-fawn-over-dr-fauci-smear-his-critics-n2590520
– It really should not be news that a politician running for re-election would be fundraising. … Diseases, had privately supported a theory that the virus leaked from a Chinese lab and lied about masks in an effort to amass political … In a sentence, Politico is peddling in fake news.  A public and polarizing figure is receiving verbal attacks? So what?…
Facebook's Speech Suppression Argues for Repeal of Section 230 and a Facebook Stock Price of Zero…l-of-section-230-and-a-facebook-stock-price-of-zero-n2590460
– "A lot of people have egg on their face" for dismissing the COVID-19 lab leak theory, tweeted ABC News ' Jonathan Karl this week. … Such bias is old news these days, and the internet allows readers to seek other outlets. … That's zero for two, on two huge stories, with both errors pointing in the same political direction.…
Three Ways to 'Make It' in Conservative Media Today
– A political columnist that is read by legions of fans? A full-time YouTuber? … Cover legislation, ordinances, or breaking news affecting your community, county, or state.  … They didn’t just wake up and have jobs lined up at Fox News Channel or similar outlets.…
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