Results for: sign up to vote

Here's How Florida's New Gun Bill Highlights the Urban-Rural Divide On Second Amendment Rights…new-gun-bill-thats-heading-to-gov-rick-scotts-desk-n2458762
– programs for schools, and establishes an anonymous tip line to report possible threats (via Associated Press): The vote of 67-50 … Jay Fant said raising the minimum age to buy a rifle from 18 to 21 was unconstitutional, and he voted no. … The police are not going to show up before the crime is committed. …
Well, The Whole Notion Of Texas Turning Blue Got Shot To Hell Last Night
– Yeah, he won his primary—but he’s not going to win if he can't lock up other Democratic bastions and improve in rural Texas. … Beto O’Rourke won his party’s nomination to run against Mr. Cruz in what is shaping up as an unusually competitive race. … Folks, it came as a great surprise to me that the early vote in a few Texas counties turned out not to be predictive of actual overall…
Justice Post Blindfold
– intrinsically political and that he has a First Amendment right not to be coerced to pay AFSCME to keep his job. … Republicans refused to hold hearings on the nomination or bring Mr. Garland to a vote. … “[B]efore those justices pick up pens to sign organized labor’s death warrant,” pleads the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank, “perhaps…
Sen. Jeff Flake Drops Gun Owners Like Hot Cakes With His Gun Control Push…e-likes-due-process-but-only-when-its-cherry-picked-n2456915
– A Call to the President According to Flake, President Donald Trump needs to step up and advocate for some of the gun control policies … Is he going to step up and what would that need to look like? Jeff Flake: I hope he does. … Those members have to vote somewhere.…
The Gop’s Silver Linings: Pelosi and Clinton
– While this controversy begins to heat up, the Mueller investigation rolls on with a subpoena of documents from the Trump organization … In the Pennsylvania special election, Democrat candidate Conor Lamb used a television commercial to pledge to voters that he would … According to Hillary, women rejected her only because of “a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss,…
Dems Get Good News, But There's a Long Way to Go
– It's natural for political types to overstate the importance of the most recent election or the one that's coming up next. … After all, convincing voters that the fate of the world hinges on the results is a key part of getting them out to vote. … He proudly embraces the Second Amendment, is personally opposed to abortion, and pledged not to vote for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.…
Democrats Can Take the House, if They Just Pick Conor Lamb Over Hillary Clinton…e-if-they-just-pick-conor-lamb-over-hillary-clinton-n2461172
– Lamb's margin seems likely to hold up under a possible recount, but even if it doesn't, this result is a sign that the 241-194 majority … Early on, he pledged not to vote for Nancy Pelosi for speaker (an issue that won't come up until at least January 2019). … White female Trump voters, she went on, act under "ongoing pressure to vote the way that (their) husband, (their) boss, (their) son…
Midterm Tea Leaves: This Chart Shows Why Shrugging Off the GOP's PA-18 Loss Would be a Mistake…shrugging-off-the-gops-pa18-loss-would-be-a-mistake-n2460856
– On average, the pro-Democratic swing in vote percentage (compared to the previous contest over those seats) has been in the teens.   … He'll be a fairly reliable vote for the Democrats on most issues, even if he was strategic about playing up certain cultural differences … spin you may prefer to hear.…
Battleground PA: Democrats Hope To Keep Electoral Momentum Going In Special Election…election-dems-hope-to-keep-electoral-momentum-going-n2460627
– A loss here would be an ominous sign for the party in the run-up to November, starkly illustrating its softening support even in Trump … BREAKING: Allegheny Co. absentees break 1,930 to 1,178 for Lamb (D). Lamb now up 847 votes (0.4%) w/ 2 precincts left. … GOPer Saccone says he will not give up and continue to fight to win the special election in PA18 — Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) March…
Friendly Reminder: Dems Still Got Nothing On Allegation That Team Trump Colluded With The Russians
– something to bash Trump with, even if there is no evidence for them to do so. … And there remains zero evidence to back up this allegation.  … To complicate matters, story after story from the news media about Russia collusion has blown up in their faces.…
GOP Senator: It Looks Like We'll Have a SCOTUS Vacancy This Year
– I can understand why people might view this as an expression of wishful thinking by a Senator who's desperate to dream up reasons why … his party's base will be fired up to turn out after all, despite existing red flags. … Would GOP voters be fired up to vote if the SCOTUS fight is already over by election day?  …
20 Questions You’re Not Supposed to Ask in 2018 America
– Men are expected to pay for everything on dates. Men are required to sign up for the draft; women are not. … 4) Shouldn’t we roll our eyes at people who come up with new reasons to be gratuitously offended most of the time? … For example, if you’re taking in more from the government than you’re paying out, why would we want you to vote?…
Taking Aim at the Elephant in the Room: Why Republicans Should be Nervous
