Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Election a Choice Between Rule-changing and Respect for Constitutional Norms…n-rulechanging-and-respect-for-constitutional-norms-n2578935
– The Democratic and Republican candidates barnstorm the nation to make their cases. Not this year. … The left bragged that their "Blue Wall" lock on solidly Democratic, union-heavy Midwestern states had ensured Barack Obama two presidential … Almost no Democratic-appointed justices turned traditional and conservative.…
If You Don’t Vote For Trump, You Ain’t Pro-Black
– Ice Cube’s independence scares the Democratic Party for several reasons: One, he has a huge following. … Democratic intimidation tactics haven’t changed much since Reconstruction and the Jim (Dem) Crow South era. … Let’s quickly examine the records of the two presidential candidates. Joe Biden’s record on racial issues is abysmal.…
Trump Versus Biden: Pennsylvania and Ohio
candidates: Bush won Ohio in both 2000 and 2004. … There have been Republican presidential candidates who won Ohio while losing the election. Fremont did it in 1856. … But then Taft lost Wisconsin in 1912 to Democratic New Jersey Gov.…
Even MSNBC Called Out Lincoln Project Co-Founder for Claiming a Trump 'Coup' Is Underway…ject-cofounder-for-claiming-trumps-coup-is-underway-n2579958
– Project co-founder Steve Schmidt claiming President Trump is already implementing a coup while he is refusing to concede the presidential … "In every other year in the modern history of the country, the losing presidential candidate would have called, would have conceded … candidates, according to the Washington Free Beacon.…
Democrats Encourage Supporters to Relocate to Georgia to Vote for Ossoff and Warnock in Runoff Elections
– As the pair of runoff elections in Georgia kick off, Democrats are asking supporters to do more than just campaign for Senate candidates … The trend began with former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang: There isn’t much time. … candidates have ever been elected to any office.…
Raphael Warnock Dodges Question on Court Packing As Georgia Runoff Election Heats up
– The idea of expanding the size of the Supreme Court previously existed on the far-left fringe of the Democratic party, but now is gaining … Over the weekend, after the presidential election was called for President-Elect Joe Biden, Sen. … Schumer’s hand-picked candidates refuse to give a firm stance on the idea of packing the court, as it remains vastly unpopular with…
The Red Wave No One Saw Coming
– And all that boasting and bragging about Democratic prospects of winning the Texas state House fell flat. … In addition, Hispanic and black voters voted for center-right candidates in record numbers. Why? Ask them. … Within hours of voting results rolling in, elites watched in horror as Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden did not win in a landslide…
Ground Zero: Georgia, Georgia, Georgia
– Now that former Vice President Joe Biden has been projected as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, the eyes of the political … So the only check on total Democratic power in DC would be a Republican-controlled Senate.   … Handing the keys to the car entirely over to the Democratic Party will not achieve any of that.  …
WATCH: CNN's Van Jones Sobs Uncontrollably While Race Huckstering About the Election…ke-a-baby-while-race-huckstering-over-trumps-defeat-n2579671
– Not because the presidential election was four days ago, but because of all the questionable rule changes in Democratic swing states … The Dems just gave us riots, fake news, suppression polls, and censorship to help their candidates win.…
Analysis: The 'Blue Wave' That Wasn't
– While it appears likely that Joe Biden will win the presidential election, the 'blue wave' expected by many pundits and liberals simply … At the presidential level, Trump is poised to crack 70 million votes won.   … Some of the state-level wreckage extended to Democratic leaders in very Democratic places: Democratic House Speakers in deep blue Rhode…
Pennsylvania Certifies Presidential Results for Joe Biden
– The Certificate of Ascertainment included the following vote totals: Electors for Democratic Party candidates Joseph R. … Harris – 3,458,229Electors for Republican Party candidates Donald J. Trump and Michael R. … Pence – 3,377,674Electors for Libertarian Party candidates Jo Jorgensen and Jeremy Spike Cohen – 79,380BREAKING.…
Bernie Sanders Bolsters GOP Argument About What's at Stake in Georgia Runoffs
– The self-proclaimed socialist lawmaker and former presidential contender said that the two Democratic candidates will help the caucus…
More Like 1876 Than 2000
– In both elections, both candidates declared themselves to be the real winner, insisting their party was the one defending democracy … But, to stir mischief, Oregon’s Democratic Gov. … This simply reflects a more litigious era today rather than any democratic or constitutional norm.…
Trump's Spike in Support in Hispanic-Dominated Border Counties in Texas Is Due to These Three Issues…in-hispanic-support-in-texas-drop-the-woke-nonsense-n2580195
– The rest of the GOP candidates held firm. In the House, Democrats were expected to pick up 10-15 seats. … (via Wall Street Journal): For decades, no Democratic presidential candidate had won Starr County with less than a 48-point margin … And only a ‘woke’ individual would gloss over the loss of Democratic support here.…
