Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Latinos Want Economic Leadership, Not Isolationism
presidential primaries proves the ancient saying, “In war, truth is the first casualty.” … The leading candidates for the presidential nominations of their parties – the Republican's Donald Trump and Democrat's Hillary Clinton … With more than 66,000 Latinos turning 18 each month, it’s critically important that presidential candidates recognize that Hispanics…
Another Libertarian Moment?
– But now that, according to, the presidential race will be a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton … My TV show recently held a debate between the Libertarian Party's three leading presidential candidates. … Compared to the Republican and Democratic contenders, the Libertarians sounded so reasonable to me. Take immigration.…
Calls for American Unity Are Either Dishonest or Naive
– Just about all candidates for president regularly announce their intent to unite Americans, to "bring us together." … Dividing Americans by race, gender and class is how the left views America and how Democratic candidates seek to win elections. … So, why do presidential candidates repeat this nonsense every four years? Because Americans fall for it every four years.…
Defending Trump?
– For a presidential candidate to drivel the idiotic things Trump has about protesters at his events is both unbecoming and foolish. … They forced all of the Democrats' presidential candidates to adhere to their doctrine that only Black Lives Matter. … They spew their hatred unimpeded and are actually encouraged by the left-wing Democratic establishment.…
Ted Cruz And Donald Trump To Meet For A Battle At The Crossroads Next Week…mp-to-meet-for-a-battle-at-the-crossroads-next-week-n2155732
– Sanders remains adamant that he wants to win the Democratic presidential nomination, his shift hints that the senator is looking past … “The Democratic Party has to reach a fundamental conclusion: Are we on the side of working people or big-money interests?” Mr. … We should expect more of these types of protests, especially in states and cities that are Democratic bastions.…
Poll: Nearly a Quarter of Voters Wouldn’t Participate in a Trump-Clinton Matchup…oters-wouldnt-participate-in-a-trumpclinton-matchup-n2155159
– Still, the picture appears to be improving for both candidates. … Party, but nearly as many (42%) said they would definitely vote against Clinton if she is the Democratic Party’s nominee. … If Clinton is the Democratic nominee, 11% of Democrats would vote third-party, while three percent (3%) would stay home.…
Donald Trump Isn't the 'Presumptive Nominee' -- Not Yet, Anyway…trump-isnt-the-presumptive-nominee--not-yet-anyway-n2155037
– Not coincidentally, none except Pennsylvania has come close to voting for a Republican presidential nominee in recent years. … This reminds me of the 1980 Democratic race between Edward Kennedy and Jimmy Carter. … It was as if many Democratic voters wanted neither one to clinch the nomination.…
Is College Too Pricey? Wait Till It's Free
– As he panders for the youth vote, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders promises free tuition at public colleges and universities … On the other side of the aisle, GOP presidential hopefuls rarely talk about "college affordability." … Both Democratic candidates have good intentions.…
The Path to Post-Convention Unity
– A lot of that has revolved around Trump, both his attacks on other candidates and their return fire. … Democrats had the same tired old Clinton Machine and a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist. … In contrast, Republicans had governors, senators, former presidential candidates and public officials, a businessman and woman, and…
Immoral America
– What was once the traditional Democratic Party in this country was long ago taken over by the extreme left wing of American politics … During the 2008 presidential campaign local prosecutors from the Socialist Party in the St. … Integrity, honesty, and character play no part in whom they select as their candidates.…
Response to 9/11 Victims Claims Reflects an Impending Shift in the U.S.-Saudi Relationship…ects-an-impending-shift-in-the-ussaudi-relationship-n2153527
– While the bill has gathered wide-spread bi-partisan support, including support from both Democratic Presidential candidates, The Obama…
McAuliffe Tells Republicans to Stop Whining and 'Earn' Felons' Vote…ls-republicans-to-stop-whining-and-earn-felons-vote-n2153205
– Go out and talk to them,' " he said in response to a question about people saying his order was an election-year ploy to help Democraticpresidential front-runner Hillary Clinton. … As for the Republican candidates, they are earning Americans' right to vote – those who haven’t been behind bars.…
New York's Home-State Winners Have November Problems
