Results for: is the us at war with iran

Russia Baiters and Putin Haters
– Treason is giving aid and comfort to an enemy in a time of war. Are we really at war with Russia? Is Russia really our enemy? … During the Cold War, every president sought detente with a USSR that was arguably the most blood-soaked regime of the century. … His cooperation is crucial to the peace of the world, the freedom of the Baltic States, an end to the Syrian civil war, tranquility…
Are America's Wars Just and Moral?
– Realizing the futility of U.S. policy, President Trump is cutting aid to the rebels. And the War Party is beside itself. … Says The Wall Street Journal: "The only way to reach an acceptable diplomatic solution is if Iran and Russia feel they are paying … Yet, fighting ISIS and al-Qaida in Syria, while bleeding the Assad-Iran-Russia-Hezbollah victors, is a formula for endless war and…
Trump and Congress Hold Iran Accountable
– For decades the world has been dealing with a hostile Iranian regime committed to waging radical Islamist war against the West and … This was actually the latest in a series of escalations at sea by Iran. … The bellicose rhetoric that is continuously broadcast by Iran demonstrates clearly its desire for confrontation with the United States…
Is Trump's Agenda Being Eclipsed?
War is the health of the state, but the death of empires. … Is not "prolonged indecision" what the war policies of Obama and Bush produced in the last 17 years? … Trump himself seems hell-bent on tearing up the nuclear deal with Iran.…
Islam at War with a Delusional, Suicidal West
At best, this woman is an appeaser. … Islam, therefore, is inherently at odds with freedom, democracy and the United States Constitution. … ” itself, and the rest of us, to death.…
What if Obama Is Wrong About Islam
– was at war and most everyone except for the Swiss chose sides. … Someday the rest of us will understand why the difference is worth mass murder. … The country is currently a mess with ISIS terrorists roaming freely. 9. Of the estimated 60 terrorist groups on the U.S.…
Obama’s Iran Experiment
– For example, the Islamic State is a terrorist entity. … The same is true of Abu Bakr-al Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed caliph of the Islamic State. … Hours later, the House passed, with bipartisan support, two amendments to block the sales of aircraft to Iran.…
Trump Accepts Republican Nomination: "I'm With You–The American People"
– This was just prior to the signing of the Iran deal, which gave back to Iran $150 billion and gave us absolutely nothing – it will … Iran is on the path to nuclear weapons. Syria is engulfed in a civil war and a refugee crisis now threatens the West. … And we will fix TSA at the airports, which is a total disaster.…
The Jihadis In France, The Islamists In Turkey
– Those fighting what they call a holy war — al Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Islamic Republic of Iran among them — regard “others … American leaders have repeatedly emphasized that the West is not at war with Islam. … But powerful forces within the Islamic world are at war with the West.…
None Dare Call Her Treasonous
– Treason is defined in Article III Section 3 of the U.S. … The facts demonstrate that she’s more worthy of prosecution than she is of the presidency. … Potentially threatening to the U.S., Rosatom built the controversial Bushehr nuclear reactors in Iran, and also supplies them with
Where Does a Patriot Turn in 2016?
– What is stunning is the degree to which so many patriots whose eyes water at the flag and the national anthem imagine that Trump is … ) at the humiliation of our sailors at the hands of the Iranians in January. … countries with a Muslim majority, a NATO ally, down the path of Iran.…
No Leon, It’s Not Time to Move On
The fundamentalist regime in Iran has been in a state of war with the United States since 1979, and has meddled in all four corners … And the Islamic Republic of Iran continues to this day to be a thorn in the side of the United States.  … So perhaps the Shah of Iran would have retained power in Iran, and the United States would have maintained an important ally in that…
The First Casualty of Hillary Clinton's Server
– That would be the United States, the West's preeminent force in agreeing to President Barack Obama's reckless nuclear deal with IranThe Iranian government calls us "the enemy." … He was once, as had been reported at the time of his death, romantically involved with Clinton.…
Who Got Us Into These Endless Wars?
