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NRSC Stands Firm Against Moore

Even as some members of the GOP have softened their position against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore ahead of Tuesday’s special election, the National Republican Senatorial Committee is standing firm in its opposition to the judge. 


“Roy Moore will never have the support of the senatorial committee. We will never endorse him. We won’t support him,” Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner, chairman of the NRSC, told The Weekly Standard. “I won’t let that happen. Nothing will change. I stand by my previous statement.”

Gardner’s comments come days after President Trump endorsed Moore and the Republican National Committee decided to support him once again.

The RNC had cut ties with the Senate candidate after allegations initially surfaced of Moore’s sexual misconduct with underage girls when he was in his 30s.

In commenting on Trump’s decision to support Moore, Gardner told TWS, “We’ve taken a different position. I think our position is right.”

The president's reasons had to do with preventing the seat from going to a Democrat who would oppose the GOP agenda.

“Democrats refusal to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama. We need his vote on stopping crime, illegal immigration, Border Wall, Military, Pro Life, V.A., Judges 2nd Amendment and more. No to Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!” he tweeted Tuesday.


“Putting Pelosi/Schumer Liberal Puppet Jones into office in Alabama would hurt our great Republican Agenda of low on taxes, tough on crime, strong on military and borders...& so much more. Look at your 401-k’s since Election. Highest Stock Market EVER! Jobs are roaring back!” he added.

Other Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have changed their tune a bit, arguing now that Alabama voters should “make the call” on Moore. He has argued, however, that should Moore win, he will “immediately” face a Senate Ethics Committee probe.



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