Don't Get Too Excited About Those Georgia Runoffs, Democrats…t-too-excited-about-those-georgia-runoffs-democrats-n2580169
– intensity patterns, the respective narratives of each party, and the traditional red tint of the state, in spite of the provisional presidential … chances in these races: To repeat Biden’s feat in a pair of Senate runoffs on Jan. 5, with control of the Senate on the line, the Democratic … One of their Senate candidates, Jon Ossoff, would have to make up the nearly 90,000 votes he ran behind the GOP incumbent on Nov. 3…
President Trump Has Changed the Future of the GOP…nstrumpism-is-here-to-stay-and-im-a-proud-supporter-n2580208
– After two loser candidates, it was time for a change. Trump hit on immigration from the get-go and shot off from there. … It was because a bunch of white dudes voted Democratic, which has to drive this group insane. … Trump allowed these candidates to clinch some solid wins down ticket. The old Right is dead.…
As Georgia Decides the Fate of the Republic, Democrats Play the Joe Manchin Card…of-the-republic-democrats-play-the-joe-manchin-card-n2580135
– As if 2020 couldn’t get any crazier, we now get to follow up the most contentious presidential election in American history with a … having to fend off Democratic challenges in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Iowa, Ohio, and Florida. … received more votes than their Democratic rivals while Trump arguably lost the state.…
Biden Emerges from the Bunker to Make Key VP Announcement
– And yes, to no one’s surprise, some of these questions were a joke regarding a presidential candidate. … It’s why Biden is able to spew nonsense like Trump overreaching with his presidential authority. … Joe Biden accuses Trump of overusing presidential authority?…
Let the President Do His Part and the Let the Church Do Its Part…dent-do-his-part-and-the-let-the-church-do-its-part-n2573275
– I have the privilege of casting a vote for a presidential candidate every four years, so I evaluate who will best represent the issues … rather see Trump in the White House than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden or Andrew Cuomo or any of the other major Democraticcandidates.…
Hysteria Over Trump Accepting Election Results Upended by History of Democrats Not Accepting Election Results…history-of-democrats-not-accepting-election-results-n2572785
– White House press pool, Wallace asked the president a seemingly ridiculous question: would he accept the results of the 2020 presidential … Indeed, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate did express horror at Trump's remark that he would only accept the result of the … Clinton's remarks and refusal to accept the results of her election were echoed by candidates in the 2018 election cycle as well.…
It Turns Out CDC Employees Are Bankrolling Dems…which-politicians-and-pacs-cdc-employees-donated-to-n2572728
– Since 2005, more than 550 employees for the agency donated more than $285,000 to the Democratic Party and their candidates, the Daily … Other popular candidates and committees included Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders' 2020 presidential campaign … , Elizabeth Warren's 2020 presidential campaign and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.…
Straight Fire: Collins Blasts 'False, Sexist, Insulting' Attacks from Dem Group Run By Ex-Republicans…attacks-from-democratic-group-run-by-exrepublicans-n2573913
– It's a Democratic group, promoting Democratic candidates, in order to install Democratic majorities who will pursue and implement a … Democratic policy agenda.They give away the game by lobbing such ridiculous broadsides at Collins, who is literally the most bipartisan … I've tried to stay out of presidential politics so that I can concentrate on my own race. But I'll tell you this.…
Biden's Game Plan: Take No Risks and Run Out the Clock
– The first is his choice of a vice presidential nominee, which Biden has promised will be a woman. … George McGovern's campaign failed in its due diligence on his vice presidential choice, and McGovern was forced to drop Sen. … A second hurdle for Biden is his speech accepting the Democratic nomination.…
Oops! Poll Workers at Nine Arizona Voting Sites Forgot to Deliver Results
– Arizona’s primary election was Tuesday, but voters and candidates still don’t know the results in some of the most contentious races … The results of a Congressional Democratic primary in New York City were finally announced on Tuesday—six weeks after polls closed. … With a presidential election on the horizon, incidents such as those in Arizona and New York City should serve as a warning to voters…
Redmentum: Top Revolutionary Communist Endorses Joe Biden for President
– To be clear, this means not a “protest vote” for some candidate who has no chance of winning, but actually voting for the Democratic … Both of these parties are ruling class political parties, and none of their candidates represent anything “good” in the most basic … Imagine Avakian's struggle session over bestowing this endorsement just after one of Biden's vice presidential short-listers publicly…
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