Results for: white house debate response

Failure to Protect the President
– They want Americans to vote Trump out of office next month, and they were thrilled that he briefly left the White House even earlier … The reliance on testing obviously failed to keep the virus out of the White House. … Participants in the White House nomination ceremony for Amy Coney Barrett were tested as urged by Fauci acolytes, but that test could…
Biden Yelling at Reporters Is Okay?
– Biden, what is your response to the New York Post story about your son, sir?" he asked. … I have no response. It's another smear campaign, right up your alley. They're the questions you always ask." … On Twitter, CBS White House correspondent Paula Reid threw out the worst insult, comparing Biden to Trump: "Biden adopts Trump playbook…
Honey, It’s Time to Vote for Trump
– theory of politics which was all the rage in the media in the 1980s as they tried, unsuccessfully, to oust Ronald Reagan from the WhiteHouse. … A response to a pollster is a decision that people make willy-nilly in reply to a surprise phone call.…
The Two Trump Attack Lines Against Biden That Resonate with Voters…k-gutting-biden-which-led-to-the-democrats-creating-n2578368
– Not saying that Trump shouldn’t have been less aggressive in the first debate, but Joe will hang himself if you give him the time to … Be aggressive, hit Joe on his socialist agenda and his brain fog, and let the man ramble his way out of the White House. … Then, you deliver the haymaker with your response. I’m telling you, letting Joe talk will do damage.  See you Thursday. …
A Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Security in Israel and the Middle East…s-a-vote-for-security-in-israel-and-the-middle-east-n2579256
– avoid that, Jewish settler leaders gathered in Hebron today to beseech God to grant President Donald Trump four more years in the WhiteHouse. … But on the ground, in Israel and the Middle East, there is little debate that our foreign policies are a matter of life or death.…
Democrats’ Dishonest Redefinition of Court Packing
House. … In 2017, after the American people voted for both a Republican-controlled White House and Senate, President Trump nominated and Senate … House.…
Beijing Sends Biden a Warning
– The response of China's foreign ministry was to angrily lay claim to the islands they call the Diaoyus as "inherently Chinese" and … Kennedy faced off, the foreign policy debate was over whether the U.S. should fight Mao's China to defend the tiny offshore islands … Buchanan is the author of "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever." …
Enough Whining About Trump’s Mean Tweets
– I love how he uses his tweets to seize and set the narrative, and I love watching the debate suddenly become not, say, if gropey Grandpa … killed normal Americans, regardless of which half of what the great Michael Walsh labeled the Bipartisan Fusion Party sat in the WhiteHouse.…
Hysteria Over Trump Accepting Election Results Upended by History of Democrats Not Accepting Election Results…history-of-democrats-not-accepting-election-results-n2572785
– Nearly a full day after an interview from the White House with Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, the media has sunk their teeth into … Riffing off of the activist left-wing "reporters" of the White House press pool, Wallace asked the president a seemingly ridiculous … Clinton and Abrams' rejection of election results is nothing new for Republicans seeking the White House.…
No Matter What Happens, Joe Biden Can't Slither Out of Debating Trump…appens-joe-biden-cant-slither-out-of-debating-trump-n2573647
– One disastrous debate can plunge the race into chaos. Two debates can seal the deal…for Trump. … Now, on the flip side, this coronavirus situation has this White House under siege. … One bad debate moment can create a lot of uncertainty.…
Trump Administration Directs Federal Communications Commission to Combat Big Tech…issues-executive-order-preventing-online-censorship-n2573389
– The action is in response to President Trump’s May 28 Executive Order in which he directed the agency to clarify regulations related … According to a statement from White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, the petition amends Section 230 of the 1996 Communications … Ross emphasized that the purpose of the petition was not to control social media companies but rather to promote “free and open debate
Is Biden-Harris on Tom Dewey's Path?
– Then, observing the racially-fueled rage that erupted after the death of George Floyd under the knee of a white Minneapolis cop, Biden … At its convention in Chicago, the Democratic Party was ripped apart by anarchic violence and the police response. … Buchanan is the author of "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever."…
Why a Former NYT Reporter Hurled a Vicious and Xenophobic Attack Against Melania Trump
– The trees will be replanted elsewhere on the White House grounds, according to USA Today. […] Probably the most annoying response … It was pretty for my house, but not for America's house. … So, only natural-born Americans can do tweaks to the White House? Is that the liberal media line now?…
Fact Check: Did Joe Biden Say He'd Ban Fracking or Not?
– Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump for insisting that the Biden campaign wanted to "ban fracking" should they win their bid for the WhiteHouse. … No matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me," Biden said in response to the president and fossil fuel workers concerned with…
Where's The Apocalypse?
– With less than 10 days until the first Democrat debate, the most relevant question each and every candidate should be asked is, “Where … Reagan asked the simple question about promises and got a resounding electoral response. … But one question remains unanswered: where is the apocalypse the Democrats assured us would follow Trump to the White House?…
Hey, Twitter Wants You To Know Tim Allen Is Racist
– Well in addition to this interview, while discussing the n-word six years ago with a black reporter, the comedian pondered why white … Disney gave James Gunn shit for some gross jokes when they keep backing the money truck up to racist bigot coke mule Tim Allen's house … So in Deggan's mind Allen was not a racist, but a "well-meaning white guy" who may not be aware of how sensitive the subject is.…
Reports: Trump Signed Off On Military Strikes Against Iran, But Called Off Attack…igned-off-on-military-strikes-but-called-off-attack-n2548726
– When asked about the U.S.’s response, President Trump simply said, “you’ll find out.” … As late as 7 p.m., military and diplomatic officials were expecting a strike, after intense discussions and debate at the White House … Asked about the plans for a strike and the decision to hold back, the White House declined to comment, as did Pentagon officials.…
Message to the White House: Presidential Politics Are Not For Cry Babies. Get Over It.
– He proceeded to broaden his response by attacking Prime Minister Theresa May for her “failed” handling of the Brexit negotiations, … Then in the evening debate, he again promised to keep Darroch in his ambassador’s post until his retirement in 2020. … “One White House official said it was ‘unfortunate’ what had happened with Trump’s comments because there previously had been ‘a very…
Brother, Can You Spare $44,200?
– For tests administered by the White House. … But it is appalling that the once-vocal White House Correspondents Association offered a shameful, tepid response to this absurd PR … Should we be assessed for a portion of new security fencing at the White House?…
Biden's COVID-19 Plan: Force Taxpayers To Pay For Abortions…s-covid19-plan-force-taxpayers-to-pay-for-abortions-n2585999
– considered on the House floor. … Chris Smith, R-N.J., co-chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, then noted in the House debate on the bill how Biden … At the White House press briefing on Feb. 16, Owen Jensen of EWTN asked Biden press secretary Jen Psaki: "We know where President Biden…
Hypocrisy Exposed: Social Media Manager of 'Teen Vogue' Opposed to McCammond Hiring Tweeted 'N-Word'…een-vogue-opposed-to-mccammond-hiring-tweeted-nword-n2586593
– September 2010, Davitt tweets contained the word "n***a," including one where she said "I love the contradictory nature of the phrase white … At 8:13pm this tweet response came in to one of Davitt's twitter threads: Lmao - check out what @FoxNews just posted about you. … Looks like you’ve been living in a glass house.…
The COVID Protocol Fauci Credited Trump For Enacting Which (Again) Shreds Another Liberal Media Narrative…dited-trump-for-enacting-which-again-shreds-another-n2586193
– During a meeting with former Vice President Mike Pence, White House coronavirus response coordinator Deborah Birx, and former Health … Biden’s COVID agenda is Trump’s plan, which is the sheer irony of this whole debate.…
Trump Critics Who Called Vaccine Timetable Reckless Now Say It's Reckless NOT to Take the Vaccine…ckless-now-say-its-reckless-not-to-take-the-vaccine-n2586827
– Joe Lockhart, former Bill Clinton White House press secretary, tweeted: "There is not an objective scientist on TV right now that believe … Remember this debate exchange between Harris and then-Vice President Mike Pence? "If the public health professionals, if Dr. … In response, Pence said: "We're going to have a vaccine in record time -- in unheard-of time -- in less than a year.…
Why Is Biden Creating His Own Crises?
– before a first full presidential press conference since Cal Coolidge -- will be as closely monitored as Ronald Reagan's second debate … in 1984, after he seemed to suffer a mental lapse in his first debate with Fritz Mondale. … Buchanan is the author of "Nixon's White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever."…
This Is Biden's Baseball Boycott
– NEW: Joe Biden tells ESPN he would "strongly support" Major League Baseball moving the All Star Game out of Atlanta in response to … House spokesperson Jen Psaki.  … House putting their thumbs on the scales.She also refused to comment on the loss of $100M from Cobb County.…
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