Results for: sign up to vote

On Dobbs Anniversary, Democrats Remain Obsessed on Abortion…s-anniversary-democrats-remain-obsessed-on-abortion-n2640877
– Such a bill, which Biden has even expressed nuking the filibuster in order to get it passed, would allow for abortion up until birth … not going to let that happen.When Congress passes a law that restores the protections of Roe, President @JoeBiden will sign it into … vote in November, and that young voters are also less likely to vote.…
The Future of Democracy?
– few months ago to Joe Biden being up +2. … In this case, it allows someone at the DMV getting a driver's license to also register to vote. … being disenfranchised due to a lack of photo ID.Uh, let me see, can I just show up at the airport, sign a reasonable impediment declaration…
New Poll: Trump Is Still Up in Key Swing States
– Biden lost support among independents in Georgia, by six points, 42% to 36% and Nevada, by five, 37% to 32%." … A plurality in all states say it has no impact on their vote," this particular Emerson College Polling write-up noted.This lack of … "The credibility interval, similar to a poll’s margin of error, for the sample is +/- 3% in 19 of 20 cases in each state," the write-up
Here's the Part of Dr. Phil's Trump Interview That Would Probably Make Libs Vomit
Vote for Trump.— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) June 7, 2024BREAKING: Dr. … She added that she now views the media’s portrayal of the former president as damaging to voters. … Biden is hemorrhaging black voters under 50, and there’s no sign of this trend reversing.…
55 Years of Joe Biden
–  Newson is appealing to his community, these are the people who vote for him and the Democrats. …  It will take time to return to where America needs to be to be truly great again. …  There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.…
More Data Confirms Biden's Not-So-Secret 2024 Advantage, and Republicans Need to Take It Seriously…advantage-and-republicans-need-to-take-it-seriously-n2640537
–  The Americans who are absolutely guaranteed to vote now lean decidedly blue. … Trump holds his edge among the disengaged, it’s not clear many of these low-turnout voters will ultimately show up to vote. … If it's a bigger turnout, and if Republicans can somehow get occasional to unlikely voters to show up, the advantage clearly drifts…
Some Thoughts on the Upcoming Debate
– He looks to be in fine shape, physically and mentally, so there’s no cause for him to do anything other than look forward to the challenge … That’s what Americans are going to be looking for, and that is totally up to Donald Trump.If Trump can handle the debate correctly, … There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.…
Hillary Clinton Angers Progressives With Latest Endorsement
– Make a plan to vote by June 25th!” … to the NRA, and fight for President Biden’s agenda—just like he’s always done.Make a plan to vote by June 25th! … Bowman has noted that his vote wasn’t critical to the passage of the law and he wanted to advocate for social spending.Bowman is battling…
Who Is 'Wanda the Stuffer'? And Why Did She Get Arrested?
– update to an addition to the American History of Voter Fraud from Bridgeport CT:"Did you just high five the gentleman who placed absentee … Many questions relate to this whole saga, some parts you can’t make up. Geter-Pataky was also arrested with three others. …  Geter-Pataky and Castillo were charged with failure to sign an assister on an absentee ballot.…
Dems Are Bribing Young Voters to Drag Their Progressive Friends to Voter Registration Drives…en-z-to-get-progressive-friends-to-register-to-vote-n2640252
to vote—even if they have to pay for is paying “progressive activists” under the age of 30 up to $35 to encourage …  When young Americans sign up to be a scout, claimed in its email to “teach them how to find their unregistered … Young voters can send up to 50 messages, earning $25, and refer up to 5 friends, earning $10.Democrats are desperate to retain youth…
'Sit Down': AOC Called Out for Condemning Pro-Hamas Protests
– I consistently vote NO on military budgets, including further weapons to Israeli gov. I think Netanyahu is a war criminal. … Back in September 2021, she was reduced to sobbing and hugging her colleagues on the House floor after her changing her "no" vote on … to?…
Here's What Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Risch Is Willing to Do to Vote on ICC Bill…g-member-risch-is-willing-to-do-to-vote-on-icc-bill-n2640361
– Jim Risch (Idaho), the committee’s top Republican, is refusing to give his consent for the panel to take up any legislation or nominations … that Cardin is looking to protect his fellow Democrats from having to take such a vote. … Democrats refuse to even allow a vote.— Mark R.…
Biden's Appearance at Juneteenth Event Has People Talking for All the Wrong Reasons…event-has-people-talking-for-all-the-wrong-reasons-n2640309
– clap along to the beat, to the point where he just gave up. … to deliver remarks. … "Well, there are, taking away your freedoms to make it harder for black people to vote," he claimed.…
Senate Conservatives to Fight Back Against Schumer and Biden in Protest Over Trump Conviction
– which funds partisan lawfare; 2) vote to confirm this administration's political and judicial appointees; and 3) allow expedited consideration … sign on. … "Schumer could be forced to trudge through cloture votes and debate, eating up precious floor time that he might prefer to expend on…
The ChiComs and the Democrats: Brothers in Totalitarianism
– , and persuasion—to try to prevent that. … denying the American people the right to vote for him. …  There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.…
Where Will the Dust Finally Settle?