to regulations, to side with life.   … Sure, the House of Representatives took up easy-to-pass bills like the Unborn Child Protection Act, which protects children beyond … However, Congress cannot vote for spending bills that open the door for big abortion to get a big payout and maintain their pro-life…
Clinical: Pence Dismantles Vulnerable Senate Dem's Anti-Trump Voting Record
– Coming soon to on-air ads: The people of North Dakota deserve to know that when the time came to cut your taxes, @SenatorHeitkamp voted … After casting her vote to prevent America from modernizing its abortion-related human rights laws to catch up with almost every other … Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) in May, according to an invitation obtained by POLITICO — a sign Obama is edging into the midterm elections…
Registering to Vote Should Be Your Choice, Not the State's
– as to be virtually effortless — would-be voters can sign up almost instantly in person, online, or by mail — liberals and Democrats … up to do so is unduly difficult. … On the whole, Americans who don't vote don't want to vote.…
Young Anti-Gun Demagogues Copy Their Elders
– "There cannot be two sides to doing everything in our power to ensure the lives and futures of children who are at risk of dying when … "The students protesting inaction on gun safety," she tweeted on March 14, "have the courage to stand up to the NRA and lawmakers would … do well to follow their example."…
PHOTOS: ‘March for Our Lives’ Displays the Left’s Hatred, Hypocrisy, and Naiveté…r-lives-displays-the-lefts-hatred-hypocrisy-naivete-n2464795
– in the crowd, the vast majority of people who did show up to the March for Our Lives had similar messages to the one above, expressing … One imaginative sign to this effect that had been scribbled on the side of a cardboard box simply said: “Castrate Trump’s Agenda, VOTE … Some of the more creative protestors from the crowd even tried to come up with new meanings for the group’s acronym. …
'Out of Context:' Claire McCaskill's Weak and Revealing Response to Hillary's Smears of Trump Voters…ears-of-trump-voters-shows-how-much-trouble-shes-in-n2464736
to cut her loose in Pelosi-esque fashion.   … animus to those who voted against her, and to claim that women who supported Trump did so because they were instructed to by the domineering … to have a chance at saving your own skin.  …
Surprise, Surprise: March For Our Lives Once Again Shows Why The Left Can’t Be Trusted On Gun Control…n-shows-why-the-left-cant-be-trusted-on-gun-control-n2464461
– There are so very many things, so many steps to take. Like right now, sign our petition. It takes two seconds and it matters. … We are here to call out every single politician, to force them into enacting this legislation, to addressing this legislation, to doing … If they continue to ignore us, to only pretend to listen, then we will take action where it counts.…
With Omnibuses Like These, Who Needs Democrats?
– They end up decorating the legislation, so to speak, where every special interest gets their favorite colored ornament pet project … Hey, let’s at least make it easier for MS-13 to commute from one borough to the next while shooting up the neighborhood, right?  … Republicans have been working hard to make this happen, and everyone in the country will just have to open their wallets wide up and…
Washington Wonders Who Dropped the Dime on Trump's Call to Putin…onders-who-dropped-the-dime-on-trumps-call-to-putin-n2463756
– McCain continued that Trump had "insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine … Then came the follow-up questions: Who in the tight circle of aides aware of that instruction leaked it to The Washington Post? … The New York Times reported Wednesday that Trump pushed then chief of staff Reince Priebus to direct staffers to sign nondisclosure…
Brave New World?
– The future wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, but it was never going to be. At least not in our lifetimes. … The technique, as they saw it, could also get supporters to urge friends to register to vote, to vote early or to volunteer and donate … If you don’t like it, you don’t have to sign up.…
Liberals Announce Plan to Crush Normal Americans in a New “Civil War” (Spoiler: It’s Not a Great Plan)…ans-in-a-new-civil-war-spoiler-its-not-a-great-plan-n2469023
up their rights and their say in their own governance and submit to the commands of people who eat kale by choice?” … choose violence – instead, they tried to shut me up.  … Normal Americans are not going to simply give up their rights and their self-determination because a bunch of liberals want them to
It's No Shocker The Roseanne Reboot Did So Well
– No. 1 was Tulsa in Oklahoma, which Trump won with 65.3% of the vote. … That there is another America past the beltways—and they can’t afford the daily outings to SoulCycle. … Liberals always say check your privilege to shut up someone who is about to straight up slay their shoddy narrative about the realities…
Trump’s Approval Rating Just Blew Past Obama's at This Point in the Presidency…the-same-as-obamas-at-this-point-in-the-presidency-n2466974
– Meanwhile, while Democrats still have an edge on the generic ballot in November Republicans are catching up.  … question and Republicans ultimately picked up 13 House seats that November.   … And in March 2010, Republicans had a 4-point advantage and went on to win 63 seats.…
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