Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

‘Hate Crimes’—The Nail for Thought Control’s Hammer
–  Accusations of “racist” are the ultimate malediction in the Church of Woke Progressivism. … Punish the illegal act, not the thought. … Any opinions expressed above are solely his own.…
Crenshaw Accuses Administration of Lying About Immigration Crisis…w-accuses-administration-of-lying-about-immigration-n2586425
– And now, up to 3,000 male, teenage illegal immigrants will be temporarily housed at the Dallas Convention Center.  … They are bringing children with them, they are bringing unaccompanied minors. … They’re not looking for those people on a terrorist watchlist, they are going in between, right?…
GOP Lawmaker Warns Who's Exploiting the Southern Border, And It's Not Just the Cartels
immigrants. … While he said they are “expelling most single adults and families," bad actors are exploiting the chaos of the crisis, including drug … “Individuals that they have on the watch list for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border.”…
Full Steam Ahead for Trump Train
– A mass exodus from Twitter and Facebook to a new Trump platform could weaken those liberal monopolies, and some in Big Tech are hastily … Meanwhile, the crisis at our southern border has gone from bad to worse. … Last month Biden announced that illegal immigrants in Mexico who seek asylum in the United States could be released into our country…
Chaos and Feelings: How the Left Is Turning the Nation Upside Down
– But the details of the MOU are unimportant. … Psaki reveals why the new administration rescinded it: So illegal immigrants in this country wouldn't have to "fear additional immigration … From the aforementioned MOU to halting border wall construction to allowing illegal immigrants entry with no actual court date for…
Patriotism Is Not Some Bad Form of Nationalism
– Another example he cites is an unofficial Facebook page run by border patrol agents where they said rude things about illegal immigrants … How some rogue employees joking privately about illegal immigrants is comparable to national socialism is mind boggling.  … If conservatives are racist, violent and greedy, then it’s easy to believe they are also totalitarian fascists.…
Nancy Pelosi with a Straight Face: Unlike Trump, We're Under Good Leadership for the Border Crisis…ight-face-were-under-good-leadership-for-the-border-n2587548
– It's about restructuring how we do what is happening there because we were in a very bad situation under the Trump administration." … Pelosi also said Republicans are wrong to blame illegal immigrants for spreading COVID-19 after President Trump called the viral pandemic … who are known to have illegally crossed but were able to avoid apprehension by Border Patrol.…
If Democrats Irrevocably Change the Rules, Will Conservatives Stop Playing the Game?…the-rules-will-conservatives-stop-playing-the-game-n2587025
– Immigration The unending hordes of illegal immigrants are coming here at the encouragement and invitation of President Biden and Democrats … They are ghouls, and the language they speak is power. … So, what should fair-minded participants do when bad actors they are in a ‘game’ with cheat and change the rules to suit their own…
Here's How Republicans Are Preparing for the Immigration Wars with the Biden White House…for-the-immigration-wars-with-the-biden-white-house-n2583921
immigrants who come forward as a victim or a witness to a criminal offense.  … Establishing civil action for the victims or family members of crimes committed by illegal immigrants benefitting from a sanctuary … Both sides are taking to their corners.…
Joe Biden, President of the United States by the Sovereign Will of God…t-of-the-united-states-by-the-sovereign-will-of-god-n2583407
– Yet, as I suggested four years ago, “there are times when there are so many odds against something happening, when it so greatly defies … Or open the doors to a flood of illegal immigrants. … The times are critical, indeed.…
Joe Biden's Immigration Crisis Is Just Beginning
– KVEO-TV reported within an hour last week that 253 illegal immigrants turned themselves over to Border Patrol agents in Mission, Texas … immigrants. … Rosendale said CBP highlighted the fact that even if human migrants are not forced to carry drugs across the border, they are at the…
Executive Decree: Biden Signs Additional Orders on Illegal Immigration
– President Joe Biden signed a series of illegal immigration executive orders from the White House Tuesday evening, inching the total … I'm eliminating bad policy," Biden proclaimed, joined by his newly confirmed Department of Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in … Republican lawmakers are pushing back. Joe Biden's America:??Undocumented immigrants > U.S. Citizens??…
Ignore Romney's Involvement, the GOP Minimum Wage Hike Proposal Is Some Good Trolling…op-minimum-wage-hike-proposal-is-some-good-trolling-n2584851