at the end of the Cold War. … the Cold War and create a New World Order with themselves as Masters of the Universe. … Bush, with the nation and world behind him, took us into Afghanistan to eradicate the nest of al-Qaida killers.…
The Moral Origins of Donald Trump’s Improbable Rise to Power…l-origins-of-donald-trumps-improbable-rise-to-power-n2209293
– What is it about the state of the spirit of the American people that gives rise to a political anomaly like Trump? … And at first, the story seemed to fall neatly into place.  … And for many, the strain of the war combined with the election to the highest office of a brown man with a Muslim-sounding name, would…
Tracking Freedom’s Enemies
– But if I asked you what is happening in the 21st century, how would you reply? Is the West in decline? … Discussing its finding with reporters, US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom David Saperstein said that “74% of … The most significant threat to religious freedom, of course, is none of the above.…
By the Way, Obama's Latest Gitmo Transfers Were All Deemed 'High Risk'…terrorists-released-by-obama-were-deemed-high-risk-n2206076
The American people have consistently and overwhelmingly opposed Obama's obsession with closing the US military's facility at Gitmo … Under the Obama/Clinton foreign policy, the US government has (1) negotiated with terrorists to achieve an illegal hostage release … What a joke: new @WSJ piece on the $400 million to Iran with this detail:…
EXCLUSIVE IV: Gary Johnson Would Veto Gun Control Legislation, 'Optimistic' About Iran Deal…gun-control-legislation-optimistic-about-iran-deal-n2213151
– Segments one, two and three are available at the links. … When I asked about the righteousness of the Afghanistan war after 9/11, Johnson said that our invasion was completely justified, but … Finally, Johnson said that despite his initial opposition to the Iran deal -- because of the regime's role as the top state sponsor…
Bibi Backs Trump - on Putin
– Putin supported the U.S. in Afghanistan, backed our nuclear deal with Iran and signed on to John Kerry's plan have us ensure a cease … During the Cold War, we partnered with such autocrats as the Shah of Iran and General Pinochet of Chile, Ferdinand Marcos in Manila … How does it advance our interests or diplomacy by having congressional leaders yapping "thug" at the ruler of a nation with hundreds…
The Real Health Concerns for America
– And now, we even have American businesses overseas under attack by the European Union, as is the case with Apple. … It is unhealthy for America to flood the number one sponsor of Islamic terrorism, Iran, with billions of dollars in laundered cash. … It is unhealthy to enable Iran to purchase the lethal S-300 surface to air weapons system from Russia, now employed near the Iranian…
Complying With Obama’s Order, A 100-Cell Camp Is Shut Down At Gitmo…order-gitmo-shuts-down-operations-at-a-100cell-camp-n2215454
– There are now only 61 detainees left at Gitmo, with the remainder of Camp 5’s population being transferred to Camp 6. … Camp 5 is where the prison for years isolated hunger strikers, punished feces hurlers and segregated war criminals. … With that, he’s slowly emptying the center.…
Islamic Terrorism Is Not a Narrative
– ISIL want to project the West as being at war with Islam. It's a mythology. And we're debunking that myth. . . . … The fact is, these radical Muslims themselves are at war with other expressions of Islam worldwide. … This brings us back to the reality that the battle with Islamic terrorism is not a battle of narratives, and I can assure you that…
A Hard Rain is Going to Fall
– So much for the peace dividend of the "Iran deal." North Korea is more than just delusional. … The problem is that there is no other "someone" (especially not the United Nations or the European Union) with the requisite power … The result is that at this late date, the tough medicine of restoring long-term deterrence is as almost as dangerous as the disease…
WH on ISIS Fight: 'In Some Ways, This is Just a War of Narratives'…pite-obama-claim-us-has-made-wire-transfers-to-iran-n2220515
– In recent weeks, critics have also blasted the administration for paying a massive cash ransom for US hostages imprisoned by Iran. … a banking relationship with Iran that we couldn't send them a check and we could not wire the money.” … This war of "narratives," that is: Josh Earnest just now on MSNBC, about ISIS's war on the West: "In some ways this is just…
In Afghanistan, a 15-Year Failure
– Even the rare item of good news is bad. … Only two-thirds of the country is under government control. Unemployment is estimated at 40 percent. … it is the system of governance."…
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