Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

What A Surprise, Liberal Moderators Again!
– Every four years, Republican presidential candidates walk into a big trap: the debates. … The supposedly non-partisan Commission on Presidential Debates leans decidedly left. … in the presidential debates is far from guaranteed. …
'Campaign Malpractice': Trump Has Only ONE Field Office In Florida
– nominee only has a Sarasota statewide headquarters open in the state he absolutely must win to be elected president, while the Democratic … Fair enough—we saw this message win out in the primary, but even with unconventional candidates (there's a 12-year-old running a campaign … His latest trip to Mexico was seen as a huge gamble, yet he came off holding his own on stage, looking presidential, and dispelling…
The Battle of the Secret Cabals
– Anyone contemplating this year's appalling presidential campaign may be tempted to explain what's happening by applying the third rule … The Republican and Democratic parties aren't exactly bureaucratic organizations; they just aspire to be. … One of the mysteries of the campaign, unexplored by the reliably anti-Republican but not reliably pro-Democratic mainstream media,…
Pennsylvania: Clinton Falls In Key Swing State
– within striking distance; the Real Clear Politics average has him trailing less than five from all polls taken between the two candidates … The Democratic presidential nominee led by 11 points in the same poll last month, immediately following the Democratic National Convention…
It's Official: Clinton Has Dropped In The Polls, But Trump Still Trailing…n-has-dropped-in-the-polls-but-trump-still-trailing-n2212538
– election, the popularity of both candidates is falling. … The newest poll shows that in a four-way race, the Democratic nominee leads with 42 percent support, her GOP counterpart with 37 percent … PPP also said that the candidates appear to be getting more unpopular as this race continues, but there’s another aspect to this poll…
Hillary the Inartful Dodger, Should Not Escape a Special Prosecutor…rtful-dodger-should-not-escape-a-special-prosecutor-n2212292
– The beleaguered Democratic presidential nominee has clumsily attempted one verbal sleight of hand after another, in an effort to avoid … Most public officials and candidates, when facing damaging but false allegations of wrongdoing, understand that taking the high road…
In Denouncing Alt-Right, Hillary Treads Where GOP Will Not…nouncing-altright-hillary-treads-where-gop-will-not-n2211801
– Just last year, Clinton was comparing the entire GOP presidential field to "terrorist groups" for their views on abortion. … By exonerating the GOP from the stain of the alt-right, Clinton has made it harder for Democratic candidates to tar their opponents…
Johnson and Stein Do Not Make Debate Stage
– The Commission on Presidential Debates announced on Friday that only Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican Party … nominee will be the only two candidates who qualified for the debates on September 26, October 9, and October 19. … Their running mates also qualified for October 4th's vice presidential debate.…
This Time It's Personal: Why Western PA Democrats Are All In For Trump…personal-western-pa-democrats-are-all-in-for-trump-n2217262
– Clinton’s supporters seem to be drifting towards third party candidates, while young people, a core block of the Democratic base, seem … “Remember,” he said, “taking a Democratic voter and having them vote Republican is both a +1 and a -1. … The Democratic voter advantage has been declining in the Keystone State, though it’s hard to be positive about the state, given how…
Hillary Effect: NYT Model Now Shows GOP Favored to Hold Senate
– into this cycle was that Senate Republicans would face an uphill battle to maintain their majority, regardless of who the GOP presidential … But now with Hillary spiraling downward -- and the party's Senate incumbents and candidates outperforming Trump substantially -- it … And a prized Democratic recruit in Indiana, former Sen.…
All Tied Up: Trump 42, Hillary 42 in NYT/CBS Poll
– Clinton’s supporters say they are very enthusiastic...The third-party candidates draw their strongest support from younger voters. … A little more than one in five political independents say they will vote for one of the third-party candidates. … Discontent with the major party candidates is widespread. Among those who say they intend to vote for Mr. Trump or Mrs.…
Whoa: Powell Email Unloads on Hillary, Rips Bill's Ongoing Infidelity…il-unloads-on-hillary-rips-bills-ongoing-infidelity-n2218075
– content warning): It might be a safe bet that a Powell endorsement perhaps isn't in the cards for either of these candidates … Another email between Powell and a Democratic mega donor raises even more questions about Hillary Clinton's longterm health issues. … together at which the former Secretary of State demonstrated physical frailty: Leeds, who donated to Clinton’s 2008 presidential
Bernie Bro Backlash? New Maine Poll Has Trump Within Margin of Error
