Results for: Republican National Committee

DNC 'Unity Reform Commission' Interrupted by Progressive Protestors…rm-commission-interrupted-by-progressive-protestors-n2420315
– A bizarre scene unfolded early Friday at a Democratic National Committee (DNC) “unity reform commission,” as security officers attempted … Our country faces a far-right Republican Party regime that is largely a subsidiary of corporate America, and a Democratic Party whose…
You're Wrong: CNN Steps On A Rake With Donald Trump. Jr. Wikileaks Story…leaks-russian-collusion-story-just-hit-another-snag-n2420169
– emphasis mine]: A 2016 email sent to President Trump and top aides pointed the campaign to hacked documents from the Democratic NationalCommittee that had already been made public by the group WikiLeaks a day earlier. … Erickson and described himself as the president of an aviation management company, sent the message to the then-Republican nominee…
NRSC Stands Firm Against Moore
Republican Senatorial Committee is standing firm in its opposition to the judge.  … “Roy Moore will never have the support of the senatorial committee. We will never endorse him. … Gardner’s comments come days after President Trump endorsed Moore and the Republican National Committee decided to support him once…
Senior DOJ Official Stripped of His Title After Meeting With Trump Dossier Author
– A number of Obama administration officials, including former National Security Advisor Susan Rice and UN Ambassador Samantha Power, … During Wray's testimony, Republican Rep. … Watch the latest video at Meanwhile, the House and Senate Intelligence Committee are continuing their investigation…
House Republicans Want Investigation of Hillary's 'Special Treatment' from FBI…nvestigation-of-hillarys-special-treatment-from-fbi-n2419040
– He, along with several other Republican lawmakers, are calling for an investigation into the FBI's supposed special treatment of former … Clearly, the FBI did not hold Clinton to the same standard they held his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, the president … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 3, 2017 The House Judiciary Committee is expected to grill FBI Director Christopher Wray about the…
Will GOP Congress Fund 'Humanized Mice' Made From Aborted-Baby Organs?…ss-fund-humanized-mice-made-from-abortedbaby-organs-n2418679
– available medical journals, written in the technical language of specialized researchers, describe experiments and projects the National … On Sept. 24, 2007, for example, the National Institutes of Health sponsored "The New Humanized Rodent Model Workshop." … Jan Schakowsky of Illinois, the ranking member of the committee, sent letters to various institutions asking them questions about the…
Did Cory Booker Suddenly Change His Mind on the Corporate Tax Rate?
– That is, until it became a major component of the Republican tax reform plan.  … The Republican National Committee found several instances over the past few years when Booker reached out to Republicans to try and…
McConnell: No 'Change of Heart' on Moore
– Despite President Trump's endorsement and the Republican National Committee's decision to devote resources to Alabama Senate candidate … If elected, Moore would "immediately" be subjected to an ethics committee investigation, McConnell pledged. … Monday, after Trump announced he was supporting Moore because they can't let a radical Democrat get that Senate seat, former Republican
'Leave My Child Out of This': CNN Anchor Not Amused When Spokeswoman Uses Her Pregnancy to Defend Moore…uses-cnn-anchors-pregnancy-to-defend-her-candidate-n2418315
– Jane Porter engaged in a shouting match with CNN anchor Poppy Harlow Tuesday morning over the sexual allegations against the Republican … After weeks of consideration, President Trump endorsed Moore this week, and the Republican National Committee is once again committing…
RNC Has Changed Its Mind About Moore
– With just one week until Alabama voters heads to the polls for the special Senate election, the Republican National Committee has … “Democrats refusal to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama. … Democrats refusal to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama.…
Busted: Dick Durbin Exposed As Hypocrite For Railing Against Handwritten Changes to Legislation…for-hypocrisy-on-handwritten-changes-to-legislation-n2417559
– Reid Rule seems to have ended that debate), another is deficit spending (after applauding President Obama for nearly doubling the national … In truth, each house considered tax reform through the normal legislative process -- including days of hearings and full committee … The bills were then advanced out of committee and onto the floor, where the legislation was debated and considered for final passage…
Headed Back to the Future
– always, there will be certain things we won’t like in the final bill, but no one will have a clear picture until it comes out of committee … They sat back for eight years and watched their president double our national debt. … I wrote previously that if tax reform did not pass, it would be the end of the Republican Party.…
'Hurtling' Republican Tax Bill Actually Serious
– "The Republican tax bill hurtling through Congress is increasingly tilting the United States tax code to benefit wealthy Americans … " suggests abandoning upstanding fairness; spelling out "the United States tax code" suggests an ominous attack on a respected national … This is less reportage than it is advocacy journalism, written to advance the argument, with which many people agree, that Republican
