Results for: is the us at war with iran

Here's What North Korea Wants From The U.S. Before It Ends Nuke Program…orea-wants-from-the-u-s-before-it-ends-nuke-program-n2476003
The Korean War was a three-year bloodbath before an armistice ended the carnage. The war has not yet officially ended. … They’re members of the trillion-dollar club, whereas North Korea, the world’s largest prison, is a communist hellhole, fraught with … “I know the Americans are inherently disposed against us, but when they talk with us, they will see that I am not the kind of person…
America's Unsustainable Empire
– Yet the White House position is that the Iran nuclear deal should be scrapped, and no deal with Kim Jong Un signed that does not result … By some estimates, the United States accounted for roughly 50 percent of global output at the end of World War II. ... … That was 1943, at the height of a war that found us unprepared. We are hugely overextended today.…
Here’s How Some Lawmakers and Hillary Clinton Reacted to Trump’s Iran Announcement…hillary-clinton-reacted-to-trumps-iran-announcement-n2479132
– Mark Meadows (R-NC) of the conservative House Freedom Caucus concurred with Trump’s decisions to remove the US from the deal and to … “Pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal is a big mistake. … Iran is now more dangerous. What's plan B? Anyone who thinks bombing is the answer is woefully misinformed,” she wrote.…
Standing Up to Globalism
– President Trump’s stand against world pressure for him to continue the one-sided deal with Iran is a defining moment in world history … His announcement at 2 p.m. on Tuesday to terminate the agreement is a watershed as the end of globalism. … It is not the interaction between the United States and Iran that is so significant here, but the rejection of the world order that…
It’s Time to Give President Trump His Due
– Not only did he do the right thing in backing out of our deal with Iran. … Today is a day to commend him. He hit the ball out of the park with his decision and speech regarding Iran. … The president, in his speech, further isolated Iran when he stated that “at this very moment, Secretary Pompeo is on his way to North…
Obama Posts Long Lecture About Trump Destroying His Iran Legacy
– Today’s decision to put the JCPOA at risk is a serious mistake. … "The JCPOA was never intended to solve all of our problems with Iran. … Without the JCPOA, the United States could eventually be left with a losing choice between a nuclear-armed Iran or another war in the
Don't Trash the Nuclear Deal!
– While our NATO allies are imploring Trump not to destroy the deal and start down a road that is likely to end in war with Iran, Bibi … Why then is the world anxiously awaiting a decision by President Trump that could lead to an unnecessary war with Iran? … If it is any nation, it is China. Trump the dealmaker should find a way to keep the nuclear deal with Iran.…
Memo to John Kerry on Iran Meddling: We Only Have One Secretary of State at a Time, and It's No Longer You…ly-one-secretary-of-state-at-a-time-and-its-not-you-n2478067
– During the intense 2015 debate over the Iran nuclear deal, led by demagogue-in-chief Barack Obama, liberals responded with unbridled … Many people made the case at the time that the Logan Act did not apply to Cotton et al, if it was even constitutional to begin with … All of which is to say that not only is President Trump entirely within his rights to cancel the accord from the US side, he'd be substantively…
Memo to Trump: Can’t We Learn from the Roman Model?
