Results for: sign up to vote

'The Upper Echelon of the FBI Met to Orchestrate It All': Lawyer Alleges Collusion Plot To Entrap Michael Flynn…nspired-to-entrap-extrump-national-security-adviser-n2555377
– off as a sign of his patriotism. … to schedule the interview. … Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote.”…
How Pelosi Might Have Screwed Over Her Party With This Trump Impeachment Nonsense…op-could-be-off-the-campaign-trail-for-part-of-2020-n2555741
– Along a party-line vote, House Democrats got over the magic 218 number to make this impeachment nonsense an official government circus … And prior to the impeachment inquiry vote yesterday, Schiff and his minions were holding hearings in secret and selectively releasing … Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, are going to have to come off the campaign trail in the critical days leading up to the start…
Dozens of Conservative Groups File Ethics Complaint Against Pelosi…rvative-groups-file-ethics-complaint-against-pelosi-n2555656
– The Thursday vote on a resolution to formalize the impeachment inquiry is “inadequate at this late stage,” the letter says, and Pelosi … ’s “one-person decision” to hold the vote is in “violation of historical precedent.” … get involved to help defend @realDonaldTrump against impeachment sign up on our hub page are building a…
Care About Impeachment When They Have 67 Senators
– That’s the number of unAmerican creeps in the Senate who would vote to convict when the garbage Democrats in the house pass their garbage … Naturally, the loathsome Gimp Romney submitted and obeyed the Candy Crowleys of the media and refused to sign on. … to pass.…
Christian Supporters of Trump, the President Can Defend Himself…upporters-of-trump-the-president-can-defend-himself-n2556541
– It was at this time I began to write articles like, “Why I’m Actually Rooting for Donald Trump” and “Why I Will Vote for Donald Trump … Would he live up to his campaign commitments to evangelicals? And would the good he would do outweigh the bad? … He did nominate lots of fine justices to the courts. He did sign pro-life legislation.…
Puppies and Kittens Trump the Constitution
– (PACT) Act, a bill that President Donald Trump is expected to sign soon. … punishable by up to seven years in prison, "for any person to purposely engage in animal crushing in or affecting interstate or foreign … to posit any activity by an individual that Congress is without power to regulate."…
The Impeachment Hearings Are the Beginning of the End
– far collected, Democrats have failed to sway even a single Republican vote, not to mention move the needle with the general public … It will come as six U.S Senators vying for the Democratic nomination will have to stand and cast a vote. … The kickoff to an election season is probably the single worst time to have to answer for that.…
Don’t Laugh Too Hard at Bloomberg or He Might Not Run
– Perhaps the Democratic consultants who didn’t sign up with one of the other goofy candidates are happy. … enough to elect the empty figurehead, are not going to just throw in the towel.  … left who will stay in their mothers’s basements and dorm rooms in protest instead of going out to vote for Mr.…
Well, With These Numbers From Persuadable 2020 Voters, Democrats Seem Blind To Their Shoddy Agenda…voters-democrats-seem-blind-to-their-shoddy-agenda-n2557356
– Biden over the president, 38 percent to 27 percent, but prefer the president to Ms. Warren, 37 to 20. Mr. … Warren, he’d vote Republican, he said: “I think she’s going too far to the left, which would take our country in a bad direction.” … heats up. …
NYT: Two-Thirds of 2016 Trump Voters Who Defected to Democrats Last Year Plan to Support His Re-Election…to-democrats-in-2018-plan-to-support-his-reelection-n2557295
– direction, and the president looks to be on track to woo a large majority 2018 defectors back into the fold. … That’s up from a previous reading of 1.9%. … Will give members 24 hours to review. Vote Tuesday. — Byron York (@ByronYork) December 1, 2019…
Note to Low Information Voters: Trump Isn’t a Dictator. Here Are 4 Reasons Why.…voters-trump-isnt-a-dictator-here-are-4-reasons-why-n2557313
– gang up on you. … Once they finally realize they can’t convince you to vote Democrat in 2020, they resort to calling Trump names and questioning how … right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,” it’s safe to assume that no president that wanted to be a dictator…
What Would a War on the Drug Cartels Look Like?
