Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Senate Watch: Are Democratic Takeover Hopes in Jeopardy?
– With so much attention focused on the high-octane presidential race, it can be easy to overlook important down-ballot races. … Six years later, those Senate freshmen are up for re-election, in a presidential year, and in a decidedly different political atmosphere … table in all of the other contested races in order to maintain their edge -- unless they can pick off a seat or two currently in Democratic
Since God Hates the Shedding of Innocent Blood, Can a Christian Vote for Hillary?…of-innocent-blood-can-a-christian-vote-for-hillary-n2198507
– Seeing that Hillary Clinton is a radically pro-abortion candidate and seeing that the Democratic platform reinforces those radical … The Democratic Party platform already supports legalized abortion on demand for any reason up until birth. … It’s one thing to be uncertain about voting for Trump (or other candidates).…
LOL at the DNC
– Democrats have every reason to rage against the Democratic National Committee: Newly leaked DNC memos confirm that Donald Trump was … Wasserman Shultz maintained that the DNC schedule was designed to "maximize the opportunity for voters to see our candidates." … After all, it was Sanders who looked at Clinton during the first presidential debate in October and said, "The American people are…
Debbie Wassermann Schultz Is Out, But Top Democrat Wants More Heads To Roll…tz-is-out-but-top-democrat-wants-more-heads-to-roll-n2197224
– Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman Schultz has resigned, but the Clinton campaign tossed her a life … They should, as it shows the Democratic Party establishment was, for all intents and purposes, in the bag for Clinton. … The Democratic Party is running on the most left wing platform ever thanks to Sanders’ performance.…
The Democratic National Convention: A Sharp Contrast to Trump…ratic-national-convention-a-sharp-contrast-to-trump-n2197517
– One of the most easily drawn contrasts is the amount of A-list establishment talent at the Democratic event. … Both the current and former two-term Democratic Presidents will speak at the Democratic convention. … The Democratic Convention will be more focused on broadening the base and unifying the country.…
The Libertarian Book of Trump
– The Constitution has become just another thing on the list of items presidential candidates check when they con constituents. … The dissembling words of many a Republican presidential candidate notwithstanding—for most promise constitutionalism—a liberty-lover … Put differently, in this age of unconstitutional government—Democratic and Republican—the best liberty lovers can look to is action…
Convention Gives Us Little Insight Into Trump's Character…ntion-gives-us-little-insight-into-trumps-character-n2195850
– Chris Christie, and Trump's vice presidential running mate, Indiana Gov. … "Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution." … candidates past and present, in a powerful show of unity, support and diversity.…
Republican Congressman Rips Ted Cruz: He's A Self-Absorbed, Small Man Who Is Not With the GOP…cruz-selfabsorbed-small-man-who-is-not-with-the-gop-n2195688
– Hemmer told Collins that no one could be happy about the fact that media coverage is less on Trump’s vice presidential pick, Indiana … These candidates are far from perfect. In fact, they’re weak. … But for those in the anti-Trump camp—the question now is whether they want to deal with a Clinton presidency working the a Democratic
Gary Johnson's Libertarian Alternative
– That is a reliable formula for capturing 0.99 percent of the popular vote, as they did in the 2012 presidential election. … Faced with a Democratic legislature, Johnson vetoed more than 700 bills. … Weld managed to work with a Democratic legislature in pulling the state out of a fiscal crisis and balancing the budget.…
America's Potential
– party from the seemingly never-ending nomination marathon to the next phase of the campaign, which is one that will test the candidates … First, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has to be proven unfit to serve as president. … Second, Trump has to be seen as presidential material. The first will be easier to accomplish than the second. New Jersey Gov.…
Dispatches From Cleveland
– Manafort did head off any floor challenges, but he appears to have ignored the most important part of a presidential nominating convention … Aside from the debates, the candidates never will have this large an audience listening to them as they and their supporters deliver … to make every straw be the one that breaks the camel’s back while dusting every straw off the back of the donkey that is the Democratic
Rumored Hillary VP Candidate Is 'Leaning Toward' Voting For Her
– In an embarrassing turn of events for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, one person that was rumored to be on her vice … presidential candidate list may not even be voting for her in November. … I try to judge each election on the candidates in front of me and make an informed decision as a citizen and that’s what I would expect…
A Pivot To The Center
