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The ChiComs and the Democrats: Brothers in Totalitarianism

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP, Pool

It’s coming soon, folks, another war. This one will be in the Taiwan Straits between China and Taiwan. I can’t guess its date because no one can predict when a megalomaniacal murderer like Xi Jinping will decide to increase the number of people he is currently killing. But it’s coming. If I were Xi, I’d do it before Biden left office, but again, I can’t predict when a megalomaniacal murderer, etc., etc., etc.


I do know that China does not believe in freedom. I lived there ten years, and I can attest to that from personal experience.  The only “freedom” the Chinese government believes in is the freedom it grants it slaves. Any “freedom” like that can be rescinded, so it’s not true freedom. It is, actually, the very essence of slavery.

Recently, the Chinese Defense Minister said that Beijing is ready to “forcefully” stop Taiwan independence. It doesn’t matter to Beijing one whit what the people of Taiwan want. According to the CCP, Taiwan belongs to China, though it has independently governed itself since 1949. To the CCP, Taiwan is a “rouge” province of China, and might need to be “forced” back into union with Beijing. In other words, to be compelled to accept a form of government they fled from. In other words, to be denied the freedom to choose their own leaders and way of governing themselves. In other words, to become slaves of the People’s Republic of China.  

According to the CCP, the people of Taiwan do not have the right, the freedom, to choose their own government. So, if Taiwan will not willingly submit to the PRC’s tyranny, it must be compelled to do so. Xi Jinping wants Taiwan. Taiwan will be part of China and by force, because the people of Taiwan will never willingly submit to it.

China intends to do whatever is necessary to prevent the people of Taiwan from having freedom, from choosing their own leaders and governing themselves.

If that sounds familiar, it should. It is exactly what the Democratic Party is trying to do to the American people today.


Donald Trump has been selected by the people of the Republican Party as their nominee for President. He will be offered to America as a candidate for that job. The Democratic Party doesn’t like that. They don’t want Donald Trump to be President, and they are doing everything they can—except use the democratic means of reason, debate, and persuasion—to try to prevent that. Some Democratic states attempted to keep Trump off the ballot.  Well, that didn’t work, so now they are endeavoring to throw him in jail and hope, somehow, that stops him.  

They don’t want the American people to have the choice of their own leader. Just like China is wanting to prevent Taiwan from ultimately selecting its own leaders and government—and will use force, if necessary, to accomplish that—the Democratic Party is trying to use the force of law, the government’s Justice Department, to thwart the American people from choosing the leader and government they wish. It is exactly the same principle. It is totalitarianism. It is attempting to rob people of their freedom, or, to give people only the “freedoms” government (in America’s case, Democrats, in Taiwan’s case, the CCP) wants them to have.  

You don’t get to elect the leader you want. The Democratic Party will make that decision for you.

It gets worse, folks. Just as the Chinese Communist Party is prepared to kill as many Taiwanese citizens as necessary to enforce its totalitarian will on Taiwan, apparently the Democratic Party (at least some of them) are prepared to risk Donald Trump’s life to gain their objective of denying the American people the right to vote for him. Democratic Party Representative Bennie Thompson (of J6 Committee fame) recently introduced a bill into Congress that would deny Secret Service protection to Trump if he goes to prison. If that isn’t an invitation to assassination, what would be? The bill won’t pass, but that’s what the Democratic Party wants. Frankly, I’m a bit surprised some looney leftist hasn’t already tried to kill Trump, and the attempt may be made yet, especially if it looks like he’s going to win the election, or does win it.  But now some in the Democratic Party wish to send out engraved invitations.


Win at any price. That’s the Left.

They have proven it countless times over the last 100 years. The “progressive” 20th century was the most barbaric century in history in terms of human slaughter. It was a century that rejected the Judeo-Christian moral foundations of Western Civilization and replaced it with atheist, Leftist lies. The mass killings still go on, in China, and in the wombs of American women.

There is nothing the Left will not do to obtain power. That is the greatest unlearned lesson of modern history. At least, unlearned by too many people, many of them in the United States of America.

The Democrats don’t have totalitarian power yet in America, but it hasn’t prevented them from practicing totalitarian methods when they can. The J6 imprisonments are one example. Throwing grandmothers in jail for praying at abortion clinics is another. “Russian collusion” and two impeachments of Trump provide other examples. So does using the Justice Department to try to halt his candidacy. And now, they want to kill him, if need be.

Meh. Leftists have killed hundreds of millions of people in their denial of freedom. China is getting ready to kill a bunch of Taiwanese. Who can be surprised at what the Leftist Democratic Party is doing?  

Leftism is Leftism is Leftism. All over the world. The Democratic Party is controlled by Leftists. The same ideology that has killed hundreds of millions of innocent people in the past 100 years. And they’ll kill you, too, if you get in their way.  

Check out my substack for all kinds of material.  There’s lots of good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.  Video podcast every week for paid subscribers.  Follow me on Twitter: @thailandmkl. Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  


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