– The bureaucratic tendency is to fuzz this part up, to provide some gooey, metric-resistant pablum like “a Mexico where people are free … The enemy always gets a vote, and they would obviously vote to attack us here in the United States. … Sign up today.  Three Kurts is better than two.…
Of Course: Progressive Org Launches Media Blitz Focusing on Impeachment and Claims It's 'Grassroots Activism'…nches-media-blitz-focusing-on-impeachment-and-claim-n2557213
– According to a press release sent to Townhall, the organization has established more than 300 events with more than 50,000 people to … "The night before the House of Representatives takes a somber vote to impeach Trump, we'll head to every congressional office and public … They wouldn't go to a PAC's website, find every kind of pre-made sign, talking points, press releases and artwork to get their event…
No End in Sight for the Biofuel Wars
– get President Trump to sign off on their preferred “compromise” – over how much ethanol must be blended into gasoline, how many small … Over their full life cycle (from planting, growing and harvesting crops, to converting them to fuel, to transporting them by truck … That brings us back to the Executive Branch biofuel battles – and to issues that I myself struggle to comprehend, amid the morass of…
U.S. Needs To Wake Up From Its Slumber And Win Trade Battle
– On the NYSE, Advancers and the up volume were slightly better than decliners, and the down volume; there were 106 new highs to 18 new … Management pointed to October housing starts data, which came in at the highest level since July 2007, in  offering guidance of up … Apparently, U.S. and Canada officials have arrived in Mexico to allegedly sign the new U.S-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement that…
Republicans Brought the Perfect Sign to Monday's Impeachment Hearing…ght-the-perfect-sign-to-mondays-impeachment-hearing-n2557670
– For a point of emphasis, Republicans set up a sign at today's hearing asking "Where's Adam?" … show up. … Democrats effectively control whether they will get to testify, because @RepJerryNadler can back up his decision with a vote of the…
Sharyl Attkisson: The Six Red Flags We Missed Regarding the FBI’s Abusive FISA Witch Hunt Against the Trump Campaign…abusive-fisa-witch-hunt-against-the-trump-campaign-n2558577
up any of the claims. … She also cited the loosening of the unmasking protocols under Obama as another sign of what was to come within the halls of the DOJ … Congress has had numerous chances to step up oversight of FISA process amid repeat, documented surveillance abuses against US citizens…
The Democrats Need to Lose With Dignity
– Quite literally, nothing was changed by the House Democrats’ formal vote to impeach the president, a formal vote to say nothing more … What if the House voted to impeach a president, but failed to send such impeachment to the Senate, does the impeachment even matter … To believe, as Speaker Pelosi evidently does, that withholding the articles could somehow compel the Senate to cater to her partisan…
Rep. Jeff Van Drew Provides an Inside Look at Dems' Partisan Expectations…the-final-straw-that-made-him-walk-away-from-the-d-n2558406
– He said, 'I just want to let you know that you have to vote for impeachment.' And I said, 'What do you mean?' … And he said, 'You've got to vote for impeachment. … "We are there to work for the American people and not to have constant political bickering and to come up with a weak impeachment.…
Freedom And Responsibility
– remind them to vote. … maybe that was a side benefit to growing up in a small town -- people were eager to do anything new. … We would wake up before dawn and drive to some small town where were would meet local volunteers who had decorated a convertible, or…
State Gun Control Initiative May Be On November Ballot Despite Questionable Petition Practices…ay-be-on-november-ballot-despite-questionable-petit-n2498450
– Are they simply expected to sign a document they can’t read and vote on a measure they don’t understand? … sign a petition, am I entitled to read the petition or the proposed measure before I make up my mind?” … sign and return to you.…
CNN Anchor: Trump Picking Kavanaugh Only Makes Things Harder For Red State Democrats…gh-only-makes-things-harder-for-red-state-democrats-n2499026
– It’s not impossible, but it makes it that much harder and increases the chances that whatever they do come up with to explain their … to take back the Senate. … moderates, and that’s a very good sign of things to come,” Ron Bonjean, a GOP operative who managed White House communications during…
The Home Stretch: Five Big Numbers to Know From This Week in Politics -- July 27, 2018
– Final sales to domestic purchasers 3.9%, Final sales to private domestic purchasers was up 4.3% Major drag was residential investment … But those kinds of things are not going to have an influence on my vote.” Also, Mrs. … win just over 50% of toss-ups or 25% of Toss-up/lean R to take bare majority. — amy walter (@amyewalter) July…
There's A Long Way To Go Before Midterms
– A few things to keep in mind as the midterms heat up. … "Every sign is pointing to a Democratic wave in November," wrote CNN's Chris Cillizza this past Wednesday. … Once Labor Day arrives, the pace will pick up - into a sprint to the finish.…
NBC Poll: Democratic Ballot Advantage Shrinks To Six Points, But GOP Far From Being Out Of The Woods
– Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination seems to be their make-or-break vote. … a left wing lurch from Democrats to point to for a nice contrast. … Instead of keeping up the pressure, the far left wants…to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement.…
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