– It's not just presidential politics this year that may be spinning wildly, but his head. … It's embarrassing, but what isn't about this year's presidential contest? … Meanwhile, the Democrats' search for a vice presidential candidate proceeds from left to lefter.…
Will Trump's 'Other People's Money' Campaign Prevail Over Clinton's Standard Tactics?…ney-campaign-prevail-over-clintons-standard-tactics-n2194372
– Donald Trump postponed the announcement of his vice presidential candidate, Mike Pence, because of the terrorist attack in Nice, which … Disarray and disorder work against the party in power, especially if the president and his presidential candidate refuse to identify … It's likely that many alternative Republican nominees would easily beat Clinton and that many alternative Democratic nominees would…
Trump Vs. The World
– The presidential race has now become Donald Trump versus the world. … While he overcame unfair media treatment in the primaries and dispatched the party establishment and 16 entrenched candidates to win … The latest analysis from the Media Research Center shows the mainstream news media gave the Democratic National Convention more attention…
Trump's Road Still Open
– Bush, many presidential candidates have been able to close a 10-point gap and win. What does Trump need to do? … As of mid-July, 56 percent of Americans thought the Democratic nominee should have been indicted.…
Trump's Petty Focus is Far from Voters' Concerns
– WASHINGTON -- Donald Trump's presidential campaign is coming unglued, a victim of his own erratic behavior and often bizarre, self-inflicted … In any other presidential election where the economy would be the centerpiece of the GOP's offensive, Trump has been focusing on one … However, his vice presidential running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, is having none of this childish pettiness.…
Donald Trump, Postmodern Candidate
Candidates dislike and fear reporters, and so seek to flatter them. … Modernist candidates voice platitudes about border enforcement. … All presidential candidates court top party officials, former presidents and defeated rivals, and seek praise from newspapers and magazines…
Reports: Panicked Allies Plot 'Intervention' As GOP 'Actively Explores' Replacing Trump…ing-to-abandon-an-imploding-trump-campaign-en-masse-n2201345
– Let's also pretend that Trump's presidential effort is staffed with the best and brightest political minds. … coming out hard against Trump. — Katy Tur (@KatyTurNBC) August 3, 2016 A campaign directive distributed to House GOP candidates … by the NRCC encourages any member whose fate may be dragged down by Trump to cut the presidential nominee loose.  …
Johnson - Weld: Libertarians in Name Only…n-say-no-to-the-total-lino-libertarian-in-name-only-n2201311
– Third-party candidates are majoring in muddying the waters again in our electoral politics. … This year, the Libertarian Party presidential candidates were featured in their own kind of prime-time primary debates. … repeal the (Lyndon Baines) Johnson Amendment, a subversive section of the tax code which has muzzled churches from advocating for candidates
Five Problems With 'Republicans for Johnson/Weld'
– Republicans for Johnson/Weld," wherein disaffected righty activists are throwing their support behind the Libertarian Party's presidential … “We will do our part to ensure the Johnson-Weld ticket is included on all 50 state ballots and included in the presidential debates … Many conservatives who may be strongly considering casting Libertarian presidential ballots as clean-conscience protest votes against…
Dempsey: Retired Generals Have No Business Speaking at Political Conventions…have-no-business-speaking-at-political-conventions-n2200428
– Both the Republican and Democratic National conventions featured remarks from retired army generals. … The Washington Post, Dempsey explained why he thinks it's unacceptable for his fellow retired generals to get involved in a presidential … It was a mistake for our presidential candidates to ask them to do so.” "The military is not a military prize," he added.…
Despite Hillary’s Historic Nomination, Democrats Are Kind Of Freaking Out That Trump Will Beat Her…are-kind-of-freaking-out-that-trump-might-still-win-n2199983
– One Democratic strategist said Clinton will win if the Obama coalition of young and minority voters show up in force. … Democratic pollsters are also worried about the phantom white man vote. … These are both very flawed, and very polarizing candidates.…
Journalist: If Trump Doesn't Release His Taxes, Media Should Stop Interviewing Him…elease-his-taxes-media-should-stop-interviewing-him-n2200166
– release his tax returns, then the news networks should refuse giving him airtime: The media is nothing if it can’t hold a presidentialcandidates accountable—if newsrooms and editorialists can’t force a White House aspirant to keep a promise, uphold precedent, and … Now, to be fair, Fournier has criticizes both presidential candidates, Clinton especially for her email fiasco.…
Oh Boy: Now The Clinton Campaign Has Been Hacked
– That’s a treasure trove of campaign memos and opposition research: The computer network used by Democratic presidential candidate … and the party’s fundraising committee for candidates for the U.S. … candidates in campaigns for the House.…
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