Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

The Caravan Is Trump’s Biggest Immigration Showdown So Far…ravan-is-trumps-biggest-immigration-showdown-so-far-n2531478
– They intend to arrive around midterm election day to create a spectacle, and the Democratic Party is complacent. … His rallies for Republican candidates consistently draws more people than the venue can handle. … No other presidential candidate in 2016 would have fought like Trump.…
Just Focus On This Part Of The NBC/WSJ Poll...Which Is Good News For Trump And The GOP…nbcwsj-polland-its-good-news-for-trump-and-the-gop-n2531101
Candidates from the two parties collectively are running almost even in 48 contested congressional districts won by President Trump … Today, 95 percent of Democrats say they support the Democratic candidate in their district, and 90 percent of Republicans support the … Still, with Trump’s approval rating surging and Democratic advantages in these races whittled down to nothing, that’s not necessarily…
ICYMI: This Is How WV Voters Reacted To Joe Manchin's Kavanaugh Vote...And Why He Could Survive
– allegations at the last minute in a well-orchestrated left-wing political hit job, and win re-election, but be forced into the Democratic … Participants had either voted for both Republican and Democratic presidential candidates in the last three elections, or voted only … In Massachusetts, Republicans are able to put up candidates who are not only fiscally liberal, but also socially liberal.  …
Op-Ed: The Democrat Field is Terrible, The Only Hope They Have is Hillary 2020…un-again-and-is-the-only-real-option-democrats-have-n2530786
– against President Trump in 2020...that's according to New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin, who says the current field of likely candidates … Watch the latest video at According to Clinton's longtime aide Phillipe Reines, the twice failed presidential candidate's … her.”Even if half of those people would no longer support Clinton in another election, Reines argued, “there’s no one in the Democratic
October Surprise? Trump Is Preparing For A New Round Of Tax Cuts
– Those who answered prefer a Democratic Congress that will check Mr. … Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn’t have 60 Senate supporters, but Republican candidates could use Democratic “no” positions to … Trump from the partisan impeachment effort that would inevitably accompany Democratic House control.…
15 Days Till Trump Crushes Them Again
– It's bearing a remarkable similarity to the 2016 presidential election, only we know the president’s not on the ballot. Right? … But alas—it has been the Republican candidates saying it—not the Dems.  … The networks are planning coverage to rival that of a presidential year—as they should.…
The Party of Antifa Fascists?
– And they have become the ski-masked thug wing of the Democratic Party.  … Sadly, the Democratic Party is slipping further into these tendencies, becoming ever more closely aligned with these radicals. … All the players in these massive, sordid affairs will be deemed “too big to jail” – and too closely tied to the Democratic Party to…
The Party Of Man-Haters
– “From a field that includes Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand and Amy Klobuchar, the Democratic presidential … This is what the dominant wing of the Democratic Party sounds and looks like. You can’t fix ugly. … The Democratic Party has come to be controlled by hysterical women and their domesticated man servants.  …
Triumphal Trump: 'It Really Is All About Hope'
– been turned into a conference room for a business roundtable with local leaders, an elegant fundraising room for Pennsylvania candidates … And Republican candidates rarely came to Erie to ask for their vote. … He then takes a jab at some of the potential Democratic opponents, claiming that Sen.…
Triumphal Trump: 'It Really Is All About Hope'
– been turned into a conference room for a business roundtable with local leaders, an elegant fundraising room for Pennsylvania candidates … And Republican candidates rarely came to Erie to ask for their vote. … He then takes a jab at some of the potential Democratic opponents, claiming that Sen.…
Could Trump Win 20 Percent of the African-American Vote in 2020?…win-20-percent-of-the-africanamerican-vote-in-2020-n2529343
– Even 20 percent African-American support for Trump would all but dismantle Democratic Party presidential hopes for 2020. … presidential candidate on Election Day can prove fatal. … Republican presidential candidates now routinely win 55 percent to 60 percent of the so-called white vote, and about 70 percent of…
Hmmm: Final Indicators From Early Voting Look...Pretty Good for Republicans, Actually
– For instance, he said that in Arizona, where President Trump won by over three points in 2016, Republican voters outpaced Democratic … In Florida, Democrats built a 94,000-vote lead with earlies and absentees in the presidential year (Trump narrowly carried the state … Plus, polling shows that independent or non-affiliated voters are tilting Democratic this year.  …
We Will Keep Congress. Here's Why.
