Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

GOP Congress Prepares to Pass Tax Cuts
– The Dow Jones industrial average and Standard & Poor's 500 index shot up Wednesday to their strongest gains since the presidential … I will never forget a political gathering sponsored by the Democratic National Committee in Washington during the 2008 presidential … campaign where the party's candidates pitched their agendas to the party faithful.…
Assessing the Obama Legacy -- Against his own Mileposts…sessing-the-obama-legacy--against-his-own-mileposts-n2256453
– Even Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton came out against this failed initiative. … The 2016 presidential campaign was among the nastiest on record. … Riots followed the recent presidential election.…
Biden: On Second Thought, I'm Not Running In 2020
– He would be approaching 78 years of age by the time the next presidential race comes around; a stinging reminder that the Democratic … Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are probably the only candidates with wide name recognition who could successfully reach into the working class…
How The Establishment Will Try To Destroy Trump
– re-election bid), with the president's sellout, Republicans gave up "a political weapon so fearsome that it had destroyed three Democraticpresidential candidates in 12 years.” … (It is an amazing fact that at the 2016 State of the Union, both the Democratic president's address, and the Republican governor's…
Hail Mary: Rebel Electoral College Group Likes Kasich As Their Compromise Candidate To Block Trump…ich-as-their-compromise-candidate-in-to-block-trump-n2255693
– For some, electors have to vote in accordance to how their states went in the presidential election. … They also reportedly have eight Democratic electors who are ready to bolt from Clinton. … He might want to run again and this would taint any future presidential ambitions.…
2017 Will Still Be An Election Year For Many Americans
– The 2016 presidential election is in the rearview mirror and now Americans can focus on other distractions instead of seeing political … On top of this, Trump’s incoming nominees are leaving behind vacancies across the states for new candidates to fill. … He has pumped millions into his campaign and has been the clear frontrunner in the Democratic primary so far.…
Some Christmastime Advice for Pundits and Partisans
– Now that the 538 electors have voted -- and, with only the most minor of exceptions, for the expected candidates -- we can marvel … And let's not start re-litigating the count in Florida in the 2000 presidential race. … And often neither party gets to 50, as with 15 of the 41 Democratic-Republican presidential contests since 1856 (and one 50 percent…
Romney: Trump Is Open To Alternative Views
– Even though ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson was chosen for the position in the end, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee says that … who were not just skeptical of his presidential bid – but downright hateful during the election. … The president-elect met with Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard last month.…
Fetishism? E.J. Dionne, The Washington Post, and the Constitution…ej-dionne-the-washington-post-and-the-constitution-n2266041
– never saw coming, once again advanced his new cause, namely the abolition of the electoral college, and the substitution of the presidential … Most of our states have chosen to require candidates for state and county offices to stand before the voters in direct elections.   … In point of fact, the USA is not a democratic republic.  We are a constitutional republic, with democratic elements.  …
No, Voter ID Laws Didn't Cost Clinton The Election Either
– After the Christmas holiday, outgoing Labor Secretary and 2016 Democratic National Committee chairman candidate Tom Perez said that … Clinton’s Democratic opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. … It all comes down to candidates.…
NYT: It's Time To Abolish The Electoral College (Because Hillary Clinton Lost)
– . […] Conservative opponents of a direct vote say it would give an unfair edge to large, heavily Democratic cities and states … Second, it’s a rare occurrence that the winner of a presidential election wins the Electoral College and not the popular vote. … A presidential candidate cannot easily prevail by dominating just a few heavily populated regions or municipalities.…
Reid On Potential 2020 Democrat Candidates: We're Going To Have An Old Folks Home…rat-candidates-were-going-to-have-an-old-folks-home-n2263922
– Retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid had an interesting analysis of the prospective Democratic candidates looking to challenge … Already the Democratic leadership in Congress is up in age. … The 75-year-old Bernie Sanders has not ruled out a 2020 presidential run either.…
Golden Globes Ceremony Underscores Hollywood's Waning Influence…es-ceremony-underscores-hollywoods-waning-influence-n2269584
– Stars aligned themselves with the Democratic Party, which championed these social divisions. … We saw this in the recent presidential election, as scores of celebrities threw their support behind Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton … Whether making videos slamming Trump on behalf of establishment candidates like Clinton or fronting for globalist conventions like…
Director Of National Intelligence Report: Putin Ordered Interference Campaign To Help Trump Win…gence-report-putin-ordered-interference-campaign-to-n2267934
– election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order, but … We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. … Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability…
Schumer Doubles Down On Supreme Court, Will Keep Seat Open If Nominee Is Not 'Mainstream'…court-will-keep-seat-open-if-nominee-is-mainstream-n2275703
– Harry Reid (D-NV), decided to nuke the filibuster rules for presidential appointments. It's quite the embarrassment.  … They brainstormed Democratic nominees, plotted legislation, planned rollouts. … Yet, when you look at the list of 21 possible candidates for SCOTUS, the list isn’t absurd.…
Is This the Best We Can Be?