– It’s actually not a bad idea. We’ll raise it, but it’s only for American citizens. … immigrants.” … It’s brilliant really—it’s the main reason why Democrats are soft on border enforcement.  …
Dark Winter of a Grand Old Party
– Yet, the years following these political disasters were not all that bad. … What are the prerequisites for a Republican restoration? … Some 78,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended by the Border Patrol crossing in January alone.…
We Remain Forever Grateful Mr. President
– The media and political pundits are sure it will be Biden. … Millions of Americans are grateful for Donald Trump and the four years of his Presidency. … You gave border agents the support they asked for, and seriously decreased the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States…
Biden Doesn’t Stand for Anything, But All Signs Point to a Far Left Presidency…ything-but-all-signs-point-to-a-far-left-presidency-n2576142
– The Obama administration deported more illegal immigrants than the Trump administration, resulting in the nickname “deporter-in-chief … If people think they are getting another Obama, they are mistaken. … There are certain things you are no longer allowed to say or do, and that list is going to become longer under Biden.…
Here Are Some Questions For Joe Biden
– But there are other questions, important ones, questions like… “Dude, you're as old as dirt. I mean, you are ancient. … There are a number of culture war follow-ups as well: “Are people uptight bigots if they don’t want their teen daughters sharing a … Oh, there are more, many more good questions.…
For Prosecutor Bragg, Trump Indictment Is a Campaign Promise Kept…r-bragg-trump-indictment-is-a-campaign-promise-kept-n2621557
– (It was about the government's treatment of illegal immigrants in New York.) … some progressive circles, the idea of holding Trump "accountable" has taken on the general meaning of punishing Trump for the many bad … The Byron York Show, available on the Ricochet Audio Network at and everywhere else podcasts are
Wow: Romney Takes Mayorkas to the Woodshed Over Border Crisis
– [Illegal immigrants are] still going to keep coming here. I presume you agree with that. … We know how many people are coming across. Are we doing a great job or is it like still failing? … We are approaching the 6.5 million illegal crossings mark on Joe Biden's watch, including nearly 1.5 million known 'got-aways.'  …
Will the Biden Admin's 'New' Border Plan Actually Work?
Illegal immigrants have quickly realized that making a fear claim is a quick ticket to release into the U.S. … Mayorkas says that the border is closed...but illegal immigrants disagree! … If illegal aliens are released upon capture, only more will follow.…
How Many Times Will the Democrats Say Mega MAGA Republicans?…times-will-the-democrats-say-mega-maga-republicans-n2622322
– Well, I think Jeffries and the Democrats are about to find out that they are making folks out to be something they are not. … I suppose those of us who are hard-working individuals, who have done all the right things in building our credit rating, are now what … Well, MAGA Republicans are not the ones advocating for illegal immigrants to vote, nor voicing support for open borders.…
For the First Time in History, Abbott Uses Executive Order to Override Biden's Border Policies…out-biden-for-invoking-invasion-at-southern-border-n2616056
– Between President Joe Biden’s ignorance and Republican governors sending illegal migrants to Democrat-run cities, southern states are … Under your watch, America is suffering the highest volume of illegal immigration in the history of our country,” Abbott said in his … Abbott has declared that he will be using Executive Orders to push back on Biden’s bad border policies.  …
Border Crisis: Title 42 Has a New Expiration Date…is-title-42-being-officially-removed-has-a-new-date-n2616028
– Title 42 is a public health order that allows Border Patrol to quickly expel illegal immigrants during a pandemic. … immigrants amid illegal border crossings already being at an all-time high. … If you think things are bad now, just wait for the sh!…
After the Midterms, Will Joe Biden Loose his Moderate Dogs on the Southern Border?…iden-loose-his-moderate-dogs-on-the-southern-border-n2615559
immigrants will mean in 2024? … The immigrants knew all they had to do was wait a while.  Take the massive ICE-Air deportation flights. … That’s because illegal immigration deterrence is an all-or-nothing proposition.…
Thanksgiving Proclamation 118
– We are being governed by the worst of us.  … We languish and struggle to meet the rising costs of bread, butter, and beans while illegal immigrants stream across a non-existent … We’ve witnessed the incursion of at least two million illegal immigrants this year alone — our allies only needed 130,000 troops on…
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