– One could argue that those GOP voters are now siding with Democratic candidates. … I don’t see how Democratic turnout on Election Day will reverse this. … Governments exist among men to protect their rights, and the Democratic Party is running a platform of moral wrongs and Presidential
Make Media Miserable Again
– The criticism of Trump is nothing new for Ryan, as he has been doing it since Trump announced his presidential campaign in 2015. … Nevertheless, we must encourage every voter to support Republican candidates in the mid-term elections as the nation cannot afford … President, weak on immigration and other issues and have a lackluster record of achievement, compared to Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic
New Jersey's Governor Just Made It a Lot Easier for Cory Booker to Run for President…t-a-lot-easier-for-cory-booker-to-run-for-president-n2534320
– Cory Booker (D-NJ), just got the incentive he needs to officially announce a 2020 presidential bid, as New Jersey's Democratic Gov. … Not every state allows candidates this privilege. During the 2016 Presidential Election, due to Florida state law, Sen. … If Booker does become the next Democratic presidential nominee, we don't think Trump will be too worried.  …
Dirty Tricks: Shady Liberal Group Deploys Illegal Mailers to Undermine GOP Candidates in Crucial Senate Races…to-undermine-gop-candidates-in-crucial-senate-races-n2533718
– The mailers – professionally designed and mailed from New Jersey – target Ayotte for saying that she wouldn't vote for GOP presidential … Louis printing company, which has been used by many Democratic campaigns in the state this cycle. … Democratic efforts to retake the Senate. …
SENATE LATEST: GOP Leads in Key Races, Exactly Tied in Others
– The best news for Democrats in Nevada is that it's gone blue in presidential elections since 2008, and the Harry Reid/organized labor … machine has been known to help pull candidates across the finish line, even after trailing slightly in public polling.   … The best news for Republicans in Arizona could be the early voting totals, in which Republican ballots are outpacing Democratic ballots…
Will Blue States Go for Trumponomics?
– Connecticut has supported Democratic presidential candidates for a quarter century, and gave Hillary Clinton a comfortable margin in … voters began electing more Republicans to the state legislature, giving them half the seats in the upper house and paring the Democratic
Trump Campaign Blitz Will End With The GOP Winning Big
– During the 1992 presidential election, Candidate Bill Clinton asked advisor James Carville about the most important campaign issue. … Trump and the GOP candidates will emphasize a simple question, “Are you better or worse off today than you were two years ago?”   … Voting Democratic is voting to bring the swamp back. By election day, undecided voters will vote heavily Republican.  …
NBC Journalist: Stop With the False Equivalencies. It's 'Plain as Day' That Republicans Are Just Worse.…s--its-clear-as-day-that-republicans-are-just-worse-n2532966
– CNBC journalist John Harwood, who presided over the most aggressively biased moderation of a presidential primary debate I've ever … A high-profile Democratic member of Congress has directly advocated this approach to 'discourse.'   … Democratic candidates this cycle have run countless ads repeating a claim that's been knocked down as misleading by fact-checkers because…
Obama to Campaign for Far Left Gov Candidate Andrew Gillum in Florida…em-socialist-gov-candidate-andrew-gillum-in-florida-n2532943
– Former president Barack Obama is headed to Florida this week to campaign Friday on behalf of two candidates, incumbent Sen. … He also recently backed far-left Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for New York’s 14th District. … Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has campaigned for Gillum as well but has done so quietly at private fundraisers…
Democrats May Have Untied Trump’s Hands on Pharma
– wisdom coming out of the 2018 midterm elections is that President Trump is likely to be aggressively “checked” by the incoming Democratic … Nor are they fans of his – the industry donated more to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign than to all other candidates. … Certainly, concerns over healthcare were what kept otherwise deeply embattled Democratic senators such as Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Jon…
Persuasion, Power and Fraud
– In a free democratic republic, public policy should be a matter of persuasion. … On Election Day, voters presumably would elect the candidates who have made the most persuasive case. … Barack Obama's two terms as president and the 2018 midterm "victories" notwithstanding, the Democratic Party has been having diminishing…
Trump Realigns the Political Map
– Trump’s rallies in Missouri, Indiana, and North Dakota delivered resounding victories to Republican Senate candidates, in defiance … Trump also carried congressional candidates to victory in battleground regions of Southern Illinois and Minnesota. … Republicans would have done better in the House if more candidates had stood with him, as the Senate candidates did.…
As Dems Weigh Impeachment, GOP Leaders Regret Pursing Clinton…igh-impeachment-gop-leaders-regret-pursuing-clinton-n2535893
– Today, there is one group that really wants impeachment, and that is Democratic voters. … Democratic candidates did not campaign on an elect-me-and-I'll-impeach-the-president platform. … Democratic strategists warned candidates against using the I-word, suggesting they instead pledge to serve as a "check and balance"…
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