– is surely your right to say and do as an American is not what is best for our country at this perilous and treasured time of presidential … The dignity of the office and the legacy of over two centuries of highly contested democratic elections demands more than hateful rhetoric … They understand the respect that the office of the President deserves in our democratic republic.…
The Better Angels Under Siege
– traditional ride from the White House with the departing president, leaving President Barack Obama to tough it out alone in the presidential … The Democratic donkey was born on a cartoonist's easel at the time then-presidential candidate Andrew Jackson was called a jacka--, … Later, we watched Americans whose candidates had lost adjust to the day with stoic appreciation.…
Global Populism Trend Could Wipe out the French Left
– PARIS -- It dawned on me while watching the French Socialist Party presidential primary debate over the weekend just how old-fashioned … As the candidates debated marijuana legalization and lamented not having taken in enough Middle Eastern migrants, the ideology that … Le Pen is the only viable presidential contender in France who is not an establishment fixture.…
How Did Trump Win
– The truth is Hillary Clinton was an unattractive presidential candidate who did little to inspire Democratic voters to go to the polls … None of the other three most recent Democratic presidential nominees—Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Al Gore—inspired great turnout … If the far-left elitists controlling the Democratic Party have their way, the Democratic Party will likely become a European-style…
Answering 20 Questions Liberals Wanted to Ask a Conservative…20-questions-liberals-wanted-to-ask-a-conservative-n2278438
– Whoever the next Democratic nominee is, Republicans will be worried about them taking our guns, raising taxes and expanding government … The Electoral College was intended to force candidates to spend time in small states and it does this very well. … For one thing, going by the popular vote would cause the candidates to spend most of their time in states like California, Texas, New…
Say What?! Donald Trump Would Have Won The Popular Vote If It Weren't For Gary Johnson…won-the-popular-vote-if-it-werent-for-gary-johnson-n2284769
– So, Donald Trump would have won 1.4 million more popular votes than Hillary Clinton if it weren’t for California’s legions of Democratic … Michael Moore said that if you add up Clinton’s vote totals with that of third party candidates, 54 percent of the country didn’t vote … Yes, some might have gone to Clinton if these candidates vanished from the ether. But some would have certainly gone for Trump.…
Democratic 2016 Autopsy: The Party Is Dead Without Gains At State Level…opsy-the-party-is-dead-without-gains-at-state-level-n2284566
– We’ve written about the Democratic Party’s woes extensively, especially at the state and local level where they have been virtually … The losses are so deep that it might have wiped out a new generation of Democratic talent. … “That demonstrates the importance of recruiting strong candidates all the way down the ballot.”…
The Presidency Isn't an Office for on the Job Training
– The 2016 presidential campaign is fully underway as it races toward the November election to decide who can lead and protect our country … He began running for president the day he was sworn in, and lately has been soaring in the GOP's presidential polls. … The Democratic candidates are no better.…
Liberal Group to DWS: 'Resign Immediately'
– Debbie Wasserman Schultz resign from her position has chair of the Democratic National Committee. … Many liberals, including some of the Democratic presidential candidates, have echoed the group’s complaints, suggesting the DNC is … “Democratic leaders have considered replacing Chair Wasserman Schultz before,” the statement reads.…
Iowa Caucuses
– We will know - or we will think we know - who won on both the Republican and Democratic sides by about 11 PM Central Time. … In Iowa in the wintertime there isn't very much to do, and in a Presidential year every candidate campaigning for anything shows up … at any event involving any Presidential candidate to buddy up to the press corps following him or her.…
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