–  After the dust has cleared, they are going to be right where they were to begin with. … November 5 will provide the answer to that question.Of course, there will have to be enough of them to overcome Democratic Party cheating …  There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.…
Drew Johnson Is Las Vegas’ Best Bet for Congress
– “I think at some point we have got to go to renewable energy,” he told The Nevada Independent. … “I think we have to encourage solar and wind.” … “Schwartz doesn’t live in the district he’s running to represent,” according to Liberty Watch.…
Pandering vs. Patriotism
– For their part, Republicans take flak for not even trying to get the support of groups that everyone assumes will vote "D," including … to rebound and rebuild. … Trump's positivity, some in the audience further noted that Trump didn't show up and pander to the crowd by promising goodies from…
On the Trump Verdict
–  They stemmed from a sexual encounter Donald Trump had with a porn star, which he sought to cover up via a nondisclosure agreement …  Ultimately, the judge in the case -- who donated to his defendant's political opponent in their last election match-up -- told …  The reason I've been planning to nevertheless vote for someone other than Donald Trump once again is that he has always been…
Biden Campaign Gets Dismantled by Tim Scott for Dishonest Ad
– telling me I can't be black if I don't vote for him, Scott reminded, also bringing up an example from 2012, when he and then President … "The president of the United States refuses to stand up to the teachers unions. … And to see the former president take that seriously is, in my opinion, a strong sign and one of the reasons why, Dana, we are seeing…
A President Who Exalts Evil
–  Why not open up the jails and give “amnesty” to every person who has violated the law? …  Democrats want to give the illegals the right to vote. …  There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.…
CNN Reporter Shocked By Massive Trump Rally In Deep-Blue State…r-shocked-by-massive-trump-rally-in-deep-blue-state-n2639517
–  "I’ve gone to a lot of these rallies across the country, and there are often people who travel hundreds of miles to see Donald …  In 2020, Biden won the Bronx by just 69 points, pointing to a significant shift in which party Hispanic and black Americans vote … In recent polls leading up to the November election, the president’s lead among Hispanic voters has dropped to only seven points.…
Here Is What Scares Me
– cheat to win. …  That scares me.There are some old timers like you and me still around, and we're still going to vote for America. …  There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.…
Is New Hampshire Another State in Play?
– The NH Journal makes reference of this blue trend so as to highlight how bad it would be for Biden to lose after he won in 2020, and …  New York and New Jersey are likely not going to go for Trump, but if his campaign wants to try to put them in play, more … power to them.…
Here's When Schumer Plans to Vote on the Border Bill
– We now know that a vote will take place on Thursday.The Senate is prepared to take up the bipartisan Border Act this weekA tough, serious … As Everett also wrote in his POLITICO article on Monday night:Thursday’s vote is expected to be similar to the February roll call, … to fix the crisis at the border.…
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