– Yes, the civil war in Syria is winding down with most of the ISIS-held territory liberated.   … Moreover, the US now has far less influence in Iraq than does Iran. … There are Israelis bombing missions directed at Syrian locations going on now. The possibility of an expanded war is too great.…
Obama Record of Lawlessness Continues with New Enablers…a-record-of-lawlessness-continues-with-new-enablers-n2476537
The Iran Deal was never approved by the U.S. Senate as all treaties with foreign entities must be.   … Their support of the war criminal Assad in Syria is just the tip of the iceberg.   … Tehran is complying, and Iran is crawling with inspectors.”  …
Iran Freedom Convention Will Make a Statement
The 2018 Iran Freedom Convention for Democracy and Human Rights will open, as President Trump is considering whether to scrap the Iran … Ross Amin, president of the Organization of Iranian American Communities US, said repression is growing, as the economy continues to … A significant participation by the younger generation Iranian-Americans is expected at the Convention this year, as the gathering focuses…
Not Being A Wimp Works
– That way, their collective conscience is clear. In their minds, the only good war is one where Americans die for nothing. … They just don’t love to fight when there’s no reason, like when our betters don’t think that the war they got us into is actually worth … the stomach to win and said, “Well, then the hell with it.”…
The First U.S. Casualty of a Trade War with China
The trade wars with China, South Korea and the European Union have been the subject of intense debate and is just heating up. … A worry is that this order is part of the Trump Administrations tough talk on trade with Chinese companies. … It seems like ZTE is caught up in a political dispute with the Trump Administration’s larger trade war with China.  …
5 Ways America's Success is Ruining Our Culture
The average middle class American is part of the global 1%. We are the only nation with a flag on the moon. … things about America is how much of the heavy lifting has already been done for us. … Instead of growing the economy, the government became obsessed with micromanaging businesses with regulations and the redistribution…
Media Coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian Clash Is Built on a Myth…of-the-israelipalestinian-clash-is-built-on-a-myth-n2481904
– Because martyrdom is the point. … , not only because Hamas is funded by its enemy Iran but also because Hamas is aligned with numerous other groups that embrace violent … This is what stands in the way of an agreement.…
Brutalized by Trump’s Winning, Liberals Nip at Conservatives’ Ankles…trumps-winning-liberals-nip-at-conservatives-ankles-n2480389
– They think the American ambassador’s job is to please the foreigners with whom he is assigned to interface. … This is consistent with liberals’ default position that the United States is always wrong and its critics are always right. … is hugely relevant to the issue at hand, the controversial nomination of a new CIA director, which McCain opposes.…
The Outrageous Outsider
– Trump campaigned against the Obama/Kerrey nuclear agreement with Iran as early as September 8, 2015. … He wrote inUSA Today, "It was amateur hour for those charged with striking this deal with Iran, demonstrating to the world, yet again … It appears we wanted a deal at any cost rather than following the advice of Ronald Reagan and walking away because 'no deal is better…
Are Bibi and Bolton in the Wheel House Now?
– If Iran is on a quest for nukes, let the intel agencies tell us where the work is being done, so we can send inspectors and show the … What happens next is difficult to see. Iran does not want a war with Israel in Syria that it cannot win. … The Russians don't want a war with Israel or the Americans.…
Forging a Better Strategy on Iran
– Newsflash: There is no inherent value to swimming with the tide. … On the contrary, getting rid of a bad agreement is a key first step to avoiding the real danger: a nuclear-armed Iran. … Iran can forge a new deal with the U.S., Pompeo said.…
What Is America's Cause in the World Today?
– In World War II, Americans had no doubt they were in the right against Nazism and a militaristic Japan that had attacked us at Pearl … with Iran or North Korea is the exact wrong thing to do." … Though still embroiled, we are now talking war with North Korea or Iran, or even Russia or China, the former over its annexation of…
Is US Bellicosity Backfiring?
– "Whether the U.S. will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision … Perhaps, for some of Pompeo's demands accord with the interests of Iran, which cannot want a war with the United States, or with Israel … And, surely, a new nuclear deal with Iran with restrictions on missiles is preferable to war in the Gulf.…
Netanyahu: ‘Greatest Challenge Civilized World Faces Today’ Comes from ‘Militant Islamic States’…orld-faces-today-comes-from-militant-islamic-states-n2487321
– and inspire another wave of refugees into Europe [emphasis mine]: “But the other danger from Iran is that it is trying to conquer … the backdoor of Israel with the explicit goal of attacking us. … For her part, Chancellor Merkel re-affirmed her commitment to the Iran deal at Monday’s meeting with Netanyahu and expressed her hope…
Analysis: The Case Against Exaggerated Pessimism -- Or Optimism -- About the Singapore Summit
– " no matter the cost, which is precisely what happened with Obama and Iran.   … , and the US is suspending its joint military exercises with the South Koreans -- whose leader is sounding generally upbeat.   … Abusing 'the clock' at the West's expense is a long-favored North Korean game.  …
Yemen's Seaport Battle for Food and the Future
The Houthis belong to the Zaidi sect of Shia Islam (Zaidism). The U.S. counter-terror war began in 2001. … At the Persian Gulf front door, Iran is weak. It confronts the U.S. Navy and Gulf Arab naval and air forces. … Iran would have leaped the Persian Gulf moat.…
Take a Deep Breath: Pulling Out of Syria And Mattis Leaving is Not The End Of The World…yria-and-mattis-leaving-is-not-the-end-of-the-world-n2538423
– Folks, there is no way to have a coherent plan for Syria.  Syria is in the middle of what started as a civil war.   … What it does not say is that Syria has accepted the support of Iran and Russia – two of the world’s worst actors.   … What it does not say is that the only group the U.S. really supports is the Kurds.  …
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