Hillary Supporters Go Ballistic On CNN Editor For Writing About Why Clinton Still Sucks…nn-editor-for-writing-about-why-clinton-still-sucks-n2425358
– The 2016 race has never really ended On Monday, President Trump saw fit to mention his 2016 victory while laying out his national … She is the last Republican boogeyman For years and years -- long before Clinton ran for president in 2008 and 2016 -- she was one … Committee for her defeat, but she accepts responsibility, or something.…
Polls: Plurality of Americans Support GOP Tax Bill, Economic Confidence Soars…cans-support-gop-tax-bill-economic-confidence-soars-n2424658
– the lead-up to final passage, I've been harping on how a number of recent polls have measured strong public opposition to the Republican … A new national survey from Politico finds that a nine-point plurality supports the GOP plan (44/35), with respondents (correctly) predicting … The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation and Tax Foundation each project higher GDP growth (and more jobs) under the plan, though…
A New Grammar
– Very often - almost always - he had no previous experience being a candidate for anything but chairman of the golf committee at the … The National Republican Congressional Committee - the political arm of Republicans in Congress - should immediately begin a full fledged … Every Republican male will be tied to either Todd Aiken or Roy Moore or both. And Donald Trump.…
Will Republicans Finish The Job for Seniors And Small Businesses?…ans-finish-the-job-for-seniors-and-small-businesses-n2424341
– The Republican party has an important test in front of them: Will GOP lawmakers protect seniors and small businesses from looming … Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee, last week took an important first step by introducing a package of bills  … Republican lawmakers were elected in large part because of their promises to repeal Obamacare and prevent tax increases.…
WSJ Columnist: The FBI Is Abusing Secrecy Powers To Save Itself From Embarrassment…ing-secrecy-powers-to-save-itself-from-embarrassmen-n2423411
– She aptly noted that this has nothing to do with protecting national security. … It didn’t do all this out of fear of hurting national security, obviously. … The dossier was opposition research commissioned by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, through their lawyers…
Analysis: With Final Passage Likely, Tax Reform Delivers Conservative Policy Victories and Dishonest Liberal Hysteria…res-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-tax-reform-bill-n2423495
– Congress' bicameral conference committee unveiled a compromise tax reform bill on Friday, with votes in each chamber expected this … They do not replace the current tax code with a flat tax or national sales tax. … Senate Finance Committee ranking Democrat Ron Wyden of Oregon has led the fight against the Republican corporate and estate tax cuts…
This Is Trump's Prediction About the 2018 Elections
– President Trump on Monday weighed in on the 2018 elections and offered a prediction for how he thought the Republican Party will fare … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 18, 2017 Trump only got behind Moore at the last minute, initially endorsing Republican Luther Strange … But his support of Gillespie was tepid at best, writing a few tweets in favor of the former chairman of the Republican National Committee
The Future for Republicans
Republican Senate Committee, which he leads, was pulling its financial support after The Washington Post printed stories detailing … The Republican National Committee briefly froze its joint fundraising efforts on Moore's behalf but jumped back aboard the Moore train … Gardner represents the future of the Republican Party, not its past.…
Is the Democrats' Senate Victory in Alabama a Sign of Future GOP Losses Across the South?…labama-a-sign-of-future-gop-losses-across-the-south-n2422592
– WASHINGTON - There were plenty of reasons why Republican Roy Moore’s defeat in the scandal-plagued Alabama election was a blessing … The Republican National Committee also initially declined to contribute to his campaign. … Is this the beginning of the end in the largely Republican South? We’ll know by next November.…
Picking the Lock in Alabama
– be the key to which of the wildly conflicting polls would best presage the result of Alabama's special Senate election, wrote Republican … As the returns came in, you could see Republican Roy Moore reaching his target percentages -- but not the raw votes he needed. … Bob Menendez, would have joined gleefully in portraying Moore as the face of the Republican Party.…
Former CIA Director: With Trump, I Didn't Think Through The Downside Of The Intel Community Becoming Political…ump-i-didnt-think-through-the-downside-of-the-intel-n2421343
– out of that that are critical of him and his then-national security advisor, Mike Flynn. … It was piggybacked off a Senate Homeland Security Committee report from Sen. … to damage national security.…
Trump's 'Abysmal' Poll Numbers? What About Those of Merkel, Macron, May and Trudeau?…s-what-about-those-of-merkel-macron-may-and-trudeau-n2422133
– Trump first backed Moore's Republican primary opponent. When Moore won, Trumped switched his support to him. … The Republican National Committee pulled its endorsement and funding. … Trump then did a 180, presumably fearing the loss of a Republican Senate vote in a chamber that is only 52-48 Republican versus Democrat…
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