– Bernie Sanders (I-VT) turned out for the Maine Democratic caucuses with such enthusiasm that the state wound up scrapping the caucus … won nearly 65 percent of the votes in the state, and Maine attempted to eliminate the ability of superdelegates to choose their candidates … A Colby College-Boston Globe poll released Tuesday shows the presidential race in Maine is now within the margin of error, with Clinton…
Hillary's Health is a Valid Issue
– As Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Sept. 2, "I have seen her personally. … near-collapse at ground zero, another Cillizza column carried this headline: Hillary Clinton's health just became a real issue in the presidential … Journalism-school Jesuits have been saying that presidential candidates' health is relevant ever since FDR's "splendid deception."…
Ten Tips for Getting NeverTrumpers on the Trump Train
– Look, it's not their fault that the front-runner candidates are Clinton, Trump, Johnson, and Stein. … During the earlier debates, presidential candidates savaged Hillary Clinton and each other as well as the media. 4. … Show them how Trump is taking down the Democratic nominee and the party with her.…
Gun Grabbers Die Hard
– Gun Grabber Code Words “Script” is the word TIME’s latest issue uses to describe the new terms that Democratic legislators and … candidates are using to peddle their pistol-snatching policies. … In Hillary, we have a presidential candidate whose health is publicly deterring daily.…
America Meet Your Political Process...And Aleppo
– The last few months, various Republicans have frantically sought an independent presidential path. … Meet the private organization, the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), founded and run by Republican and Democratic Party bigwigs … Of course, the CPD claims it has merely set out criteria to prevent all 410 presidential candidates registered with the Federal Election…
It Takes A Village Idiot To Vote For Hillary
– operations of government, and allows the monetization of the debt accrued by her kind, to “be off-limits for U.S. presidents and presidentialcandidates. … Being something of a good old boy, Bill Clinton looked as if he was in purgatory at the Democratic National Convention, late June.…
West Virginia Gubernatorial Race: An Anomaly of 2016
– Which makes sense – straight party voting is common and a presidential candidate’s performance has an effect on his or her party. … Most Republicans are worried about Trump’s negative consequences to down-ballot candidates in swing states. … West Virginia, not long ago a Democratic stronghold, has seen a wave of Republican conversion over recent years as voters found in…
Blame Voters, Not the Candidates
– It's easy to focus on the faults of the candidates -- and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may be the two most flawed presidentialcandidates in history -- but at the end of the day, the voters chose them. … Clinton's appeal is the traditional Democratic sop: Government will take care of you.…
Report: GOP Confidence Rises on Holding House, Tight Battle for Senate Control
Democratic candidates are strongly favored in Illinois (despite a dearth of polling) and Wisconsin (despite some signs of improvement … Pat Toomey continues to run substantially ahead of Donald Trump in his state, but very slightly trails his foul-mouthed Democratic … A recent CBS News survey of the state showed the race tied at 39, while Democratic firm PPP has him leading by a single point, with…
Is 'President Hillary' Wishful Thinking?
– The New York Times on the other hand, danced around the subject, wrote puff pieces on Democratic candidates, and pooh-poohed predictions … And the rejection of President Barack Obama's party spilled over into the state legislative elections as well, as GOP candidates picked … Not only did Republicans regain control of both houses of Congress but also GOP candidates won record-setting percentages of state…
Winning Versus Leading
– time for the presidential candidates to sprint to the end. … Of the 24 presidential elections since 1916, a quarter has been won by candidates who garnered less than 50 percent of the popular … On the Democratic side, they record 44 as safe, with 3 likely or leaning Democratic.…
Hillary, How Can this Be? Isn't the Race Over?
– Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that we were told that the presidential election was over? … And she's doing well in those states where the Electoral College counts most in presidential elections. … Her problem is that she has always been Hillary Clinton, understood to be a liar, the Democratic Nixon in pantsuits.…
Trump Up, Hillary Down, Obama Out
– In most presidential elections, the two candidates spar over issues. … In numerous press conferences, journalists try to force newsworthy and embarrassing admissions from the two candidates. … Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has kept a relatively low profile for someone who's running for president.…
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