– Home-state candidates notched up impressive victories in New York's presidential primaries Tuesday. … And Hillary Clinton won 58 percent of Democratic votes in her adopted home state. … Some Democratic analysts predict they will, out of distaste for the Republican nominee. Perhaps.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Cruz Condemns Trump for ‘Bowing Down’ to Political Correctness…cruz-offer-starkly-different-takes-on-bathroom-bill-n2152117
– businesses to prohibit men who identify as women to use public women’s restrooms, and vice versa, is causing controversy on the presidential … campaign trail, underscoring the different views and demeanors of the Republican candidates. … Coming from a Republican presidential candidate, his answer surprised many in the media.…
First Criminal Charges Made in Flint Water Crisis
– During a presidential debate in March, the Democratic candidates demanded his resignation.…
Voting for the Rodeo Clown
– This is the strongest field of Republican candidates in 35 years. … Even if the radio talk show hosts hated Donald Trump, we learned why, and expected our state and local candidates to promote those … Who is taking advantage of this Democratic divide? The Rodeo Clown!…
Union Leaders Fret About Trump’s Populist Message Siphoning Votes Away From Democrats…opulist-message-siphoning-votes-away-from-democrats-n2159909
– the Guardian): The majority of America’s almost 15 million unionized workers can be usually be relied upon to back the Democratic … candidate in a presidential year, but leaders are concerned by Trump’s populist message on trade and jobs – and his insistence that … Combined, the two Democratic candidates appealed to fewer workers – 174 chose Clinton and 95 chose Sanders. […] …Jared Szczesny…
Trump Must Prove that He Can Do the Job
– Donald Trump has swept the primaries and is now the presumptive GOP presidential nominee. … It goes back 15 years, under Democratic and Republican administrations. The American economy has stalled. … And he got there before any of the other 16 GOP candidates.…
Why People Support Trump
– By contrast, the Democratic field was ‘playing nice’ and behaving very orderly. … By contrast, the establishment is in control of the Democratic Party. This will not bode well for Clinton. … Trump will disrupt what are normally calm, sit-down presidential debates with a shock factor Clinton can’t match.…
An Unmitigated Disaster
– would not only lose the general election for the presidency, but would so poison the image of the party as to cause Republican candidates … When a high official of the Reagan administration appeared before Congress to explain the administration's policy, a Democratic Senator … Polls repeatedly show these two with the highest negative reactions of any of the candidates in either party.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Trump Mulls VP Pick, Mocks Hillary for Not 'Putting Away' Sanders
– We don’t know who Trump will choose as his running mate, but we do know who’s going to help vet the candidates. Dr. … Carson will be on the vice presidential selection committee. … Primary Schedule Saturday, May 7 - Democratic caucus in Guam…
What Now? It's Panic Time on the Right
– Ted Cruz of Texas announced Tuesday night, after losing Indiana, that he was suspending his presidential primary campaign, it was not … In April, a NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll asked voters whether they rated candidates favorably or unfavorably. … The two least popular presidential hopefuls are their parties' presumptive nominees.…
Nominee Trump: Now What?
– In light of his blowout win over Ted Cruz in Indiana, Donald Trump will be the Republican Party's presidential nominee, barring … Clinton polling is useful at this stage in the race because both candidates have virtually universal name recognition.   … Keep in mind, this is a woman who lost Indiana to a rumpled Socialist who has all but given up on winning the Democratic nomination…
As Trump Outlasts the Field, Everybody Off the Ledge
– I share that lament with millions of other Republicans whose favored candidates took the exit ramp. … has some of his behavior been soundly un-presidential? To say the least. … Now everybody grow up, armor up, and let’s kick the Democratic Party out of the White House.…
Electoral Map in Democrats' Favor at This Point in Campaign…al-map-in-democrats-favor-at-this-point-in-campaign-n2157691
– Could the 2016 presidential election be decided by a single state, as it was in 2008 when George Bush edged out Al Gore in Florida's … "Because if Clinton wins Florida and carries the 19 states that have voted for the Democratic presidential nominee in each of the last … There are 13 states that Republicans have carried in the past six presidential elections, but they total only 102 electoral votes -…
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